Elitism of the Supreme Court: Liberals v. Conservatives

“After the feedback about this homework, I hopefully fixed my dataset. A tie now consists of a Justice and the school they attened and every school they have hired a clerk from. This solved my issue from before where there was limited connections.

My results were chaotic involving the entire history of Justices. I decided to focus on the current Justices on the Supreme Court. Further, I thought it would be interesting to split up and compare networks of conservative and liberal Justices(based on the party of the appointing president).”

Justin Burnworth

“Network graph for liberal Justices”

“Network graph for conservative Justices.”

“Leading Eigenvector Community Detection: Liberal”

[1] "Stephen Breyer"    "Boston University" "Boston College"   
[4] "Duke"              "Georgia"           "GW"               
[7] "North Carolina"    "Virginia"          "Yale"             

[1] "Elena Kagan"           "Kentaji Brown Jackson"
[3] "Berkeley"              "Harvard"              
[5] "Stanford"             

 [1] "Sonia Sotomayor" "Georgetown"      "Michigan"       
 [4] "NYU"             "UCLA"            "Brooklyn"       
 [7] "Hawaii"          "Cornell"         "Northwestern"   
[10] "Vanderbilt"      "Texas"          

[1] "Chicago"  "Columbia"

“Spinglass Community Detection: Liberal”

[1] "Kentaji Brown Jackson" "Harvard"              

[1] "Elena Kagan" "Berkeley"    "Chicago"     "Columbia"   
[5] "Georgetown"  "Michigan"    "Stanford"   

[1] "Sonia Sotomayor" "Duke"            "Yale"           
[4] "Brooklyn"        "Hawaii"          "Cornell"        
[7] "Northwestern"    "Vanderbilt"      "Texas"          

[1] "Stephen Breyer"    "Boston University" "Boston College"   
[4] "Georgia"           "GW"                "North Carolina"   
[7] "NYU"               "UCLA"              "Virginia"         

“Spinglass Community Detection: Conservative”

[1] "Samuel Alito" "BYU"          "Duke"         "Georgetown"  
[5] "Ohio State"   "Texas"        "UCLA"         "Vanderbilt"  

[1] "Neil Gorsuch"    "Brett Kavanaugh" "Chicago"        
[4] "Michigan"        "NYU"             "Yale"           
[7] "Cornell"         "Iowa"            "Mississippi"    

[1] "Clarence Thomas" "Columbia"        "Penn"           
[4] "Berkeley"        "Georgia"         "Catholic"       
[7] "Kansas"          "North Carolina"  "Seattle"        

[1] "John Roberts"      "Amy Coney Barrett" "Harvard"          
[4] "Stanford"          "Virginia"          "GW"               
[7] "Northwestern"      "Notre Dame"        "yale"             


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-NC 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

Burnworth (2022, April 3). Data Analytics and Computational Social Science: Elitism of the Supreme Court: Liberals v. Conservatives. Retrieved from https://github.com/DACSS/dacss_course_website/posts/httpsrpubscomburnworthj884412/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Burnworth, Justin},
  title = {Data Analytics and Computational Social Science: Elitism of the Supreme Court: Liberals v. Conservatives},
  url = {https://github.com/DACSS/dacss_course_website/posts/httpsrpubscomburnworthj884412/},
  year = {2022}