Challenge 9 Submission

Creating a function

Matt Zambetti


July 4, 2023


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)


For Challenge 9, I created a function that would take in two variables from a data frame and create a histogram from it.

I have also added an example on how to use it.

plot_histogram <- function(df, varx, vary, title, xlabel, ylabel) {
  df %>%
    ggplot(aes(x={{varx}}, y={{vary}})) +
    geom_histogram(stat='identity') +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45)) +
    ggtitle(title) +
    labs(y = ylabel, x = xlabel)

cereal_tidy = read_csv("_data/cereal.csv")
# A tibble: 20 × 4
   Cereal                Sodium Sugar Type 
   <chr>                  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
 1 Frosted Mini Wheats        0    11 A    
 2 Raisin Bran              340    18 A    
 3 All Bran                  70     5 A    
 4 Apple Jacks              140    14 C    
 5 Captain Crunch           200    12 C    
 6 Cheerios                 180     1 C    
 7 Cinnamon Toast Crunch    210    10 C    
 8 Crackling Oat Bran       150    16 A    
 9 Fiber One                100     0 A    
10 Frosted Flakes           130    12 C    
11 Froot Loops              140    14 C    
12 Honey Bunches of Oats    180     7 A    
13 Honey Nut Cheerios       190     9 C    
14 Life                     160     6 C    
15 Rice Krispies            290     3 C    
16 Honey Smacks              50    15 A    
17 Special K                220     4 A    
18 Wheaties                 180     4 A    
19 Corn Flakes              200     3 A    
20 Honeycomb                210    11 C    
plot_histogram(cereal_tidy, Cereal, Sugar, 'Sugar per Brand of Cereal', 'Brand', 'Sugar')