::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) knitr
Challenge 5 Solutions
Challenge Overview
Today’s challenge is to:
- read in a data set, and describe the data set using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
- tidy data (as needed, including sanity checks)
- mutate variables as needed (including sanity checks)
- create at least two univariate visualizations
- try to make them “publication” ready
- Explain why you choose the specific graph type
- Create at least one bivariate visualization
- try to make them “publication” ready
- Explain why you choose the specific graph type
R Graph Gallery is a good starting point for thinking about what information is conveyed in standard graph types, and includes example R code.
(be sure to only include the category tags for the data you use!)
Read in data
Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.
- cereal.csv ⭐
- Total_cost_for_top_15_pathogens_2018.xlsx ⭐
- Australian Marriage ⭐⭐
- AB_NYC_2019.csv ⭐⭐⭐
- StateCounty2012.xls ⭐⭐⭐
- Public School Characteristics ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- USA Households ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
::: {.cell}
```{.r .cell-code}
AB_NYC_2019 <-read_csv("_data/AB_NYC_2019.csv")
::: {.cell}
```{.r .cell-code}
Error in contrib.url(repos, "source"): trying to use CRAN without setting a mirror
Briefly describe the data
The data pertains to key indicators for AirBnB homes. There are short descriptions including type of home, location, and price per evening. There is also data about the number of customer reviews the unit has had, as well data about availability (365 days a year or less) and host name. The mean minimum cost is around $1284 while the average stay length required is 7 or a week. The homes are most frequently located in Manhattan, followed by Brooklyn , Queens, Bronx and Staten Island. The most common type of home being rented is an entire home/apartment, followed by private rooms and shared rooms.
Tidy Data (as needed)
Is your data already tidy, or is there work to be done? Be sure to anticipate your end result to provide a sanity check, and document your work here.
#Answer The data is already tidy, but for practical accounting ease, I will calculate the total minimum cost per stay using the mutate variable.
Are there any variables that require mutation to be usable in your analysis stream? For example, do you need to calculate new values in order to graph them? Can string values be represented numerically? Do you need to turn any variables into factors and reorder for ease of graphics and visualization?
See above
Document your work here.
install.packages("dplyr") # alternative installation of the %>
library(dplyr) # alternatively, this also loads %>%
airbnb_NYC mutate(`minimum_cost`= `price`*`minimum_nights`)
# A tibble: 48,895 x 17
id name host_id host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood latitude
<dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 2539 Clean & q~ 2787 John Brooklyn Kensington 40.6
2 2595 Skylit Mi~ 2845 Jennifer Manhattan Midtown 40.8
3 3647 THE VILLA~ 4632 Elisabeth Manhattan Harlem 40.8
4 3831 Cozy Enti~ 4869 LisaRoxa~ Brooklyn Clinton Hill 40.7
5 5022 Entire Ap~ 7192 Laura Manhattan East Harlem 40.8
6 5099 Large Coz~ 7322 Chris Manhattan Murray Hill 40.7
7 5121 BlissArts~ 7356 Garon Brooklyn Bedford-Stuy~ 40.7
8 5178 Large Fur~ 8967 Shunichi Manhattan Hell's Kitch~ 40.8
9 5203 Cozy Clea~ 7490 MaryEllen Manhattan Upper West S~ 40.8
10 5238 Cute & Co~ 7549 Ben Manhattan Chinatown 40.7
# i 48,885 more rows
# i 10 more variables: longitude <dbl>, room_type <chr>, price <dbl>,
# minimum_nights <dbl>, number_of_reviews <dbl>, last_review <date>,
# reviews_per_month <dbl>, calculated_host_listings_count <dbl>,
# availability_365 <dbl>, minimum_cost <dbl>
#next I'll find the mean minimum cost
[1] 1284.433
mean(airbnb_NYC$minimum_nights, na.rm=TRUE)
[1] 7.029962
Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island
1091 20104 21661 5666 373
Entire home/apt Private room Shared room
25409 22326 1160
## Univariate Visualizations
ggplot(airbnb_NYC, aes(x=`minimum_cost`)) +
geom_histogram(bins=60) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 7000)) +
ggtitle("Minimum Cost") +
labs(y = "Number of Apartments", x = "Minimum Cost Per Listing")
Error in print(vis1): object 'vis1' not found
<- ggplot(airbnb_NYC, aes(x=`price`, fill=`room_type`)) +
vis2 geom_bar(width=25) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 1000)) +
ggtitle("Price per Night by Room Type") +
labs(y = "Number of Apartments", x = "Cost per Night", fill = "Room Type")
## Bivariate Visualization(s)
<- ggplot(airbnb_NYC, aes(x=`minimum_nights`, y=`price`, color=`room_type`)) +
vis3 geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 500)) +
ggtitle("Price per Night Divided by Room Type") +
labs(y = "Cost Per Night", x = "Mimimum Nights", color = "Room Type")