::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE) knitr
Gabrielle Roman
May 30, 2023
Today’s challenge is to:
Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.
# A tibble: 527 × 31
id xspanish complete_status ppage ppeduc5 ppeducat ppgender ppethm
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 7230001 English qualified 68 "High school… High sc… Female White…
2 7230002 English qualified 85 "Bachelor\x9… Bachelo… Male White…
3 7230003 English qualified 69 "High school… High sc… Male White…
4 7230004 English qualified 74 "Bachelor\x9… Bachelo… Female White…
5 7230005 English qualified 77 "High school… High sc… Male White…
6 7230006 English qualified 70 "Bachelor\x9… Bachelo… Male White…
7 7230007 English qualified 26 "Master\x92s… Bachelo… Male Other…
8 7230008 English qualified 76 "Bachelor\x9… Bachelo… Male Black…
9 7230009 English qualified 78 "Bachelor\x9… Bachelo… Female White…
10 7230010 English qualified 47 "Master\x92s… Bachelo… Male Other…
# ℹ 517 more rows
# ℹ 23 more variables: pphhsize <chr>, ppinc7 <chr>, ppmarit5 <chr>,
# ppmsacat <chr>, ppreg4 <chr>, pprent <chr>, ppstaten <chr>, PPWORKA <chr>,
# ppemploy <chr>, Q1_a <chr>, Q1_b <chr>, Q1_c <chr>, Q1_d <chr>, Q1_e <chr>,
# Q1_f <chr>, Q2 <chr>, Q3 <chr>, Q4 <chr>, Q5 <chr>, QPID <chr>,
# ABCAGE <chr>, Contact <chr>, weights_pid <dbl>
This data set appears to provide demographic information and answers from a group of participants who completed a poll. Judging by the number of rows, there were 527 participants and 31 columns classifying the participants by variables such as gender, education level, work status, and race.
Is your data already tidy, or is there work to be done? Be sure to anticipate your end result to provide a sanity check, and document your work here.
[1] "Q1_a" "Q1_b" "Q1_c" "Q1_d" "Q1_e" "Q1_f" "Q2" "Q3" "Q4" "Q5"
[11] "QPID"
[1] "ppage" "ppeduc5" "ppeducat" "ppgender" "ppethm" "pphhsize"
[7] "ppinc7" "ppmarit5" "ppmsacat" "ppreg4" "pprent" "ppstaten"
[13] "PPWORKA" "ppemploy"
I will identify which variables constitute demographics; which are political answers, and which are demographic information.
Political answer demographics have “Q” in their heading, while demographic headers begin with “pp”.
Are there any variables that require mutation to be usable in your analysis stream? For example, are all time variables correctly coded as dates? Are all string variables reduced and cleaned to sensible categories? Do you need to turn any variables into factors and reorder for ease of graphics and visualization?
Variables worth adjusting are the “An” and “A” in the QPID column and the “Non-Hispanic” designation in the ppethm column.
2+ Races, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic
21 27 51
Other, Non-Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic
24 404
2+ Races Black Hispanic Other White
21 27 51 24 404
Democrat Independent Republican Skipped Something else
176 168 152 3 28
Any additional comments?
title: "Challenge 4 Instructions"
author: "Gabrielle Roman"
description: "More data wrangling: pivoting"
date: "5/30/2023"
toc: true
code-fold: true
code-copy: true
code-tools: true
- challenge_4
- abc_poll
- eggs
- fed_rates
- hotel_bookings
- debt
#| label: setup
#| warning: false
#| message: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
## Challenge Overview
Today's challenge is to:
1) read in a data set, and describe the data set using both words and any supporting information (e.g., tables, etc)
2) tidy data (as needed, including sanity checks)
3) identify variables that need to be mutated
4) mutate variables and sanity check all mutations
## Read in data
Read in one (or more) of the following datasets, using the correct R package and command.
- abc_poll.csv ⭐
- poultry_tidy.xlsx or organiceggpoultry.xls⭐⭐
- FedFundsRate.csv⭐⭐⭐
- hotel_bookings.csv⭐⭐⭐⭐
- debt_in_trillions.xlsx ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
abc_poll_2021 <- read_csv("_data/abc_poll_2021.csv")
### Briefly describe the data
This data set appears to provide demographic information and answers from a group of participants who completed a poll. Judging by the number of rows, there were 527 participants and 31 columns classifying the participants by variables such as gender, education level, work status, and race.
## Tidy Data (as needed)
Is your data already tidy, or is there work to be done? Be sure to anticipate your end result to provide a sanity check, and document your work here.
I will identify which variables constitute demographics; which are political answers, and which are demographic information.
Political answer demographics have "Q" in their heading, while demographic headers begin with "pp".
## Identify variables that need to be mutated
Are there any variables that require mutation to be usable in your analysis stream? For example, are all time variables correctly coded as dates? Are all string variables reduced and cleaned to sensible categories? Do you need to turn any variables into factors and reorder for ease of graphics and visualization?
Variables worth adjusting are the "An" and "A" in the QPID column and the "Non-Hispanic" designation in the ppethm column.
abc_poll <- abc_poll_2021%>%
mutate(ethnicity = str_remove(ppethm,", Non-Hispanic"))%>%
abc_poll_complete <- abc_poll%>%
mutate(party_affiliation = str_remove(QPID, "A[n]* "))%>%
#sanity check
Any additional comments?