Susannah Reed Poland


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Education/Work Background

I graduated from Stanford University in 2012 with a B.A. in anthropology. My thesis focused on processes of meaning-making around beadwork that was used in colonial East Africa and collected into European ethnographic museums. I conducted fieldwork amongst the Chagga of present-day Tanzania, and archival research in the British Museum.

After graduating I worked as a researcher in the curatorial department of the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art for exhibitions exploring contemporary African feminisms. I left the museum to work as an ethnographer on Mount Everest, Nepal, studying decision-making in extreme environments and ethical reflexivity in situations of mortal risk. I shifted back to the US and spent the next 4 years designing and directing global student programs with experiential and interdisciplinary curricula, partnering with schools and companies including National Geographic and the Smithsonian Institute.

Between 2018 and 2021 I worked in Bhutan as an education researcher for an education initiative under the royal secretariat. We developed and began implementation of a holistic public education system that is grounded in Buddhist values and pedagogies. After 3 years in Bhutan I moved to Missoula, Montana, where I currently live. For the past year I have been working for the Tang Institute at Phillips Academy in Andover, overseeing an action research program and the development of an ethics pedagogy for high school computer science courses.

In September I’ll be a full-time student on campus, and I hope to meet all of you who are on campus!

R experience

I have zero experience with R!

Research interests

My interests cluster around religiosity, education, and human social development. I love working with teachers, studying processes for organizational and community change, and I continuously reflect on the cultural and social systems that promote ethical reflexivity. I have deep experience working in Bhutan, and to a lesser extent in Nepal, France, and Tanzania. On projects I often focus on creating dynamic processes for learning and design, reflect through analytical writing, and focus on issues of alignment between strategy and values.


Newfane, Vermont, and Andover, Massachusetts.


I sing much, and love cooking for groups. I study early Buddhism and have practiced Theravadan meditation intensively for about a decade. I also engage with Quaker groups in my community and support refugee and indigenous land rights activism in Montana.

Fun fact

I am a tahini fanatic and am planning to start importing double-roasted Turkish tahini with a Turkish economist friend. (If she thinks it’s a sensible idea, I’m in!)