# A tibble: 255 × 5
From To Type Notes Generation
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Targaryen Stark Married R+L=J Current
2 Baratheon Martell Engaged died Current
3 Baratheon Stark Engaged broken Current
4 Martell Essos Married <NA> Current
5 Martell Reach Affair <NA> Current
6 Martell Essos Affair <NA> Current
7 Martell Essos Affair <NA> Current
8 Martell Septa Affair <NA> Current
9 Martell Dorne Affair <NA> Current
10 Martell Targaryen Married <NA> Current
# … with 245 more rows
Describe the Network Data
got_marriages.ig =graph_from_data_frame(got_marriages, directed =FALSE) #directed = false because with relationships, if a is married to b then b is also married to agot_marriages.ig
Now try a full dyad census. This gives us the number of dyads where the relationship is:
Reciprocal (mutual), or mut
Asymmetric (non-mutual), or asym, and
Absent, or null
Now use triad.census in order to do a triad census.
dyad_got =dyad.census(got_marriages.ig)dyad_got
[1] 60
[1] 0
[1] 130
triad_got =triad.census(got_marriages.ig)
Warning in triad.census(got_marriages.ig): At core/misc/motifs.c:1165 : Triad
census called on an undirected graph.
[1] 625 0 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 0 0 0 0 60
Global and Local Transitivity or Clustering
Compute global transitivity using transitivity on igraph or gtrans on statnet and local transitivity of specific nodes of your choice, in addition to the average clustering coefficient. What is the distribution of node degree and how does it compare with the distribution of local transitivity?
global_transitivity =transitivity(got_marriages.ig, type ='global')global_transitivity
avg_cluster_coef =transitivity(got_marriages.ig, type ='average')avg_cluster_coef
[1] 0.5478074
Path Length and Component Structure
Can you compute the average path length and the diameter of the network? Can you find the component structure of the network and identify the cluster membership of each node?
---title: "Week 2 Challenge - GOT Marriages - Census, Transitivity, etc"author: "Miranda Manka"description: "Describing the Basic Structure of a Network"date: "03/22/2023"format: html: toc: true code-fold: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - challenge_2 - Miranda Manka---```{r}#| label: setup#| include: false#| message: falselibrary(tidyverse)library(igraph)knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo =TRUE)```## Challenge Overview```{r}got_marriages =read_csv("_data/got/got_marriages.csv", show_col_types =FALSE)got_marriages```## Describe the Network Data```{r}got_marriages.ig =graph_from_data_frame(got_marriages, directed =FALSE) #directed = false because with relationships, if a is married to b then b is also married to agot_marriages.igvcount(got_marriages.ig)ecount(got_marriages.ig)is_bipartite(got_marriages.ig)is_directed(got_marriages.ig)is_weighted(got_marriages.ig)vertex_attr_names(got_marriages.ig)edge_attr_names(got_marriages.ig)table(got_marriages$Type)plot(got_marriages.ig)```## Dyad and Triad CensusNow try a full dyad census. This gives us the number of dyads where the relationship is:- Reciprocal (mutual), or `mut`- Asymmetric (non-mutual), or `asym`, and- Absent, or `null`Now use `triad.census` in order to do a triad census.```{r}dyad_got =dyad.census(got_marriages.ig)dyad_gottriad_got =triad.census(got_marriages.ig)triad_got```## Global and Local Transitivity or ClusteringCompute global transitivity using `transitivity` on `igraph` or `gtrans` on `statnet` and local transitivity of specific nodes of your choice, in addition to the average clustering coefficient. What is the distribution of node degree and how does it compare with the distribution of local transitivity?```{r}global_transitivity =transitivity(got_marriages.ig, type ='global')global_transitivityV(got_marriages.ig)$nameV(got_marriages.ig)[c("Targaryen", "Baratheon", "Martell")]local_transitivity =transitivity(got_marriages.ig, type="local", vids=V(got_marriages.ig)[c("Targaryen", "Baratheon", "Martell")]) local_transitivityavg_cluster_coef =transitivity(got_marriages.ig, type ='average')avg_cluster_coef```## Path Length and Component Structure Can you compute the average path length and the _diameter_ of the network? Can you find the component structure of the network and identify the cluster membership of each node?```{r}avg_path_length =average.path.length(got_marriages.ig, directed=F)avg_path_lengthnames(igraph::components(got_marriages.ig))no_compon = igraph::components(got_marriages.ig)$nono_componsize_compon = igraph::components(got_marriages.ig)$csizesize_compon```