Nayan Jani
Summary Stats

Nayan Jani


October 25, 2022


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

My Data

Using Youtube API, I was able to extract comments from a video titles “The Disgraces of World Cup Qatar 2022”. The Video is from Nov 13, 2021 and has 421,163 views and 1,862 comments. The reason that I chose this video is because it is the most interacted video on youtube that talks about some of the controversies that surround this years World Cup I Qatar. I realize that this video is not current but my goal does not include comparison of language and thoughts over a period of time. The Qatar World cup has been a controversy for years and the discussion leading up to it has not changed because of the possible human rights violations. The comments I have scraped are the top 100 mostv relevant comments and the top 100 most recent commmentts. This only leaves me with 200 comments to deal with. For now I will only keep it at 200 so that I can figure out my plan fro preprocessing but for my next blog post I will scrape more videos that discuss the controversies of the World Cup.

df_q<- read_csv("_data/comments_q.csv")
Warning: One or more parsing issues, call `problems()` on your data frame for details,
  dat <- vroom(...)
Rows: 99 Columns: 1
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): I’ll try to get the next video essay out in less than a month lol

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
df_q<- df_q %>% 
  rename(text = "I’ll try to get the next video essay out in less than a month lol")

df_qRev<- read_csv("_data/comments_q.csv")
Warning: One or more parsing issues, call `problems()` on your data frame for details,
  dat <- vroom(...)
Rows: 99 Columns: 1
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): I’ll try to get the next video essay out in less than a month lol

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
df_qRev<- df_qRev %>% 
  rename(text = "I’ll try to get the next video essay out in less than a month lol")

df_qFull <- rbind(df_q,df_qRev)

df_qFull_new <- df_qFull %>%
  select(text) %>% 
  mutate(text = str_remove_all(text,"39"))

df_qFull_new <- df_qFull_new %>% 
  select(text) %>% 
  mutate(text = str_remove_all(text,"<")) %>% 
  mutate(text = str_remove_all(text,">"))

corpus_qFull <- corpus(df_qFull_new)

corpus_sum <- summary(corpus_qFull)

qatar_tokens <- tokens(corpus_qFull,
    remove_numbers = T,
    remove_punct = T,
    remove_symbols = T)

Key Questions

My Goal is to:

  • Find the overall Sentiment of the comments (Positive and Negative, Other emotions)

  • What is the main focus in the comments (what topic is most important to the people in the comments)

  • Based on the most important topics and the sentiment of those comments, are those comments classified correctly as
    positive or negative? If yes, are those comments “socially correct”? (logical/acceptable POV vs Stereotyped/Stigmatized POV)


qatar_tokens <-tokens_tolower(qatar_tokens)
qatar_tokens <- tokens_select(qatar_tokens, 
                              pattern = c(stopwords("en"),"[a-z]","t","m","=","ve","don","s"),
                              selection = "remove")

qatar_dfm <- dfm(qatar_tokens)

       qatar        world          cup         like      country         quot 
          60           58           44           38           32           28 
   countries      workers         just         fifa          can           go 
          24           24           24           24           22           18 
        know        lgbtq         laws     football    something         hate 
          18           16           16           16           16           16 
        work       people         make          one      slavery        video 
          16           16           14           14           14           14 
        west     stadiums        think        human       really      western 
          14           12           12           12           12           12 
         get       middle         even          god   government         well 
          12           12           12           12           12           10 
    religion       rights        money        thing         want         said 
          10           10           10           10           10           10 
      hosted         made         arab         east          say         time 
          10           10           10           10           10           10 
        also         life         href      support         used      someone 
          10           10           10           10            8            8 
       going         love   corruption      corrupt       russia           us 
           8            8            8            8            8            8 
        back        watch         died       worker         much         true 
           8            8            8            8            8            8 
       still       humans      migrant        saudi       forgot      stadium 
           8            8            8            8            6            6 
        give          gay        place      respect           wc       deaths 
           6            6            6            6            6            6 
    anything        arabs     watching         huge construction     building 
           6            6            6            6            6            6 
        care        cause          etc        slave       labour      believe 
           6            6            6            6            6            6 
        good         home       making         lgbt        islam         stop 
           6            6            6            6            6            6 
        hope         talk       though         lmao 
           6            6            6            6 
qatar_dfm_tfidf <- dfm_tfidf(qatar_dfm)

      quot      world      qatar       like        cup    country       work 
  36.30663   35.69459   34.83971   31.14267   30.56263   27.18423   24.29622 
government    workers       fifa  countries       just        can       laws 
  23.94762   23.89524   22.90182   21.99489   21.99489   21.90397   20.74664 
      know         go      lgbtq   football  something       hate     people 
  20.70967   19.66581   19.47974   19.47974   18.40859   18.40859   18.40859 
   slavery      video       west       make        one     really       even 
  18.15331   18.15331   18.15331   17.04478   17.04478   15.55998   15.55998 
       god      think      human    western        get   religion       life 
  15.55998   15.55998   15.55998   15.55998   15.55998   15.18514   15.18514 
      href   stadiums     middle     rights       said     hosted       made 
  15.18514   14.60981   14.60981   13.93575   13.93575   13.93575   13.93575 
      time      still       well      money      thing       want       arab 
  13.93575   13.55684   12.96665   12.96665   12.96665   12.96665   12.96665 
      east        say       also    support       true     humans 
  12.96665   12.96665   12.96665   12.96665   12.14811   12.14811 

The words that stand out to me the most from the TFIDF are workers, rights, human, good, great, migrant, laws and hate an corruption. All of these words fall within the top 55 features of the TFIDF. Based off these findings within a small scope, I can infer that one major topic in these comments is the discussion of have migrant workers have been treated in the build up to the Qatar world Cup.

word Cloud

Document-feature matrix of: 6 documents, 912 features (98.37% sparse) and 0 docvars.
docs    bullshit lgbtq rule perfect homophobic start everywhere disgrace forgot
  text1        1     1    1       1          1     1          1        0      0
  text2        0     0    0       0          0     0          0        1      1
  text3        0     0    0       0          0     0          0        0      0
  text4        0     0    0       0          0     0          0        0      0
  text5        0     0    0       0          0     0          0        0      0
  text6        0     0    0       0          0     0          0        0      0
docs    microsoft
  text1         0
  text2         1
  text3         0
  text4         0
  text5         0
  text6         0
[ reached max_nfeat ... 902 more features ]

textplot_wordcloud(qatar_dfm, min_count = 10, random_order = FALSE)

This show a visual of the frequency of the terms in the dfm.

Zipf’s Law

word_counts <-,dec=T))
colnames(word_counts) <- c("Frequency")
word_counts$Rank <- c(1:ncol(qatar_dfm))
        Frequency Rank
qatar          60    1
world          58    2
cup            44    3
like           38    4
country        32    5
quot           28    6
ggplot(word_counts, mapping = aes(x = Rank, y = Frequency)) + 
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Zipf's Law", x = "Rank", y = "Frequency") + 

Looking at my distribution of words it seems like 8 terms in mt DFM appear way more frequently than the rest of the terms. Byadding more data I belive this will smooth out.

Feature Co-occurrence matrix

q_fcm <- fcm(qatar_dfm)

# keep only top features.
small_fcm <- fcm_select(q_fcm, pattern = names(topfeatures(q_fcm, 50)), selection = "keep")

# compute weights.
size <- log(colSums(small_fcm))

# create network.
textplot_network(small_fcm, vertex_size = size / max(size) * 4)

The features that pop out the most from the Feature Co-occurrence matrix are conditions, workers and pay due to the size of their point and location within the Semantic Network. The grouping of words job,pay,companies,workers,system and conditions suggests that there is a thematic similarity between them. This could imply a topic that includes these words.

Next Post

For my next post I will add more data to my corpus and begin dictionary analysis.