Betweenness in the Amici Network

Brokerage, betweenness, and other centrality measures

Santiago Virgüez
Amnesty Internation, an influential actor
Amnesty Internation, an influential actor

Recap affiliation and one-mode network

Let’s organize the data one more time. I’m gonna work again with the one-matrix (actorxactor). As you might remember, this one-mode matrix is a projection of the affiliation network (actorxcase), which means that the actors (the nodes) are tied by virtue of their participation in the same cases.

#Affiliation network data
data <- read.csv("Cleaned_Data.csv")
##New column count
data$count <- 1

##Gather the data at case level
lev_data <- pivot_wider(data,id_cols = CaseID, names_from = `Name`, 
                        values_from = count, values_fn = list(count = length), 
                        values_fill = list(count = 0))

##transpose lev_data to have amici grouped by case
T_lev_data <- transpose(lev_data,)
rownames(T_lev_data) <- colnames(lev_data)
colnames(T_lev_data) <- lev_data$CaseID
T_lev_data <- T_lev_data[-c(1),]

##create affiliation network graph using 'igraph'
Aff_network <- graph.incidence(T_lev_data)


#One-Mode matrix (actor x actor)

##extracting the one-mode projection <- bipartite.projection(Aff_network)

##Actor x actor adjacency matrix

amici_net <-$proj1

amici_ad <- graph.adjacency(get.adjacency(amici_net, sparse = FALSE,attr = "weight"))

Centrality measures by node (amici)

Let’s obtain the centrality measures by node in order to compare them with the betweenness scores:

#dataframe for the nodes + degree
amici.nodes<-data.frame(name=V(amici_ad)$name, degree=igraph::degree(amici_ad))
amici.nodes <- subset(amici.nodes, select = -name)

#eigenvector centrality

#bonacich power centrality
amici.nodes$bonpow <- power_centrality(amici_ad, exponent = 0.9)

#top 5 eigenvector centrality
                               degree     eigen     bonpow
Yale University                   192 1.0000000 -0.6392321
DEJUSTICIA                        218 0.9886959 -0.6535497
Center for Reproductive Rights    116 0.9051396 -0.5626440
UNAM                              134 0.8920983 -0.5961262
Loyola Law School                 114 0.8841434 -0.4763785

First, the eigenvector centrality is showing what actors are linked to other well connected actors. In terms of this network, the eigenvector centrality allow us to see what amici actors focus their participation on ‘popular’ cases, cases that atract interventions from well connected amici. We cannot say if their ‘strategic’ behavior is driven by the other participants (du to their popularity) or the impact of the substantive matter discussed in these cases.

On the other hand, the bonacich power centrality shows the actors that participated on the cases were no other people participated (therefore the actors with greater power of influence). All of these actrs has the same bonachich power score probably because they all filed a brief only once, for a case which wasn’t of interest for other actors:

#top 5 bonacich power centrality
                                                    degree eigen
International Legal Advisors Esq.                        2     0
Foundation for the Development of International Law      2     0
The International Commission of Jurists                  2     0
Catalina Martinez Coral                                  2     0
Fundacion Vida Solidaria                                 2     0
International Legal Advisors Esq.                   3.927038
Foundation for the Development of International Law 3.927038
The International Commission of Jurists             3.927038
Catalina Martinez Coral                             3.927038
Fundacion Vida Solidaria                            3.927038

Betwenness centrality and network constraint

In order to find the most influential actors in the amici network, it is is necessary to calculate both de closeness and betweenness centrality measures. The closeness centrality calculates the shortest paths between all nodes, then assigns each node a score based on its sum of shortest paths, this can help find good ‘broadcasters’. Meanwhile, betweenness centrality measures the number of times a node lies on the shortest path between other nodes, which can help us to find the actors who influence the flow around a system.

We might expect that international organizations and well-funded actors have a greater participation in the Inter-American system, with an influential role among local and less endowed actors.

#Closeness centrality
amici.nodes$close <- igraph::closeness(amici_ad)

                               degree     eigen     bonpow
Women's Link Worldwide             66 0.0933683 -0.6017687
Yale University                   192 1.0000000 -0.6392321
UNAM                              134 0.8920983 -0.5961262
Center for Reproductive Rights    116 0.9051396 -0.5626440
Interights                        110 0.8835159 -1.4061725
Women's Link Worldwide         2.049516e-05
Yale University                2.049138e-05
UNAM                           2.048509e-05
Center for Reproductive Rights 2.047251e-05
Interights                     2.047167e-05
#Betweenness centrality
amici.nodes$between<-igraph::betweenness(amici_ad, directed=FALSE)

                       degree       eigen     bonpow        close
Women's Link Worldwide     66 0.093368302 -0.6017687 2.049516e-05
CEJIL                     138 0.003024349 -0.6255743 2.045617e-05
Yale University           192 1.000000000 -0.6392321 2.049138e-05
Amnesty International      96 0.002862279 -0.7003592 2.044739e-05
UNAM                      134 0.892098273 -0.5961262 2.048509e-05
Women's Link Worldwide 14257.860
CEJIL                   9557.596
Yale University         8762.995
Amnesty International   8186.167
UNAM                    7470.614

As expected, international actors such as Amnesty International, Women’s Link Worldwide, and Interights are among the most influential actors. Likewise, although local, Yale University and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) are a good example of well-funded organization with enough capacity to influence the Inter-American system. Furthermore, CEJIL (Center for Justice and International Law) is precisely an organization aimed to contribute to the “full enjoyment of human rights in the Americas through the effective use of Inter-American System tools and other international human rights law protection mechanisms”.

As we can see, these centrality measures provide a better understanding of the most influential actors in the IAcHR network. Because this is a ‘undirected’ network, we cannot provide any measures of brockerage.


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Virgüez (2022, March 3). Data Analytics and Computational Social Science: Betweenness in the Amici Network. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Virgüez, Santiago},
  title = {Data Analytics and Computational Social Science: Betweenness in the Amici Network},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}