Week 1 Challenge Submission

Loading Data and Creating a Network

Akhilesh Kumar


February 27, 2023

Challenge Overview

Today’s challenge is to

  1. read in a dataset, and

  2. create a network object

Load the Data

  • Use ‘read.csv’ to read got_like_dislike.csv’ file
  • Remove first columns to prepare Adjacency matrix
  • Convert Dataframe to matrix format
data = read.csv('_data\\got\\got_like_dislike.csv', header=TRUE)
data = data[,4:ncol(data)]
# Convert the data frame to matrix
adj_matrix <- as.matrix(data)

Create a Network

  • Load the package igraph and create an igraph object,
  • The network seem ‘undirected’ and ‘weighted’
  • Data is an adjacency matrix format.
  • ‘simplify’ is applied to remove multiple edges and combine their weights to represent the edges in a single line.
  • Nodes/ Vertexes have been color coded on the basis of total sum of likes and dislikes, where if:
    • total sum of likes and dislikes >0, vertex color is green
    • total sum of likes and dislikes <0, vertex color is red
    • total sum of likes and dislikes =0, vertex color is yellow
  • Edges between nodes have been color coded on the basis of like/ dislike value, where for a:
    • like, edge color is green
    • dislike, vertex color is red
    • Other, vertex color is yellow
# create a graph object from the adjacency matrix
graph.ig <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_matrix, mode = "undirected", diag = FALSE, weighted = TRUE)

# simplify the graph to remove multiple edges and combine their weights
graph.ig <- simplify(graph.ig, edge.attr.comb = "sum")

# add a small positive value to all edge weights to avoid layout errors
E(graph.ig)$weight <- E(graph.ig)$weight + 10

# specify color vectors based on likes/dislikes column for vertices and edges
color_vector <- ifelse(rowSums(adj_matrix, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, "green", ifelse(rowSums(adj_matrix, na.rm = TRUE) < 0, "red", "yellow"))
edge_color_vector <- ifelse(adj_matrix > 0, "green", ifelse(adj_matrix < 0, "red", "yellow"))

# plot the graph with adjusted parameters
     layout=layout_with_fr(graph.ig, weights = E(graph.ig)$weight), 
     vertex.label.color= 'black',
     vertex.frame.color = color_vector,
     vertex.color = color_vector,
     main="Game of Thrones Likes/Dislikes Graph")