blog posts

Miranda Manka


October 1, 2022


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)

Between the first blog post and this second blog post, I decided to change my topic. I am now looking at article posts on a site called arlnow (local news/articles for Arlington, VA). I want to look at posts about covid and compare both the language used (for example the change in word usage over time from coronavirus to covid) and the content of the posts that mention covid (for example are schools mentioned more, or restaurants, etc). I also want to look at the sentiment of the posts and what is changing over time. This may still change as the methods I learn in the class progress if I want to change direction or to something more specific.

For this I webscraped the arlnow site. I got articles that date from now back to mid-March 2020 by searching on the site for “covid”. I may do this for more terms in the future depending on my analysis needs/research question progression. This gave me 550 articles and I have the title, author, time/date, and text from the posts. Figuring out this code chunk took way longer than I expected but I haven’t done much with web scraping before so figuring out how to get exactly what I wanted from the site using the css selectors was difficult and time consuming but I got it.


df = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 0))

for (i in 1:50){
  full_url = paste("", i, "/?s=covid", sep = "")
  tryCatch({website = read_html(full_url)}, error = function(e) {break})
  value1 = html_elements(website, ".c-card--post")
  for (posty in value1) {
    post_and_header = html_elements(posty, "article")
    header = html_elements(post_and_header, "header")
    post_content = html_elements(post_and_header, ".c-post__content")
    title_and_author = html_elements(header, "a")
    header_text = html_text(title_and_author[1])
    author_text = html_text(title_and_author[2])
    time_tag = html_attr(html_elements(header, "time"), "datetime")
    raw_text = html_text(html_elements(post_content, "p"))
    raw_text = toString(raw_text)
    df[nrow(df)+1, ] = c(header_text, author_text, time_tag, raw_text)

colnames(df) = c("header_text", "author_text", "time_tag", "raw_text")

write.csv(df, "./arlnow_covid_posts.csv", row.names = TRUE)

Here I am just reading in the data from the csv I created and dropping the extra column that was created in the write.csv and renaming a column.

arlnow_covid = read_csv("_data/arlnow_covid_posts.csv", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
arlnow_covid = subset(arlnow_covid, select = -c(1))
arlnow_covid = rename(arlnow_covid, text_field = raw_text)

I wasn’t sure exactly what to do yet so I started with making a corpus and looking at the summary and tokens. Then I looked a little into to appearance of some words like “school”, “vaccine”, and “restaurant” because I thought those might be interesting to examine later.

arlnow_covid_corpus = corpus(arlnow_covid, docid_field = "doc_id", text_field = "text_field")
Corpus consisting of 550 documents and 3 docvars.
text1 :
"A few hundred parents say Arlington Public Schools should pr..."

text2 :
"(Updated at 9:50 a.m.) Covid cases have held relatively stea..."

text3 :
"Arlington has resumed its Covid vaccination effort after rec..."

text4 :
"Arlington County and the rest of the immediate D.C. area is ..."

text5 :
"Arlington Public Schools will follow mostly the same Covid p..."

text6 :
"The rate of reported Covid cases continues to slowly fall in..."

[ reached max_ndoc ... 544 more documents ]
arlnow_covid_summary = summary(arlnow_covid_corpus, n = Inf)
Corpus consisting of 550 documents, showing 550 documents:

    Text Types Tokens Sentences
   text1   276    581        10
   text2   244    497        14
   text3   237    538        12
   text4   227    431        11
   text5   335    753        16
   text6   287    633        12
   text7   228    437         9
   text8   330    662        13
   text9   144    226         5
  text10   144    249         5
  text11   224    435         8
  text12   112    185         3
  text13   209    433        13
  text14   278    569        13
  text15   264    523        12
  text16   352    778        16
  text17   298    611        13
  text18   310    692        12
  text19   328    659        11
  text20   214    413        10
  text21   204    378         5
  text22   309    603         8
  text23   301    630        19
  text24   316    706        15
  text25   327    749        14
  text26   215    473        11
  text27   349    768        12
  text28   287    626        12
  text29   248    447         9
  text30   190    333         7
  text31   276    580        16
  text32   236    494         8
  text33   231    456         5
  text34   162    310         6
  text35   358    762        11
  text36   206    410         9
  text37   123    223         3
  text38   242    508         9
  text39   301    619        11
  text40   181    308         7
  text41   216    400         6
  text42   379    857        22
  text43   220    427         7
  text44   169    302         4
  text45   260    543        12
  text46   305    670        17
  text47   383    857        21
  text48   253    516         8
  text49   128    213         3
  text50   212    427         7
  text51   461   1079        20
  text52   470   1076        22
  text53   273    520         9
  text54   256    518        10
  text55   228    463        10
  text56   111    181         3
  text57   252    485        15
  text58   266    520         5
  text59   311    694        18
  text60   132    232         3
  text61   310    614        10
  text62   178    333         6
  text63   145    300         5
  text64   131    224         5
  text65   283    610        19
  text66   167    290         4
  text67   173    301         4
  text68   175    298         5
  text69   355    807        18
  text70   194    332         5
  text71   215    393         8
  text72   131    285         4
  text73   196    351         6
  text74   320    677        11
  text75   188    342         6
  text76   351    705         9
  text77   309    591        15
  text78   195    340         5
  text79   225    453        11
  text80   217    421         8
  text81   137    269         6
  text82   300    548        15
  text83   148    290         7
  text84   233    461        13
  text85   321    704         7
  text86   310    610        12
  text87   228    439         5
  text88   204    360         7
  text89   176    329         6
  text90   194    343         7
  text91   322    679        21
  text92   205    402         8
  text93   253    519        13
  text94   145    280         4
  text95   306    629        14
  text96   349    786        13
  text97   237    417         9
  text98   334    692        12
  text99   206    472         6
 text100   269    555        13
 text101   400    873        28
 text102   135    210         6
 text103   153    253         3
 text104   347    752        13
 text105   290    545        14
 text106   325    683        23
 text107   231    455         5
 text108   297    638         8
 text109   320    724        18
 text110   200    401         5
 text111   242    492         9
 text112   216    438         7
 text113   186    370         7
 text114   272    554        15
 text115   399    766        22
 text116   267    476        12
 text117   261    512        14
 text118   334    651        16
 text119   156    292         7
 text120   292    511        17
 text121   157    326         4
 text122   396    891        13
 text123   155    291         4
 text124   500    992        27
 text125   432    852        26
 text126   165    282         7
 text127   361    800        15
 text128   380    790        30
 text129   163    272         9
 text130   116    189         3
 text131   416   1075        24
 text132   205    401         7
 text133   264    533        12
 text134   273    684        17
 text135   249    448         9
 text136   248    587        14
 text137   287    660        10
 text138   250    495         9
 text139   389    875        22
 text140   322    571        18
 text141   241    540        14
 text142   175    351         6
 text143   441    950        23
 text144   236    389        10
 text145   109    195         3
 text146   333    655        15
 text147   180    344         9
 text148   246    519        11
 text149   155    256         7
 text150   205    378        10
 text151   191    316         3
 text152   294    583        11
 text153   329    613        14
 text154   296    585        14
 text155   382    852        25
 text156   390    757        16
 text157    84    153         5
 text158   103    176         4
 text159   372    792        23
 text160   198    398        11
 text161   275    596        11
 text162   351    743        10
 text163   170    293         7
 text164   124    199         3
 text165   145    274         5
 text166    78    111         3
 text167   231    411        12
 text168   288    500        20
 text169   185    332         6
 text170   184    401         9
 text171   375    674        27
 text172   350    784        17
 text173   365    811        14
 text174   298    701        13
 text175   306    532        19
 text176   278    658        14
 text177   350    788        18
 text178   268    455        21
 text179   192    348        14
 text180   194    346         7
 text181   230    437        10
 text182   218    388        11
 text183   281    580        10
 text184   195    337         5
 text185   272    630        10
 text186   273    638         8
 text187   240    519        11
 text188   292    587        22
 text189   219    385        16
 text190   407    803        35
 text191   321    812        12
 text192   327    713        15
 text193   353    764        19
 text194   293    703        12
 text195   169    284         8
 text196   313    583        10
 text197   322    577        19
 text198   271    537        10
 text199   214    424         7
 text200   328    702         8
 text201   118    179         2
 text202   311    736        12
 text203   319    699        12
 text204   177    327         5
 text205   312    672        19
 text206   324    598        24
 text207   218    424        10
 text208   217    400         5
 text209   210    415         8
 text210   364    760        14
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 text214   199    352         8
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 text217   231    379        11
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 text235    83    120         4
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 text461   233    379        18
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 text463   178    329         9
 text464   338    737        12
 text465   323    609        25
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 text467   212    351         2
 text468   253    560        12
 text469   189    294         5
 text470   194    330        10
 text471   230    444         5
 text472   119    195         4
 text473   303    530        18
 text474   295    624         8
 text475   254    483        19
 text476   312    629        17
 text477   172    326         8
 text478   275    501        17
 text479   295    576        15
 text480   182    313         7
 text481   220    421         6
 text482   252    402        16
 text483    26     31         3
 text484   187    334         8
 text485   156    251         6
 text486   290    640        15
 text487   426    944        22
 text488   330    720        14
 text489   300    526        15
 text490   152    284        10
 text491   313    661        12
 text492   223    362        12
 text493    22     27         3
 text494   263    450        17
 text495    25     31         4
 text496    68    100         2
 text497   279    498        17
 text498    27     32         3
 text499   225    357         8
 text500    23     28         3
 text501   324    774         8
 text502   330    563        17
 text503    23     28         3
 text504    23     28         3
 text505   290    618         7
 text506   364    858        24
 text507   121    192         2
 text508    23     28         3
 text509   285    616        15
 text510    23     28         3
 text511   211    415         9
 text512    21     26         3
 text513   166    306         4
 text514   296    499        14
 text515    24     29         3
 text516   388    822        14
 text517   223    383        13
 text518    24     29         3
 text519   258    468        14
 text520   136    233         5
 text521    23     28         3
 text522   316    683        21
 text523   281    439        16
 text524   299    579         9
 text525   111    165         2
 text526   355    782        20
 text527   160    252         5
 text528   229    437         7
 text529   302    556        20
 text530    24     29         3
 text531   403    999        13
 text532   342    647        21
 text533   144    224         4
 text534   319    752        15
 text535   177    273         5
 text536    23     28         3
 text537   318    576        19
 text538    22     27         3
 text539   278    550        18
 text540   311    537        22
 text541   412    975        21
 text542   267    572        14
 text543   288    625        10
 text544   319    567        15
 text545   478   1124        23
 text546   301    551        16
 text547   293    611        16
 text548   224    385        13
 text549   310    565        14
 text550   288    589        15
                              \nSome parents call for end to Covid protocols, less screen time in Arlington schools
                                                \nCovid cases near seasonal lows in Arlington, but flu season looms
                                                        \nArlington County now offering updated Covid booster shots
                                 \nJUST IN: Arlington and entire immediate D.C. area now at CDC’s “low” Covid level
                                        \nAPS to mostly follow same Covid protocols as last year, with some updates
                                       \nMonkeypox vaccination effort continues as Covid emergency declaration ends
                                   \nCovid cases dropping in Arlington, though county remains in CDC ‘medium’ level
                                              \nArlington dropping Covid emergency declaration as cases hold steady
                                                   \nArlington’s Covid test positivity rate spikes while cases drop
                                       \nMorning Poll: Have gas prices or Covid affected your Fourth of July plans?
                                         \nCovid cases down 40% as Arlington starts offering vax for young children
                                      \nNEW: Covid cases, positivity rate and hospitalizations falling in Arlington
                                                             \nCovid cases down but positivity rate up in Arlington
                                         \nArlington’s Covid data hints at possibility of a peak in the latest wave
                                                             \nArlington’s Covid case average near 200 per day mark
                                                  \nCounty Board member Libby Garvey is stuck in Germany with Covid
                          \nArlington’s daily Covid case rate rises above 150 as test positivity hits seasonal high
                                                   \nCovid cases continue to rise in Arlington and in local schools
                                   \nCovid continues to rise in Arlington, with nearly 200 new cases reported today
                                               \nCovid cases continue slow rise in Arlington following spring break
                                                     \nArlington is now reporting more than 100 Covid cases per day
                           \nCounty: Spring break, delayed reporting may be behind Arlington’s elevated Covid level
                                                              \nUPDATED: Arlington reaches ‘medium’ CDC Covid level
                                                  \nArlington offering second Covid booster shots for residents 50+
                                                 \nWastewater may help Arlington predict the next local Covid surge
                                                              \nLegal Insider: Virginia drops Covid workplace rules
                                             \nArlington County to promote transit use in post-Covid marketing push
                                \nAuthorities encouraging locals to get Covid booster shots, as cases rise slightly
                                             \nMorning Poll: Are you still wearing masks during ‘low’ Covid levels?
                                               \nCovid cases and test positivity rate continue to fall in Arlington
                                    \nJUST IN: Daily Covid cases drop below 100 for first time in nearly two months
                                                          \nCovid cases continue to fall, but rate of decline slows
                                      \nScammers may have posed as Arlington businesses in Covid grant applications
                                              \nNEW: Covid case counts decline to pre-Christmas levels in Arlington
                                                     \nCounty honors 78 ‘Covid heroes’ for service to the community
                                                       \nCovid cases still falling in Arlington, down 60% from peak
                                                 \nNEW: Covid cases falling in Arlington, following regional trends
                   \nCovid-related staffing shortages force Arlington libraries to shut down two branches this week
                                  \nAPS brings athletics back early, changes Covid guidelines during surge in cases
                              \nNEW: Hospitalizations on the rise as Arlington records yet another new Covid record
                                               \nFree Covid testing kiosk opens at Central Library near Quincy Park
                           \nCovid cases hit new record in Arlington, but test positivity rate starts to trend down
                                     \nMore at-home Covid tests could be available in Arlington as soon as tomorrow
                                                    \nNew Covid testing booth coming to residential North Arlington
                          \nMaison Cheryl in Clarendon looks to future, despite Covid concerns and wait for permits
                                            \nOne in four people getting tested in Arlington are positive for Covid
                                                         \nNEW: Another Covid case record amid huge lines for tests
                                       \nCounty libraries to offer more free at-home COVID-19 rapid tests this week
                                                     \nRise in new Covid cases in Arlington takes a Christmas break
                    \nJUST IN: New Covid case records for Arlington, but serious illness remains at pre-wave levels
                    \nBREAKING: Covid cases rocket upward, shattering record, with hospitalizations low but growing
                                              \nBREAKING: Covid case count in Arlington spikes amid Omicron worries
                                              \nArlington’s post-Thanksgiving rise in Covid cases plateaus, for now
                                       \nCounty libraries run out of free at-home COVID-19 rapid tests within hours
                                       \nCovid cases still rising in Arlington as county records new ten-month high
                               \nJUST IN: Rate of new Covid cases in Arlington reaches highest point since February
                                                     \nStatutes of Liberty: New Covid requirements for the holidays
                                                  \nArlington sees slight bump in Covid cases as Thanksgiving nears
                                         \nCounty to begin offering Covid vax shots for 5-11 year-olds this weekend
                                             \nArlington offering more booster shots as local Covid cases tick down
                                               \nThrive Hair Salon in Ballston hosting Covid vax clinic on Saturday
                                                          \nSeries of Covid Cases Reported at Wakefield High School
                                         \nRosslyn’s Outdoor Office Goes from Covid-Era Pop-Up to Permanent Feature
                                                                     \nArlington Sees Sustained Drop in Covid Cases
                       \nStatutes of Liberty: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Soon Required for All Green Card Applicants
                                                                 \nArlington Covid Cases Continue Upward Trajectory
                                                                 \nCovid Cases Reach New Seasonal High in Arlington
                                                 \nArlington Opens Nominations for ‘Community COVID-19 Hero Awards’
                       \nChildhood Friends Grow Lawn Care Business After COVID-19 Canceled Their Summer Internships
                                          \nArlington Sees Slight Dip in Covid Cases Heading into Labor Day Weekend
                                             \nLittle Change in Arlington’s Rate of Covid Cases Over Past Two Weeks
                                  \n9/11 Pentagon Memorial May Not Be Open to Public on 9/11 Due to COVID Protocols
                                                                   \nArlington’s Rise in Covid Cases May Be Slowing
                         \nArlington Drafthouse Has a Full Slate of Fall Shows, But Concerned by Rising Covid Cases
                                                                     \nCovid Cases Continue to Tick Up in Arlington
                                            \nColds and Other Viruses Spike in Arlington As COVID-19 Cases Stay Low
                                                                \nWho Got Reported To The County COVID-19 Tip Line?
                                           \nArlington’s Covid Rate Remains Low Despite Gradual Return to Normality
                                                                          \nNew Covid Cases Remain Low in Arlington
                                \nLegal Insider: EEOC Indicates Employers Could Require Employee Covid Vaccinations
                                                                     \nReported Covid Cases in Arlington Remain Low
                                      \nProgressive Voice: COVID-19 Shows Arlington Should Do More for Working Moms
                                               \nOnly About Two Covid Cases Are Being Reported Per Day in Arlington
                            \nGovernor Lifts Mask Mandate for the Fully Vaccinated, Sets End for Covid Restrictions
                                                       \nMore People Parking in Arlington as COVID-19 Cases Decline
                             \nEast Fall Church Metro Station’s Nearly Empty Bike Facility Seen as COVID-19 Symptom
                                               \nTwo COVID-19 Outbreaks Are Being Investigated In Arlington Schools
                                                         \nMorning Poll: Have You Had Covid? Are You a Long-Hauler?
                                                \nLocal Church Thanks Grocery Store Employees For COVID-Era Service
                                                \nZitkala-Ša Park Slated to Open By July, Delayed by COVID, Weather
                                                  \nHealth Matters: I Had COVID-19, Should I Still Get the Vaccine?
                           \nArts Focus: Drive-by Video Installation Illuminates Teens’ Post-COVID Hopes and Dreams
                                                \nHealth Matters: What to Expect After Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine
                                                        \nArlington’s COVID-19 Time Capsule Project Needs Donations
                                                        \nCOVID-19 Cases, Test Positivity Rate Falling in Arlington
                          \n‘Transition’ Budget Proposal Has COVID-19 Contingency Fund, Higher Taxes for Homeowners
                                                            \nAsk Eli: COVID-19 Impact on Arlington’s Rental Market
                                          \nAPS Superintendent Releases New COVID-19 Data for In-Person Instruction
                       \nCounty Asks for Buildings to Be Lit, Church Bells to Ring In Memory of Lives Lost to COVID
                                                                 \nCounty Launching Free COVID-19 Testing at Kiosks
                                                   \nProgressive Voice: Recovering from the COVID-19 Learning Slump
                                                                 \nMetro 29 Diner Closed Due to ‘COVID-19 Concerns’
                                                \nArlington Has Averaged One COVID Death Per Day Over the Past Week
                                       \nFreddie’s Beach Bar Gets Support from Barstool Sports COVID-19 Relief Fund
                                                        \nArlington Has Received a Shipment of the COVID-19 Vaccine
                                              \nHealth Matters: Should I Get the COVID Vaccine if I Have Allergies?
                                                           \nArlington Prepares for First Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine
                                       \nUpgraded Banneker Park Set to Reopen Before Christmas, Delayed by COVID-19
                              \nLegal Insider: Could Employees be Mandated to Get COVID Vaccines by Their Employer?
                                                             \nCounty Details Commonalities Among Local COVID Cases
                        \nTwo Schools, One Gathering: COVID Cases Also Take St. Thomas More Cathedral School Online
                                \nBishop O’Connell High School Goes Fully Virtual After Two COVID-19 Cases Reported
                                                                \nForty New COVID Cases Reported in Arlington Today
                                               \nAs Flu Season Approaches, New COVID-19 Cases Continue to Fluctuate
                                                               \nHealth Matters: Will You Trust a COVID-19 Vaccine?
                                                                      \nShould I Go To The Dentist During COVID-19?
               \nStatutes of Liberty: COVID-19 — Our Experience at the Local USCIS Field Office During the Pandemic
                                                               \nBayou Bakery Reopens After COVID-Conscious Remodel
                            \nLegal Insider: Virginia Requires Employers to Adopt COVID-Related Safety Requirements
                                                                  \nHealth Matters: Is Science Losing in COVID Era?
                                            \nVirginia Hospital Center Unveils New Unit Built with COVID-19 in Mind
                                                     \nJUST IN: Arlington Records New Summer Peak in COVID-19 Cases
                            \nArts Focus: Arts Forward Fund Created to Buoy Arts Organizations Impacted by COVID-19
                                 \nProgressive Voice: Older Adults Need Social Ties – But COVID-19 Keeps Many Apart
                                                      \nHealth Matters: Depression and Anxiety Rise During COVID-19
                                            \nSun Gazette Publishes Letter Comparing COVID Contact Tracers to Nazis
                                                     \nArlington GOP Chair Kicked Out of Local COVID Facebook Group
                                             \nHealth Matters: Is It Safe to Have Elective Surgery During COVID-19?
                       \nArts Focus: Synetic Theater’s Innovative The Decameron is a Classical Response to COVID-19
                                                              \nColumbia Pike Starbucks Closed Due to COVID-19 Case
                                                            \nOverlee Pool Closes Amid Reports of COVID-19 Outbreak
                           \nThe Schar School at George Mason University: How Will COVID-19 Inspire Future Threats?
                                    \nLegal Insider: Businesses Face COVID-19 Lawsuits from Employees and Customers
                          \nAfter Surviving COVID-19, Arlington Restaurateur Hopes to Bring New Meaning to His Life
                            \nPeter’s Take: Arlington County and APS Must Collaborate Much More Because of COVID-19
                                                    \nDarna Lounge Owner Pushes Through Slow Recovery from COVID-19
                                                              \nNursing Homes Were a COVID-19 Hot Spot in Arlington
                                                                           \nAsk Eli: COVID-19 Market Impact Update
                                  \nCounty Board Candidates Discuss Equity, Budget Priorities and COVID-19 Recovery
                                                          \nProgressive Voice: Keeping the Faithful During COVID-19
                                             \nLegal Insider: Employers and Employees Prepare for COVID-19 Lawsuits
                               \nArlington Church Plans Food Drive for Alexandria Neighborhood Hard-Hit By COVID-19
                                              \nCounty to Begin Regular COVID-19 Testing of Public Safety Personnel
                                                      \nRethink Energy: The COVID-19 Impact on Energy and Emissions
                               \nArts Focus: Resources for Artists and Performers Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic
                                                         \nBizTalk: Arlington Companies Join Fight Against COVID-19
                                                        \nWalk-In COVID-19 Clinic to Open on Columbia Pike Tomorrow
                                 \nLocal Oil Change Startup Looking For Mechanics to Help Bounce Back from COVID-19
                                                       \nPupatella in Bluemont Closes Temporarily Due to COVID Case
                                                 \nThe Hurtt Locker: Campaigns and Elections in the Age of COVID-19
                                            \nHigh Quality Medical Interpreting Is Crucial During Covid-19 Pandemic
                                                 \nBiz Talk: Arlington Tracks COVID-19 Impacts on County Businesses
                                 \nSt. Thomas More Cathedral School Pivots Quickly to eLearning In Face of COVID-19
                                               \nThe Hurtt Locker: Institutions Rise to Address COVID-19 Challenges
                                                       \nStatutes of Liberty: COVID-19’s Impact on U.S. Immigration
                                           \nCommunity Matters: How Will History Remember Our Response to COVID-19?
                                                              \nHelp Arlington Neighbors Weather the COVID-19 Storm
                                                    \nAnother Rise in Local COVID-19 Cases, Amid Jump in Va. Deaths
                               \nProgressive Voice: Local Government Steady and Resolved During Covid-19 Challenges
                                        \nLegal Insider: Filing Unemployment Claims in Virginia Related to COVID-19
                                        \nNeighborhood Spotlight: How to Give Back During COVID-19 — 3 Ways to Help
                         \nAs COVID-19 Cases Continue to Rise, Aspects of Local Response and Planning Remain Opaque
                                                      \nThe Hurtt Locker: Don’t Let COVID-19 Bust the County Budget
                                                  \nGreen Pig Bistro Closes for Now, Due to Potential COVID-19 Case
                                                      \nArts Focus: Arts Activities Halt to Stem Spread of COVID-19
                                                             \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Sept. 26-30
                                       \nMaison Cheryl plans to reopen next week after closing for a “fall refresh”
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                               \nCondo building near Rosslyn could open this winter
                                             \nMarine Corps Marathon moves Runners Village Gateway to Pentagon City
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                             \nACPD creates crash reports when cars are involved. Why not for bike-on-bike crashes?
                      \nAPS to apply lessons from virtual learning program audit to planning for new online program
                                            \nCounty pauses shots while waiting for updated boosters from the state
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                      \nArlington expands monkeypox vax eligibility
                                         \nNew CVS has a large blank wall facing Wilson Blvd, upsetting some locals
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
           \nRosa Mexicano in Pentagon City not opening next month but still planning on serving by end of the year
                     \nStatutes of Liberty: USCIS and the Department of State rushing to use employment-based visas
                                       \nARLnow photographer Jay Westcott’s favorite photos from the past two years
                      \nNew membership program launches at several Arlington bars, providing beers and pizza slices
                                                          \nAsk Eli: Housing slowdown more extreme in outer suburbs
                              \nCounty launching “Askable Adult” initiative to help middle and high school students
                                  \nMilitary communications app to roll out new feature to help increase retainment
                               \nNEW: Arlington County is setting up public monkeypox vaccine clinics as cases rise
                                    \nRestaurants and other local businesses currently listed for sale in Arlington
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                                    \nThe Nose That Knows: Wine 101
                    \nCounty returns to pre-pandemic process for outdoor tents, leaving some restaurants frustrated
                 \nWestover’s Stray Cat Bar & Grill has finally reopened after closing at the start of the pandemic
                              \nArlington ‘newbie’ discovers life’s simple pleasures through popular Facebook group
                                                       \nAsk Eli: 2022 Arlington mid-year single-family home review
                                                      \nUPDATED: Gun store coming to former cafe space in Clarendon
                                                     \n‘Red Hot’ local startups spotlighted during event in Rosslyn
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                    \nAsk Eli: 2022 Arlington mid-year condo review
                                    \nLong-time Greek restaurant Athena Pallas is planning to close in Crystal City
             \nAs vacancy rates rise, Arlington looks to breweries, small warehouses and food delivery as solutions
                                     \nPoll: How does your current level of fitness compare to before the pandemic?
                                               \nLegal Insider: Alcohol and security clearances sometimes don’t mix
                                       \nArlington office vacancy rate continues to rise amid work-from-home trends
                                         \nJuvenile arrests in Arlington down significantly during past school year
                                      \nArts Focus: We Paused! Unbound — a community’s pandemic journey through art
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                        \nArlington County is largely shutting down to celebrate America’s birthday
                                  \nMore than 400 young children vaccinated by county in first week of vax offering
                          \nLocal Oyster in Ballston appears to have closed, after another seafood spot ran aground
                                  \nHere’s who will be on the ballot for the November general election in Arlington
                        \nUltramarathoner Michael Wardian is almost back in Arlington, after journey across America
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                       \nRep. Don Beyer: Why You Should Vote for Me
                                                                   \nEvents, county closures planned for Juneteenth
                                                   \nJUST IN: Smoke shop employee found not guilty in shooting case
                                     \nArlington emergency personnel recognized for service at Public Safety Awards
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                           \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: May 30-June 3
                                   \nVirginia Black History Month Gala coming to Crystal City, a few months delayed
                                                              \nThe annual Green Community Tour returns this Sunday
                                                                         \nRosa Mexicano is coming to Pentagon City
                                                    \nThis month’s cartoon: Cars stolen after keys left in vehicles
                                                             \n UPDATE: First case of monkeypox confirmed in N. Va.
                                                 \nA few days left to pitch a new name for the Ballston Beaver Pond
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                      \nMorning Poll: Are you heading out of town for Memorial Day?
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                \nCounty Manager proposes $3.9 billion, 10-year infrastructure plan
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                  \nWhat can we do to help Arlingtonians experiencing homelessness?
                                          \nCounty Board to consider bus storage as ART facility construction nears
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                  \nThese ten businesses are currently listed for sale in Arlington
                                                                 \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: May 2-6
                                          \nNext week’s Police Week events will again bring motorcades to Arlington
                                            \nPickleball pop peeves particular people, prompting park pilot program
                                                          \nArlington’s park system is now ranked No. 3 in the U.S.
                                          \nCounty’s public engagement efforts continue to evolve as pandemic wanes
                                      \nNEW: Arlington Economic Development’s No. 1 and No. 2 leaders are departing
                        \nDay of discounts planned this weekend as part of National Landing small biz grant program
                                     \nNew $1.5 billion county budget holds tax rate steady, creates climate office
                                  \nArlington’s David Guas spent two weeks in Poland cooking for Ukrainian refugees
                                                                \nMeet two of Arlington’s first female Eagle Scouts
                                              \nThis month’s cartoon: Local developer stranded on a deserted island
                                                \nAfghan eatery Grill Kabob looking to open in Ballston this summer
                                                                                  \nAsk Eli: Q1 condo market review
                                                             \nMorning Poll: Mask mandate dropped on Metro, flights
                                                             \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: April 11-15
                                              \nThe Arlington Festival of Arts is returning to Clarendon this month
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                          \nSeven restaurants with Arlington ties are up for RAMMY awards this year
                                                               \nMorning Poll: Looking forward to summer vacations?
                   \nAmid transit-oriented growth in Arlington, a detached garage endures across from the EFC Metro
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                    \nMorning Poll: Should Arlington libraries de-prioritize print?
                                     \nArlington teachers union under interim leadership following internal turmoil
                                                                \nNew 2022 solar and electric vehicle charger co-op
                                                     \nNature center supporters call for additional operating hours
                                                                      \nSmall Business Focus: Lyon Park Barber Shop
                                                      \nCornel West to speak at GMU’s Arlington campus in two weeks
                                         \nRSVP Catering welcomes spring with home delivered Easter, Passover menus
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                               \nGroup gaming experience Electric Gamebox opens in Ballston Quarter
                                    \nInternational startup accelerator to open its doors in Crystal City next week
                                                  \nLocal officials cut ribbon on garden featuring 33,000 daffodils
                                  \nEXCLUSIVE: Fights involving kids are on the rise, Arlington Public Schools says
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                            \nAsk Eli: Real estate within walking distance of Metro
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                     \nTRAFFIC ALERT: Routes into D.C. jammed after trucker convoy prompts closures
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                      \nArlington Chorale to finally perform a show that was canceled in March 2020
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                            \nTwo women are on a quest to map every racially restrictive property deed in Arlington
                                            \nJUST IN: Convoy honking horns, jamming up NB I-395 near Pentagon City
                                                \nArlington vaccine worker will tour the country as a Broadway star
                                                      \nArlington’s test positivity rate nearing pre-Omicron levels
                                                         \nGunston teacher announces bid for Arlington School Board
                        \nWhat Arlington, the ‘Hoboken of D.C.,’ can learn from the NJ city about pedestrian safety
                                     \nThe new ‘property tech’ industry has this Arlington startup at the forefront
                                                         \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Feb. 28-March 4
                      \nCounty solicits feedback on bus, pedestrian upgrades to the East Falls Church Metro station
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                        \nBREAKING: Masks optional in Arlington County facilities starting Thursday
                                                   \nEmployees of Union Kitchen in Ballston are looking to unionize
                               \nArts Focus: Arts summer camps help Arlington’s youth tap into their own creativity
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                  \nNEW: No employees fired as a result of vax mandate, county says
                             \nCatching a Friday fish fry near Arlington may require a penitential drive in traffic
                               \nStatutes of Liberty: Dear Russian diplomats and government officials in Washington
                                               \nBREAKING: Masks optional at Arlington Public Schools as of March 1
                                  \nArlington builds call system to divert people in mental health crises from jail
                       \nHere’s how local pubs will be celebrating this year’s highly anticipated St. Patrick’s Day
                                                     \nAPS proposes new budget with sunnier outlook than years past
                                              \n‘Arlington Reads’ library event series returns in person next month
                                                              \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Feb. 14-18
                              \nAPS continues requiring masks in schools while School Board ‘pauses’ virtual option
                                              \nMost county operations to close on Monday for George Washington Day
                                                             \nNEW: Arlington’s test positivity rate drops below 5%
                                           \nAPS must make masks optional by March 1, will present new policy today
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                      \nOmicron is on the decline — Book your living wage cleaning!
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                           \nCybersecurity company Shift5 nabs $50M to develop products, hire staff
                                                \nCounty Manager’s budget proposal focuses on employee compensation
                                                   \nNEW: Bill making masks optional for students passes Va. Senate
                                    \nFrom the Pike to Dubai, Bob & Edith’s Diner wants to serve the world pancakes
                                             \nPhone2Action rebrands as Capitol Canary after two major acquisitions
                         \nSen. Warner focuses on access to assistance during events with Arlington business owners
                                                 \nThis month’s cartoon: Pentagon chicken vs. Washington Commanders
                                      \nCourt grants school boards’ request, mask mandates can temporarily continue
                                                          \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Jan. 31-Feb. 4
                                               \nStatutes of Liberty: Immigration court scheduling has gone haywire
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                               \nArlington lawmaker’s bills could ease stretched thin health care workers, teachers
                                      \nAs the ranks of freelancers swell, the taxman cometh for those in Arlington
                                      \n‘Intense’ winter weather leaves county crews flooded with water main breaks
                                 \nAsk Eli: Arlington rental market update — Single-family, townhouse and apartment
                            \nLegal Insider: Virginia’s new teacher tip line — Bad for Virginia, worse for teachers
                                                              \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Jan. 24-28
                                \nNew District Brewing is purchasing canning equipment with help from the community
                      \nIn Clarendon, Silver Diner project crystallizes as sector plan revisions enter home stretch
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                               \nGrace Community Church to fill huge space in Ballston Quarter mall
                                                                   \nCounty Board hopefuls emerge for 2022 election
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                            \nArlington sees bump in vaccinated employees as mandate deadline nears
                                                               \nSmall Business Focus: AWE Women in Business Summit
                                      \nCounty Board signals support for Arlington schools in mask clash with state
                                                  \nAs apartments near County HQ go up, what’s next for Courthouse?
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                              \nCoworking is booming and here’s why
                                                   \nArlington School Board sues to challenge Youngkin’s mask order
                                                                      \nRethink Energy: Our environment, our future
                                                              \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Jan. 17-21
                            \nCatholic Diocese of Arlington tells schools to follow Youngkin’s mask exemption order
                                            \nCounty seeks more funding for Ballston Metro western entrance project
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                               \nArts Focus: The arts in Arlington — 2021 in review
                                     \n$3.25 million grant will go toward tourism recovery initiatives in Arlington
                                                   \nMorning Poll: Should APS continue to require masks in schools?
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                    \nJUST IN: APS says masks still required for students, despite Youngkin’s order
                                                              \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Jan. 10-14
                  \nThe founder of Moore’s Barbershop is remembered for the small things that made a big difference
                                      \nJUST IN: County reports another jump in residential real estate assessments
                                                       \nWinter Restaurant Week to feature 18 Arlington restaurants
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                              \nClosures planned as county and country honor Martin Luther King Jr.
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                             \nLocal E60 Fitness plans to expand with new ownership
                                                        \nBiz Talk: Venture activity thrives for Arlington startups
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                              \n“Pajama Mama” and the book bus are helping young Arlingtonians read
                                                                                  \nThis month’s cartoon: Car Parts
                                                          \nAsk Eli: 2021 real estate market review — single-family
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Jan. 3-7
                                                       \nAPS may soon revert to virtual learning on snowy, icy days
                                             \nArlington recommends doubling CDC’s quarantine period for child care
                                      \nNEW: Arlington crews wrapping up snow removal as another winter storm looms
                                                               \nStatutes of Liberty: Immigration crystal ball 2022
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                     \nAnti-vaccine mandate rally participants staying in Arlington
                                             \nArlington County Board elects Cristol as chair, Dorsey as vice chair
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                    \nNEW: Arlington students get yet another snow day on Wednesday
                                                                 \nAsk Eli: 2021 real estate market review — condos
                                           \nAPS decision to pause sports and activities causes confusion, backlash
                                                                  \nPhotos: Arlington’s largest snowfall since 2019
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                 \nMore closures Tuesday amid refreeze concern, plow crew shortages
                  \nArlington teachers union press release gets national attention after local mom’s edits go viral
                                                 \nVenture X partners with nonprofit to uplift, educate Black girls
                                                             \nAhead of the new year, a look back at 2021 in photos
                                                        \nAPS sticks to in-person instruction amid Omicron concerns
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                         \nClosure of the Rosslyn route to the GW Parkway may stretch into new year
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                         \nTop 25 Arlington stories of 2021: #16-25
                                                                        \nMorning Poll: Will 2022 be a better year?
                                                                                      \nMerry Christmas from ARLnow
                                               \nPandemic, building sale foil planned Ballston time capsule opening
                                                             \nStatutes of Liberty: Immigration Year in Review 2021
                                                             \nCounty closures planned for Christmas and New Year’s
                              \nAlcohol-free restaurant replacing Purple Lounge finally set to open early next year
                                                                  \nMorning Poll: Which are you more worried about?
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                              \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Dec. 13-17
                             \nFirst responders facing possible job loss petition county to reverse vaccine mandate
                                    \nCounty to temporarily relocate some ART bus operations to Va. Square property
                                                         \nSmall Business Focus: Santa Claus is coming to Arlington
                                               \n‘Immersive group gaming’ to open in Ballston Quarter in early 2022
                                                         \nAsk Eli: Single-family, townhouse, duplex trends in 2021
                                                       \nAnnual ‘Wreaths Across America’ event set for this weekend
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                               \nMost-read Arlington stories of the week: Dec. 6-10
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                                         \nJust Listed in Arlington
                          \nArlington and VDOT to finally sign Rosslyn Gateway Park agreement, four decades belated
               \nArlington one of the top localities in country for use of public transportation, census data shows
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                   \nWill the Metroway remain a good investment after the pandemic?
                                                           \nLong-awaited renovations to Ballston Beaver Pond begin
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                     \nSkip the supply chain and take Loudoun Home for the Holidays
                                                                       \nThe Right Note: Want to make a difference?
                                                      \nOxiWear raises $1.25M for wearable oxygen monitoring device
                                              \nOrange juice-espresso purveyors Kino Coffee close shop in Clarendon
                                                                                   \nHappy Thanksgiving, Arlington!
                                                   \nCornucopia of county closures on Thanksgiving and Black Friday
                                                                    \nSmall Business Focus: Small Business Saturday
                                                                  \nEd Talk: The impacts of APS enrollment declines
                                            \nFormer Clarendon Ballroom once again turning into a winter wonderland
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                             \nLocal NAACP, a church, local activists honored for human rights work
                                                          \nArlington libraries to fully reopen in January, at last
                                    \nCounty Board puts federal funds, local surplus toward pandemic-era priorities
                                                            \nXsport Fitness on Columbia Pike is closing next month
                                      \nLocal performing arts orgs are back in-person just in time for the holidays
                                            \nHow the pandemic is getting Arlingtonians to take their jobs outdoors
                                                  \nLocal Christmas tree sales kick off next week, despite shortage
                                           \nArlington police turn to state troopers for help with nightlife detail
                                                    \nAt Phoenix Bikes, learning how to fix a bike is a life lesson
                                  \nPines of Florence is coming back, opening in Cherrydale as soon as this weekend
                                     \nHow a company that secures planes and trains nabbed $20M in Series A funding
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                   \nStatutes of Liberty: Another day, another class action lawsuit
                                                  \nSanta Claus is coming to Pentagon City and yes, he’s vaccinated
                                        \nVeterans Day in Arlington: A commemoration event today, closures tomorrow
                                            \nCounty to throw lifeline to struggling Subway on ground floor of jail
                                         \nMorning Poll: To what degree is your life back to a pre-pandemic normal?
                                     \nNEW: Unruly parents, coaches cause ref shortage in local youth hockey league
                                 \nSite of fatal crash last week is part of a new street safety improvement project
                                                             \nThings to do this week: author talk, comedy and more
                                                       \nFacing a shortage, APS hikes wages for substitute teachers
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                  \nIn a crowded County Board race, independent candidates laud a spirited campaign on election eve
                                       \nA new dog daycare facility is coming to Clarendon, but there may be a snag
                                    \nGood Company Doughnuts could lose half its patio seating to a new bus shelter
                                                   \nTim Kilcullen: Why you should vote for me in the 49th District
                                                    \nPatrick Hope: Why you should vote for me in the 47th District
                                          \nTakis Karantonis: Why you should vote for me for Arlington County Board
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                      \nHere’s when Halloween trick-or-treating is happening in Arlington this year
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                      \nJUST IN: President Biden coming to Arlington next week for another McAuliffe campaign event
                                  \nCounty to put budget surplus, federal funding toward raises, equity initiatives
                         \nPeter’s Take: Will APS act urgently on reading and math or risk further downward slides?
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                            \nCPRO celebrates 35 years, rebrands as the ‘Columbia Pike Partnership’
                                         \nProgressive Voice: Decision-making and leadership — a look in the mirror
                                       \nCounty applying for $80M grant for Ballston Metro western entrance project
                                                        \nMost-Read Arlington Stories of the Week: Oct. 11-15, 2021
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                          \nMajor Yellow Line Shutdown Potentially On Tap Next Year
                                                                        \nSmall Business Focus: GRANT 2.0 Explained
                                      \nCounty to Ask Public What Arts Programming Should Replace Inner Ear Studios
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                             \nZoup! in Ballston to Close This Week
                                                                                     \nArlington Agenda: Oct. 11-17
                                          \nLocal Paralympian Starts Fitness Nonprofit for People with Disabilities
                                                       \nMorning Poll: Are You Stepping Up Your Clothing Purchases?
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                               \nPeter’s Take: Environmental Policy Implementation Should Be Based on the Best Data
                                                                      \nInova Urgent Care Center Closes Temporarily
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                          \nCommonwealth’s Attorney Seeks Full-Time Hire for Conviction Review Unit
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                        \nProgressive Voice: One Small, Tangible Step Toward Equity
                                        \nE-CARE Event This Weekend Offers Chance to Dispose of Hazardous Materials
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                             \nLocal Group Helps Women Overcome Pandemic Isolation and Make Friends
                                                         \nSalsa Dance Event Set to Take Place in Ballston Tomorrow
                                                             \nArlington to Start Providing Vax Booster Shots Today
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                        \nEarly Morning Notes for Tuesday, Sept. 28
                                                                    \nDelayed Zitkala-Ša Park Finally Nears Opening
                                                          \nMost-Read Arlington Stories of the Week: Sept. 24, 2021
                                                                   \nBREAKING: Marine Corps Marathon Canceled Again
                                                         \nClarendon-Based Axios Launches Local Newsletter for D.C.
                                       \nACPD and Dept. of Human Services Plead for Funding Boost Amid Staff Exodus
 \nPeter’s Take: Amid Plummeting Test Scores Due to Virtual Learning, APS Attention Diverted to New Virtual Program
                                                         \nSmall Business Focus: Arlington Small Business GRANT 2.0
                                                        \nArlington Firefighters Are Also Sounding the Alarm on Pay
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                        \nEarly Morning Notes for Tuesday, Sept. 21
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                         \nEarly Morning Notes for Monday, Sept. 20
                                                          \nMost-Read Arlington Stories of the Week: Sept. 17, 2021
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                         \nEarly Morning Notes for Friday, Sept. 17
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                       \nEarly Morning Notes for Thursday, Sept. 16
                                         \nCounty to Study Ways of Making Temporary Outdoor Seating Areas Permanent
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                                      \nEarly Morning Notes for Wednesday, Sept. 15
                                                                        \nEarly Morning Notes for Tuesday, Sept. 14
                                            \nVirtual Hiring Events Company Grows Amid Remote Work, Labor Shortages
                                                  \nIndependent County Board Candidate Chasing Repeat of 2014 Upset
                                                          \nMost-Read Arlington Stories of the Week: Sept. 10, 2021
                                                                         \nEarly Morning Notes for Friday, Sept. 10
                                                \nHow Arlington Will Mark the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 This Weekend
                                                                        \nEarly Morning Notes for Thursday, Sept. 9
                                        \nConstruction to Start on Office Building, Public Plaza in Virginia Square
                                                                       \nEarly Morning Notes for Wednesday, Sept. 8
                                                              \n‘Immersive Group Gaming’ Coming to Ballston Quarter
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                              \nPress Club: Early Morning Notes for Friday, Sept. 3
                          \nEXCLUSIVE: Customer Service Complaints for Washington Gas Spike Amid Staffing Shortages
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                            \nPress Club: Early Morning Notes for Thursday, Sept. 2
                                 \nAPS Cancels After-School Activities as Flash Flood Watch, Tornado Watch Continue
                             \nSmall Business Focus: Free Small Business Coaching Sessions for Arlington Businesses
                                                             \nPress Club: Early Morning Notes for Tuesday, Aug. 31
                                                                \nLong-Time Local Restaurant Portabellos Is Closing
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                         \nLearning Gaps, Outdoor Lunch Top of Mind for APS Administrators, Parents
                                          \nMorning Poll: Are You Taking More Precautions Due to the Delta Variant?
                           \n3 Things To Know About Overlee Preschool, Voted One of Arlington’s Favorite Preschools
                                                   \nArts Focus: Rosslyn Jazz Fest Returns and Expands (Sept. 1-18)
                                                      \nART Returning to Full Bus Service While Metro Makes Changes
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                           \nPress Club: Early Morning Notes for Wednesday, Aug. 25
                            \nCommonwealth’s Attorney Lauds Convictions in Two ‘Challenging’ Cases Involving Minors
                                                              \nThe Right Note: Virginia is for Lovers of Elections
                          \nFor Labor Day, Get Your Home Professionally Cleaned — and Support a Living-Wage Company
                                                          \nPentagon 9/11 Memorial Visitor Center Eyes 2025 Opening
                                           \nProgressive Voice: Time to Re-Focus on Health Disparities in Arlington
                                                              \nPress Club: Early Morning Notes for Monday, Aug. 23
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                                              \nPress Club: Early Morning Notes for Friday, Aug. 20
                                                                            \nEd Talk: The Special Education Crisis
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                           \nLocal Agriculture Office Agrees Mysterious Bites Likely Oak Itch Mites
                                                \nCherry Blow Dry Bar in Clarendon Closes Due to Financial Troubles
                                      \nArlington County Now Offering Vaccine Booster Shots to Eligible Individuals
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                              \nAfter Surviving Shutdowns, Local Arts Groups Prepare for New Season
                                                        \nMaking Room: Rebuilding Faith in Arlington Public Schools
                                            \nShoe Repair Shop in Dominion Hills Stays Afloat With Skateboard Sales
                                                                                                    \nMorning Notes
                                              \nPeter’s Take: APS Must Acknowledge Learning Losses, Adopt Bold Plan
                              \nSmall Business Focus: Los Chamacos, One of Arlington’s Newest Culinary Destinations
         author_text            time_tag
            Jo DeVoe 2022-09-29 19:35:31
 2022-09-29 13:30:51
 2022-09-13 18:40:53
 2022-08-25 19:55:28
          Matt Blitz 2022-08-23 17:45:06
 2022-08-15 14:50:46
 2022-08-09 17:00:35
 2022-07-21 19:45:41
 2022-07-08 15:45:15
 2022-06-27 14:00:05
 2022-06-22 14:45:02
 2022-06-13 14:55:27
 2022-06-06 14:45:57
 2022-05-31 14:30:31
 2022-05-24 15:45:10
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-05-16 19:30:01
 2022-05-10 14:45:02
 2022-05-06 18:45:18
 2022-05-04 14:45:16
 2022-04-26 14:45:34
 2022-04-22 14:55:58
 2022-04-13 13:45:52
 2022-04-12 14:45:05
          Matt Blitz 2022-04-06 16:30:28
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-31 19:30:42 Sponsor 2022-03-28 17:30:37
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-22 17:45:16
 2022-03-17 15:15:21
 2022-03-03 14:30:09
 2022-02-25 16:45:54
 2022-02-10 16:30:51
 2022-02-07 19:45:42
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-02-03 20:45:46
 2022-01-31 16:45:21
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-26 16:30:06
 2022-01-25 16:45:10
 2022-01-20 19:30:35
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-18 19:30:22
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-13 16:45:47
 2022-01-12 19:30:42
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-11 14:30:56
 2022-01-10 16:30:24
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-07 18:30:13
 2022-01-06 19:45:29
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-06 14:30:55
 2022-01-04 19:45:54
 2021-12-30 18:30:26
            Jo DeVoe 2021-12-28 00:45:59
 2021-12-27 15:30:07
 2021-12-23 16:30:34
 2021-12-20 16:30:26
 2021-12-17 16:30:04
 2021-12-14 19:00:12
          Matt Blitz 2021-12-13 14:00:39
 2021-12-10 15:30:38
 2021-12-06 16:15:25 Sponsor 2021-11-26 15:00:11
 2021-11-23 15:00:39
 2021-11-03 19:25:33
 2021-10-27 13:15:07
          Matt Blitz 2021-10-21 16:00:23
 2021-10-13 14:45:30
        Vernon Miles 2021-10-01 14:00:39
 2021-09-23 15:10:24 Sponsor 2021-09-16 16:00:10
 2021-09-14 14:30:22
 2021-09-09 14:00:10
        Vernon Miles 2021-09-08 18:00:07
          Dana Munro 2021-09-03 17:15:24
 2021-09-02 15:00:40
 2021-08-23 15:15:42
          Matt Blitz 2021-08-18 14:00:05
 2021-08-16 14:10:39
          Matt Blitz 2021-08-05 18:00:01
 2021-07-23 14:30:26
            Jo DeVoe 2021-06-30 19:30:22
            Jo DeVoe 2021-06-28 19:55:31
 2021-06-24 15:30:10
 2021-06-09 18:50:51 Sponsor 2021-06-01 16:30:23
 2021-06-01 13:55:51
   Progressive Voice 2021-05-27 19:00:14
 2021-05-24 14:15:12
            Jo DeVoe 2021-05-14 21:55:02
            Jo DeVoe 2021-05-04 17:45:45
            Jo DeVoe 2021-04-28 18:00:08
            Jo DeVoe 2021-04-21 13:30:07
 2021-04-06 13:45:06
            Jo DeVoe 2021-03-30 17:30:07
            Jo DeVoe 2021-03-24 14:30:02
    Dr. George Hwang 2021-03-18 18:45:52 Sponsor 2021-03-10 18:15:09
    Dr. George Hwang 2021-03-04 20:15:49
        Hannah Foley 2021-03-03 19:00:21
 2021-02-19 15:45:55
            Jo DeVoe 2021-02-18 22:15:30 Sponsor 2021-02-09 17:30:17
            Jo DeVoe 2021-01-22 20:45:08
 2021-01-14 15:55:27
 2021-01-12 18:00:48
   Progressive Voice 2021-01-11 20:00:11
        James Cullum 2021-01-04 19:15:40
 2020-12-30 20:30:52
            Jo DeVoe 2020-12-29 20:30:17
 2020-12-23 15:35:04
    Dr. George Hwang 2020-12-10 19:30:18
        James Cullum 2020-12-09 19:00:57
            Jo DeVoe 2020-12-07 20:45:17 Sponsor 2020-11-30 18:15:39
 2020-11-23 18:35:37
            Jo DeVoe 2020-11-09 16:35:37
            Jo DeVoe 2020-11-07 02:00:32
 2020-10-16 14:30:31
 2020-09-21 14:15:26
    Dr. George Hwang 2020-09-17 18:00:26 Sponsor 2020-09-16 20:05:18 Sponsor 2020-09-03 17:15:16
        Joseph Ramos 2020-08-26 19:30:55 Sponsor 2020-08-24 16:30:20
    Dr. George Hwang 2020-08-20 18:30:47
        Vernon Miles 2020-08-20 17:30:43
 2020-08-19 14:35:53 Sponsor 2020-08-12 16:15:02
   Progressive Voice 2020-08-10 19:00:17
    Dr. George Hwang 2020-08-06 16:45:40
 2020-08-05 18:00:27
 2020-08-03 21:00:15
    Dr. George Hwang 2020-07-23 19:00:09 Sponsor 2020-07-22 16:45:49
 2020-07-21 00:10:06
 2020-07-16 19:55:09 Sponsor 2020-07-14 16:15:04 Sponsor 2020-07-13 16:30:34
        Vernon Miles 2020-06-29 21:00:03
     Peter Rousselot 2020-06-17 19:00:06
        Vernon Miles 2020-06-17 18:10:49
 2020-06-17 14:30:45 Sponsor 2020-06-16 16:30:28
        Vernon Miles 2020-06-16 00:55:19
   Progressive Voice 2020-06-15 19:00:07 Sponsor 2020-06-15 15:40:03
        Vernon Miles 2020-06-04 17:30:28
 2020-06-02 17:55:29 Sponsor 2020-05-30 16:00:00 Sponsor 2020-05-20 17:15:01 Sponsor 2020-05-13 18:15:58
        Vernon Miles 2020-05-11 18:20:25
        Vernon Miles 2020-05-11 17:30:14
 2020-05-01 15:40:08
       Matthew Hurtt 2020-04-30 18:45:12 Sponsor 2020-04-22 20:15:06 Sponsor 2020-04-22 17:30:32 Sponsor 2020-04-21 09:30:14
       Matthew Hurtt 2020-04-16 19:10:23 Sponsor 2020-04-16 17:30:10
        Krysta Jones 2020-04-14 19:00:22 Sponsor 2020-04-14 18:15:27
 2020-04-09 13:40:23
   Progressive Voice 2020-04-06 18:45:30 Sponsor 2020-04-06 16:15:06 Sponsor 2020-04-04 13:00:26
 2020-04-02 19:45:10
       Matthew Hurtt 2020-04-02 19:00:57
 2020-03-30 14:10:39 Sponsor 2020-03-18 17:30:41
 2022-09-30 19:55:02
          Matt Blitz 2022-09-29 15:30:03
 2022-09-23 11:30:44
            Jo DeVoe 2022-09-21 14:30:19
            Jo DeVoe 2022-09-20 14:45:31
 2022-09-16 11:30:54
          Matt Blitz 2022-09-12 19:30:56
            Jo DeVoe 2022-09-09 15:00:32
          Matt Blitz 2022-09-08 14:45:25
 2022-09-08 11:30:41
 2022-09-01 14:30:06
          Matt Blitz 2022-08-30 19:30:02
 2022-08-30 11:30:47
 2022-08-24 11:30:11
          Matt Blitz 2022-08-22 15:30:24 Sponsor 2022-08-18 15:10:14
        Jay Westcott 2022-08-17 19:55:07
          Matt Blitz 2022-08-17 18:10:59 Sponsor 2022-08-16 17:00:36
 2022-08-16 15:10:52
          Mavis Chan 2022-08-08 16:45:14
          Matt Blitz 2022-08-08 15:40:09
 2022-08-08 14:35:13
 2022-08-08 11:30:28 Sponsor 2022-08-05 18:30:01
          Matt Blitz 2022-08-03 19:30:04
          Matt Blitz 2022-08-01 14:45:12
          Pia Kramer 2022-07-28 19:30:26 Sponsor 2022-07-26 16:30:32
 2022-07-25 16:35:27
          Mavis Chan 2022-07-25 15:45:02
 2022-07-22 11:30:57 Sponsor 2022-07-19 16:30:01
          Matt Blitz 2022-07-19 15:15:27
          Matt Blitz 2022-07-15 14:35:27
 2022-07-14 13:30:29 Sponsor 2022-07-11 16:45:06
 2022-07-11 14:45:36
 2022-07-07 14:40:26 Sponsor 2022-07-06 18:45:55
 2022-07-06 11:45:39
          Matt Blitz 2022-07-01 13:30:52
 2022-06-29 15:45:26
          Matt Blitz 2022-06-28 15:30:54
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-06-27 15:45:53
          Matt Blitz 2022-06-27 14:45:01
 2022-06-21 11:30:53
 Opinion Contributor 2022-06-20 15:30:09
 2022-06-17 14:00:56
 2022-06-16 20:15:08
          Matt Blitz 2022-06-14 19:55:15
 2022-06-08 11:30:41
 2022-06-07 11:30:57
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-06-04 00:00:41
          Mavis Chan 2022-06-02 17:45:20 Sponsor 2022-06-01 17:45:09
          Matt Blitz 2022-06-01 15:55:18
 2022-05-31 13:30:36
 2022-05-26 20:50:32
          Mavis Chan 2022-05-26 13:30:55
 2022-05-26 11:30:16
 2022-05-25 13:30:21
 2022-05-23 11:30:30
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-05-19 19:55:40
 2022-05-16 11:30:27
          Matt Blitz 2022-05-13 15:30:23
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-05-13 14:30:04
 2022-05-12 11:30:41
 2022-05-11 13:30:25
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-05-06 19:45:07
 2022-05-05 14:30:38
          Matt Blitz 2022-05-04 19:45:18
 2022-05-04 13:30:15
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-05-02 16:30:00
 2022-04-29 13:45:53
          Matt Blitz 2022-04-28 15:45:57
 2022-04-27 14:45:20
          Matt Blitz 2022-04-25 14:45:19
          Matt Blitz 2022-04-21 19:30:47
 2022-04-21 13:30:14
          Matt Blitz 2022-04-20 18:30:30 Sponsor 2022-04-19 15:45:37
 2022-04-19 13:30:32
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-04-15 19:30:44
          Matt Blitz 2022-04-08 17:45:19
 2022-04-08 11:30:04
          Matt Blitz 2022-04-07 17:35:26
 2022-04-07 13:45:40
            Jo DeVoe 2022-04-06 19:55:01
 2022-04-06 13:00:18
 2022-04-05 14:15:25
            Jo DeVoe 2022-04-04 15:45:42 Sponsor 2022-03-31 17:30:28
          Matt Blitz 2022-03-30 18:40:52 Sponsor 2022-03-30 17:45:37
          Matt Blitz 2022-03-30 14:45:59 Sponsor 2022-03-29 20:45:04
 2022-03-29 11:30:59
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-28 18:30:32
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-28 16:30:05
 2022-03-28 15:35:59
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-24 19:55:42
 2022-03-24 11:30:52 Sponsor 2022-03-22 17:00:45
 2022-03-21 11:30:24
 2022-03-18 20:40:22
 2022-03-17 11:30:15
 2022-03-16 11:30:49
          Matt Blitz 2022-03-15 19:30:55
 2022-03-15 11:30:20
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-14 19:55:10
 2022-03-14 18:15:10
          Matt Blitz 2022-03-09 19:35:39
 2022-03-09 15:35:31
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-08 16:30:24
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-07 19:30:48
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-07 17:30:27
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-03-04 23:00:00
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-04 15:30:27
 2022-03-03 12:30:52
 2022-03-02 20:20:07
          Matt Blitz 2022-03-02 19:30:26 Sponsor 2022-03-02 18:30:44
 2022-03-02 13:00:26
 2022-03-01 18:30:48
            Jo DeVoe 2022-03-01 15:30:16 Sponsor 2022-02-28 21:45:39
            Jo DeVoe 2022-02-28 20:55:40
            Jo DeVoe 2022-02-25 18:45:39
          Matt Blitz 2022-02-25 15:35:27
            Jo DeVoe 2022-02-25 14:30:05
          Matt Blitz 2022-02-22 15:30:58
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-02-18 20:45:57
            Jo DeVoe 2022-02-18 16:45:33
          Matt Blitz 2022-02-18 15:30:57
 2022-02-17 16:45:13
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-02-17 14:45:22
 2022-02-16 12:30:44 Sponsor 2022-02-15 17:45:34
 2022-02-15 12:30:31
            Jo DeVoe 2022-02-14 17:45:21
 2022-02-14 14:45:52
          Matt Blitz 2022-02-09 20:55:06
          Matt Blitz 2022-02-07 20:45:17
            Jo DeVoe 2022-02-07 17:45:25
          Matt Blitz 2022-02-07 16:45:02
 2022-02-07 15:30:47
          Matt Blitz 2022-02-04 22:00:47
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-02-04 20:45:27 Sponsor 2022-02-03 17:30:52
 2022-02-03 12:30:07
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-02-02 14:30:17
            Jo DeVoe 2022-02-01 20:30:22
            Jo DeVoe 2022-02-01 18:30:52 Sponsor 2022-02-01 17:30:44 Sponsor 2022-01-31 18:45:04
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-29 14:00:26
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-28 20:45:58
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-28 18:30:17
 2022-01-28 12:30:18
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-27 20:45:02
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-27 18:45:26
 2022-01-27 12:30:22
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-26 19:30:13 Sponsor 2022-01-26 18:30:17
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-26 15:30:42
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-26 14:30:27
 2022-01-26 12:30:15 Sponsor 2022-01-25 18:45:18
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-24 14:30:22 Sponsor 2022-01-22 17:00:16
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-21 20:45:34
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-21 19:30:43
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-20 15:30:33
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-20 12:30:58 Sponsor 2022-01-19 19:00:42
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-19 16:30:37
 2022-01-18 14:30:18
 2022-01-18 12:30:45
 2022-01-16 00:25:43
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-14 20:55:46
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-14 18:30:36
 2022-01-14 16:15:13
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-14 15:30:48
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-14 12:30:03
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-13 15:30:18
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-13 12:30:40 Sponsor 2022-01-12 21:45:52 Sponsor 2022-01-12 18:30:43
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-12 12:30:46
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-11 20:30:57
 2022-01-11 19:30:08 Sponsor 2022-01-11 17:30:17
    Brandi Bottalico 2022-01-11 12:30:10
 2022-01-10 12:30:33
 2022-01-07 20:45:46
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-07 19:30:34
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-07 16:30:23
 2022-01-06 17:45:52 Sponsor 2022-01-06 17:00:56
 2022-01-06 12:30:00
 2022-01-05 16:45:17
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-05 15:45:08
 2022-01-05 12:30:03
 2022-01-04 23:10:50 Sponsor 2022-01-04 17:45:37
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-04 15:45:19
          Matt Blitz 2022-01-04 14:45:58
 2022-01-04 12:30:08
 2022-01-04 03:35:18
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-03 20:15:49
            Jo DeVoe 2022-01-03 17:30:53
            Jo DeVoe 2021-12-30 20:00:34
            Jo DeVoe 2021-12-30 14:30:09
 2021-12-30 12:30:45
 2021-12-29 20:45:31
 2021-12-28 12:30:43
            Jo DeVoe 2021-12-27 20:30:23
 2021-12-27 14:30:50
 2021-12-23 20:00:42
        Vernon Miles 2021-12-23 19:00:02 Sponsor 2021-12-23 15:30:36
          Matt Blitz 2021-12-23 14:30:10
          Matt Blitz 2021-12-22 15:30:23
 2021-12-22 14:45:56
 2021-12-22 12:30:06
 2021-12-21 12:30:08
 2021-12-20 12:30:23
 2021-12-17 20:55:19
            Jo DeVoe 2021-12-16 20:55:30
            Jo DeVoe 2021-12-15 19:00:30 Sponsor 2021-12-15 18:00:01
            Jo DeVoe 2021-12-15 15:00:17 Sponsor 2021-12-14 17:00:10
            Jo DeVoe 2021-12-14 16:10:26
 2021-12-14 12:30:26
 2021-12-10 20:55:44
 2021-12-10 12:30:29 Sponsor 2021-12-10 10:00:14
          Matt Blitz 2021-12-09 19:00:00
          Matt Blitz 2021-12-09 16:00:52
 2021-12-08 12:30:06
          Matt Blitz 2021-12-06 15:00:56
            Jo DeVoe 2021-12-02 20:30:03
 2021-12-02 12:30:39 Sponsor 2021-12-01 21:45:35
          Mark Kelly 2021-11-30 20:00:48
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-29 17:00:17
        Vernon Miles 2021-11-29 16:00:14
 2021-11-24 20:45:49
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-24 19:00:25 Sponsor 2021-11-24 18:00:18
        Abby Raphael 2021-11-23 20:00:15
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-23 18:30:50
 2021-11-23 12:30:21
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-22 18:00:53
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-22 14:00:05
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-19 16:20:01
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-19 14:30:49
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-18 19:00:31
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-18 17:00:16
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-17 14:00:39
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-16 19:45:55
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-15 20:55:19
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-15 19:30:07
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-15 18:45:34
 2021-11-15 12:30:23 Sponsor 2021-11-12 15:00:59
          Matt Blitz 2021-11-10 19:00:47
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-10 15:10:48
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-10 14:05:15
 2021-11-09 14:45:26
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-08 20:55:01
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-08 18:00:22
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-08 17:00:49
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-02 16:00:20
 2021-11-02 11:30:28
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-01 19:55:14
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-01 18:00:11
            Jo DeVoe 2021-11-01 15:15:41
 Opinion Contributor 2021-10-29 21:15:21
 Opinion Contributor 2021-10-29 21:00:55
 Opinion Contributor 2021-10-29 16:00:34
 2021-10-28 11:30:30
 2021-10-27 14:25:46
 2021-10-27 11:30:02
 2021-10-21 19:55:50
            Jo DeVoe 2021-10-21 19:30:07
     Peter Rousselot 2021-10-20 19:45:54
 2021-10-20 11:30:42
 2021-10-19 11:30:17
          Matt Blitz 2021-10-18 19:45:42
   Progressive Voice 2021-10-18 19:35:31
            Jo DeVoe 2021-10-18 14:30:21
 2021-10-16 11:45:15
 2021-10-15 11:30:44
        Vernon Miles 2021-10-14 18:00:10 Sponsor 2021-10-13 18:45:38
            Jo DeVoe 2021-10-13 13:20:04
 2021-10-13 11:30:58
          Matt Blitz 2021-10-12 17:00:33
            Jo DeVoe 2021-10-11 14:45:50
          Dana Munro 2021-10-08 17:30:24
 2021-10-07 13:45:58
 2021-10-07 11:30:41
     Peter Rousselot 2021-10-06 18:55:45
          Matt Blitz 2021-10-06 14:30:52
 2021-10-06 11:30:50
            Jo DeVoe 2021-10-05 14:00:44
 2021-10-05 11:30:54
   Progressive Voice 2021-10-04 19:30:13
          Dana Munro 2021-10-04 13:45:19
 2021-10-04 11:30:06
          Dana Munro 2021-09-28 19:45:42
          Dana Munro 2021-09-28 18:00:35
 2021-09-28 15:15:56
 2021-09-28 11:30:35
 2021-09-28 06:00:12
 2021-09-27 13:55:58
 2021-09-24 21:00:25
 2021-09-24 14:10:01
          Matt Blitz 2021-09-24 13:25:34
            Jo DeVoe 2021-09-22 19:55:05
     Peter Rousselot 2021-09-22 19:00:34 Sponsor 2021-09-22 17:00:10
          Matt Blitz 2021-09-22 15:30:29
 2021-09-21 11:30:19
 2021-09-21 06:00:22
 2021-09-20 11:30:48
 2021-09-20 06:00:26
 2021-09-17 19:55:56
 2021-09-17 11:30:38
 2021-09-17 06:00:04
 2021-09-16 11:30:24
 2021-09-16 06:00:24
            Jo DeVoe 2021-09-15 14:35:55
 2021-09-15 11:30:02
 2021-09-15 06:00:23
 2021-09-14 06:00:32
            Jo DeVoe 2021-09-13 16:35:14
        Vernon Miles 2021-09-13 15:00:26
 2021-09-10 19:00:16
 2021-09-10 06:00:41
          Dana Munro 2021-09-09 18:45:59
 2021-09-09 06:00:41
            Jo DeVoe 2021-09-08 14:00:31
 2021-09-08 06:00:41
            Jo DeVoe 2021-09-03 13:05:39
 2021-09-03 11:30:20
 2021-09-03 06:00:11
            Jo DeVoe 2021-09-02 19:45:39
 2021-09-02 11:30:44
 2021-09-02 06:00:42
 2021-09-01 19:30:52 Sponsor 2021-09-01 17:00:55
 2021-08-31 06:00:35
 2021-08-30 18:10:58
 2021-08-30 11:30:49
            Jo DeVoe 2021-08-27 15:40:55
 2021-08-27 12:00:42 Sponsor 2021-08-26 17:00:10 Sponsor 2021-08-25 17:00:45
          Dana Munro 2021-08-25 13:00:32
 2021-08-25 11:30:34
 2021-08-25 06:00:00
            Jo DeVoe 2021-08-24 19:35:34
          Mark Kelly 2021-08-24 19:00:07 Sponsor 2021-08-24 17:00:04
          Matt Blitz 2021-08-24 14:00:05
   Progressive Voice 2021-08-23 19:30:18
 2021-08-23 06:00:41
 2021-08-20 11:30:59
 2021-08-20 06:00:09
       Symone Walker 2021-08-19 19:00:44
 2021-08-19 11:30:23
            Jo DeVoe 2021-08-18 19:55:08
          Dana Munro 2021-08-18 15:00:38
 2021-08-18 13:10:08
 2021-08-18 11:30:50
          Dana Munro 2021-08-17 13:00:37
          Jane Green 2021-08-16 18:00:59
            Jo DeVoe 2021-08-16 15:00:58
 2021-08-13 11:30:30
     Peter Rousselot 2021-08-11 19:15:36 Sponsor 2021-08-11 17:00:28
  [1]  581  497  538  431  753  633  437  662  226  249  435  185  433  569  523
 [16]  778  611  692  659  413  378  603  630  706  749  473  768  626  447  333
 [31]  580  494  456  310  762  410  223  508  619  308  400  857  427  302  543
 [46]  670  857  516  213  427 1079 1076  520  518  463  181  485  520  694  232
 [61]  614  333  300  224  610  290  301  298  807  332  393  285  351  677  342
 [76]  705  591  340  453  421  269  548  290  461  704  610  439  360  329  343
 [91]  679  402  519  280  629  786  417  692  472  555  873  210  253  752  545
[106]  683  455  638  724  401  492  438  370  554  766  476  512  651  292  511
[121]  326  891  291  992  852  282  800  790  272  189 1075  401  533  684  448
[136]  587  660  495  875  571  540  351  950  389  195  655  344  519  256  378
[151]  316  583  613  585  852  757  153  176  792  398  596  743  293  199  274
[166]  111  411  500  332  401  674  784  811  701  532  658  788  455  348  346
[181]  437  388  580  337  630  638  519  587  385  803  812  713  764  703  284
[196]  583  577  537  424  702  179  736  699  327  672  598  424  400  415  760
[211]  649  397  801  352  891  535  379  537   87  483  417  311   89  790  636
[226]  507  287  569  605  738  675  748  597  102  120  596  707  602  926  621
[241]  322  611  561  591  101  397  359  287   83  344  541  669  388  643  584
[256]  579  623  369  803  337  268  401  627  372  532  159  464  603  389  580
[271]  311  425  284  526  539  632  677  513  202  639  629  687  249  613  214
[286]  805  706  227  473  279  727  490  672  687  363  619  493   98  578  368
[301]  375  545  452  347  600  517  466  731  608  617  619  127  537   97  535
[316]  619  724  671  718  294  617  107  699  534  454  687  724  487  539  286
[331]  585  624  548  492  959  515  119  664  735  313  938  457  541  549  493
[346]  132  989  740  121  503  337  453  261  383  432  872  121  254  346  319
[361]  115  554  822  675  722  573  456  795  641  387  598  658  625  428  802
[376]  639  807  330  722  542  250  318  481  227  137  328  686  481  677  351
[391]  458  591  418  151  622  569  610  497  711  524  586   85  602  454  458
[406]  785  576  799  618  300  230  631  625  358  254  302  464  731  557  564
[421]  633  444  609  284 1094  816  344  721  893  505  720  730  433  286  229
[436]  402  407  784  645  369  426  478  919  733  681  653  539  431  659  406
[451]  699  227  639  619  600  372  483  680  615  188  379  341  329  737  609
[466]  297  351  560  294  330  444  195  530  624  483  629  326  501  576  313
[481]  421  402   31  334  251  640  944  720  526  284  661  362   27  450   31
[496]  100  498   32  357   28  774  563   28   28  618  858  192   28  616   28
[511]  415   26  306  499   29  822  383   29  468  233   28  683  439  579  165
[526]  782  252  437  556   29  999  647  224  752  273   28  576   27  550  537
[541]  975  572  625  567 1124  551  611  385  565  589
arlnow_covid_corpus_tokens = tokens(arlnow_covid_corpus, remove_punct = T)
Tokens consisting of 550 documents and 3 docvars.
text1 :
 [1] "A"          "few"        "hundred"    "parents"    "say"       
 [6] "Arlington"  "Public"     "Schools"    "should"     "prioritize"
[11] "recreating" "pre-Covid" 
[ ... and 480 more ]

text2 :
 [1] "Updated"    "at"         "9"          "50"         "a.m"       
 [6] "Covid"      "cases"      "have"       "held"       "relatively"
[11] "steady"     "in"        
[ ... and 424 more ]

text3 :
 [1] "Arlington"   "has"         "resumed"     "its"         "Covid"      
 [6] "vaccination" "effort"      "after"       "receiving"   "the"        
[11] "new"         "bivalent"   
[ ... and 454 more ]

text4 :
 [1] "Arlington" "County"    "and"       "the"       "rest"      "of"       
 [7] "the"       "immediate" "D.C"       "area"      "is"        "now"      
[ ... and 360 more ]

text5 :
 [1] "Arlington" "Public"    "Schools"   "will"      "follow"    "mostly"   
 [7] "the"       "same"      "Covid"     "protocols" "as"        "last"     
[ ... and 623 more ]

text6 :
 [1] "The"       "rate"      "of"        "reported"  "Covid"     "cases"    
 [7] "continues" "to"        "slowly"    "fall"      "in"        "Arlington"
[ ... and 531 more ]

[ reached max_ndoc ... 544 more documents ]
kwic_school = kwic(arlnow_covid_corpus_tokens, 
      pattern = c("school", "schools"))
Keyword-in-context with 821 matches.                                                                        
     [text1, 8]                   hundred parents say Arlington Public |
    [text1, 49]                     pandemic to advocate for reopening |
    [text1, 51]                   advocate for reopening schools Since |
    [text1, 58]                                 APE has evolved into a |
    [text1, 92]                protocols The priorities don't surprise |
   [text1, 155]                            children in middle and high |
   [text1, 165]                           had children in area private |
   [text1, 172]                                saw an influx in public |
   [text1, 179]                       when they returned for in-person |
   [text1, 421]               COVID-19 infection spreading through our |
   [text1, 473]                              access a safe and healthy |
   [text3, 120]                      is still circulating including in |
     [text5, 3]                                       Arlington Public |
    [text5, 26]                five-day quarantines At last Thursday's |
    [text5, 42]                   protocols for the upcoming 2022-2023 |
   [text5, 192]                               and only allowed back to |
   [text5, 245]                                 days and can return to |
   [text5, 269]                                   wear a mask while at |
   [text5, 290]                               be provided to return to |
   [text5, 334]                                symptoms Do not come to |
   [text5, 412]                          and asymptomatic to return to |
   [text5, 460]                         are concerned about making our |
   [text5, 504]                       and staff tomorrow Wednesday The |
   [text5, 574]                             system for middle and high |
   [text5, 600]                         dress codes were determined by |
   [text5, 602]                          were determined by schools As |
  [text14, 439]                       from this group Arlington Public |
  [text14, 459]                    25 cases at Washington-Liberty High |
  [text14, 466]                      highest among the county's public |
  [text18, 168]                        stands at 11.2 Arlington Public |
  [text18, 194]                              A trio of North Arlington |
  [text18, 199]                 schools Glebe Elementary Yorktown High |
  [text18, 218]                        20-30 cases each Kenmore Middle |
  [text18, 330]                      seniors congregate at lunch after |
  [text18, 498]                            encouraging use of masks in |
  [text18, 513]                                 staff to wear masks in |
  [text18, 525]                                at the medium level the |
  [text18, 573]                    screening testing offered weekly in |
  [text19, 129]                          levels of virus are Arlington |
  [text19, 132]                 are Arlington schools Arlington Public |
  [text19, 160]                     smaller size compared to secondary |
  [text19, 167]                     trio of North Arlington elementary |
   [text20, 14]                  mid-month during the Arlington Public |
   [text20, 61]                        of Health data Arlington Public |
   [text20, 81]                   Elementary alone The North Arlington |
   [text20, 92]                          total of any Arlington public |
   [text20, 96]                      public school after Yorktown High |
  [text21, 134]                            on April 9 Arlington Public |
  [text22, 120]                        to the current Arlington Public |
  [text22, 481]                           keep children well to attend |
  [text28, 131]                 making masks optional Arlington Public |
  [text28, 173]             North Arlington with Nottingham Elementary |
  [text28, 176]       Nottingham Elementary School Williamsburg Middle |
  [text28, 179]               Williamsburg Middle School Yorktown High |
  [text28, 183]                   High School and Jamestown Elementary |
  [text29, 313]                    So with county facilities Arlington |
  [text30, 141]                       law will prompt Arlington Public |
  [text30, 152]                              their children out of the |
  [text31, 148]                        start the year Arlington Public |
  [text31, 166]                       remain elevated According to the |
  [text31, 239]                            Dr Francisco Durán said the |
  [text31, 398]                               be provided at Syphax on |
  [text31, 422]                         on their COVID vaccinations in |
  [text35, 403]                   for more transparency from Arlington |
  [text36, 137]           Covid-related disruptions to everything from |
    [text39, 6]                       Updated at noon Arlington Public |
   [text39, 35]                            week Starting next week the |
   [text39, 51]                                     in an email to the |
  [text39, 131]                                being able to return to |
  [text39, 216]                         transmission in a classroom or |
  [text39, 221]                          school Switching any class or |
  [text39, 355]                  week's snowstorms ended up cancelling |
  [text39, 384]                         wave others have advocated for |
  [text39, 430]                          increase APS ability to staff |
  [text39, 438]                            reduce students days out of |
  [text39, 476]                            not mirrored by other local |
  [text40, 195]                  long-term care facilities group homes |
  [text44, 239]                                    4 p.m Last year the |
  [text51, 463]                    they've peaked yet Arlington Public |
  [text51, 472]                        105 positive tests among public |
  [text51, 486]                         its online Covid dashboard The |
  [text51, 499]                 time period is Washington-Liberty High |
  [text51, 505]                                with 19 On Saturday the |
  [text52, 494]                   Daycare centers pre-schools and K-12 |
  [text52, 507]                    home to quarantine Arlington Public |
  [text52, 566]                             those who test positive in |
   [text55, 65]                        also rising at Arlington Public |
   [text55, 69]                        Public Schools according to the |
  [text55, 281]                                   mask use in work and |
  [text55, 308]                          size of COVID-19 outbreaks in |
  [text55, 321]                                  as in athletics or in |
  [text55, 390]                                    to keep our kids in |
  [text59, 176]                       November 3 2021 Arlington Public |
  [text59, 195]                              all but one in elementary |
   [text62, 18]                       among students at Wakefield High |
   [text62, 20]                          at Wakefield High School this |
   [text62, 33]                          at any other Arlington public |
   [text62, 49]                         last week the Arlington Public |
   [text62, 69]                            a potential outbreak at the |
  [text62, 140]            Drew Elementary and Washington-Liberty High |
  [text62, 151]                      after Wakefield for the 2021-2022 |
  [text62, 165]                 apiece Yorktown Arlington's other high |
  [text62, 183]                                 Covid data So far this |
   [text69, 57]                                   in lawn care in high |
   [text69, 75]                             decided to turn their high |
  [text69, 245]                     Church and went through elementary |
  [text69, 247]                    went through elementary school high |
  [text69, 464]                    change Completing projects near the |
  [text69, 469]              schools they attended Tuckahoe Elementary |
  [text69, 473]                    Elementary School and Yorktown High |
  [text71, 302]                               as FL students return to |
  [text76, 181]                          children return inside and to |
   [text82, 76]                               care for children not in |
  [text82, 104]                               is dire with public K-12 |
  [text82, 301]                         mother of two young elementary |
  [text82, 371]                          schoolers on track in virtual |
  [text84, 240]                              also still be required in |
   [text87, 10]           currently ongoing at Washington-Liberty High |
   [text87, 16]                   and another unnamed Arlington public |
   [text87, 84]                       protocols were being followed at |
  [text87, 115]                    investigations were underway at two |
  [text87, 129]                      couple of months Arlington Public |
  [text87, 148]                                levels In that time the |
  [text87, 214]                  guidelines Deciding whether an entire |
  [text87, 267]                                   of a case Across the |
  [text87, 301]                         returned in February and other |
  [text87, 335]                        Syphax Education Center and the |
  [text87, 341]      system's transportation department which operates |
  [text87, 355]                              four each Views about the |
  [text87, 366]                           to COVID-19 cases vary among |
  [text89, 175]                    location at Thomas Jefferson Middle |
  [text89, 188]                      weather permitting outside of the |
   [text92, 22]                           also has upended the typical |
   [text92, 36]                                    part of Arts in the |
   [text92, 40]                     the Schools Month Arlington Public |
  [text92, 147]                             of the four Arlington high |
  [text92, 196]               a collaboration between Arlington Public |
  [text92, 215]                      Trap Foundation's Grants for High |
  [text96, 328]                         a given property Schwartz said |
    [text98, 3]                                       Arlington Public |
   [text98, 38]                                  have been kept out of |
   [text98, 54]                            data on those excluded from |
   [text98, 67]                         with positive cases during the |
  [text98, 124]                       provide Durán said Durán assured |
  [text98, 191]                            spreads inside or outside a |
  [text98, 225]                        community rates a Yorktown High |
  [text98, 365]                                 two days next week but |
  [text98, 412]                    holiday weekend Goldstein and other |
  [text98, 527]                   a safe-reopening of Arlington Public |
  [text98, 538]                             with more than 100 parents |
  [text98, 558]               drove around the Washington-Liberty High |
  [text101, 25]                     heroic efforts of Arlington Public |
  [text101, 65]                                      By the end of the |
 [text101, 207]                   create alternative funding sources A |
 [text101, 322]                            the learning losses In high |
 [text101, 373]                       credits at an area postsecondary |
 [text101, 429]                         hold at least part-time summer |
 [text101, 465]                       students take several times each |
 [text101, 497]                      Martin West at Harvard's Graduate |
 [text101, 575]                   possibly sacrificed this year Summer |
 [text101, 588]                      also offer supplements during the |
 [text101, 596]                 could partner with local postsecondary |
 [text101, 628]                    Qualified college students and high |
 [text101, 680]                     ideas which the superintendent and |
 [text101, 756]             teaches at Georgetown University's McCourt |
  [text111, 12]                        that took Bishop O'Connell High |
  [text111, 22]                        forced St Thomas More Cathedral |
  [text111, 54]                       tested positive and prompted the |
  [text111, 62]                 in-person classes The parochial PreK-8 |
  [text111, 69]                     Buckingham told students and staff |
 [text111, 143]                             and staff of the parochial |
 [text111, 233]             certain COVID-19 commitments Currently the |
 [text111, 332]                             she said She predicted the |
   [text112, 4]                                  Bishop O'Connell High |
  [text112, 39]                                 traced to what head of |
  [text112, 68]                          presumed were reported to the |
  [text112, 84]                            two students likely came to |
 [text112, 186]                                   24 hours he said The |
 [text112, 208]                            got tested and notified the |
 [text112, 211]                      notified the school Although some |
 [text112, 347]                     community he said Arlington public |
 [text114, 471]                                 hand if kids return to |
  [text115, 52]                       200,000 American lives shut down |
 [text118, 277]                        free grab-and-go meals to local |
 [text118, 296]                                   for Kids in March as |
 [text118, 302]                          began to close Key Elementary |
 [text118, 318]                                 the meal plan when the |
 [text118, 340]                              children who went to that |
 [text118, 384]                            day to families impacted by |
  [text120, 18]                         the author's Fourteen years of |
 [text122, 587]                                that we should keep our |
 [text125, 455]                 distance learning for Arlington Public |
  [text126, 93]                           online this morning In grade |
 [text131, 244]                in Washington-Liberty and Yorktown high |
   [text132, 3]                                              The Schar |
  [text132, 91]                      certificate programs at the Schar |
  [text135, 60]                    phased reopening of Virginia public |
 [text135, 111]               collaboration including The County Board |
 [text135, 129]                    prioritize what's essential for our |
 [text135, 170]                          seeming lack of support among |
 [text135, 197]              initiatives such as cost-benefit analyses |
 [text135, 221]                       Sustainable Future ASF the three |
 [text140, 236]                         online and added online Sunday |
 [text140, 290]                          been attending And one Sunday |
 [text143, 613]              testing site near Washington-Liberty High |
 [text146, 338]       decision-making Providing Virtual Learning Tools |
 [text146, 350]                    with the challenges associated with |
 [text146, 404]                            college prep tools for high |
 [text146, 408]                high schools including Arlington Public |
 [text146, 438]                       own reducing support required by |
 [text146, 465]                          products in response to COVID |
  [text150, 82]                              with the 6 candidates for |
 [text150, 189]                         voters are endorsing their two |
 [text150, 272]                        a Democratic mail-in ballot for |
   [text153, 5]                               St Thomas More Cathedral |
  [text153, 39]                     already in place students departed |
 [text153, 124]                 since Governor Northam closed Virginia |
 [text153, 187]                          parent group dedicated to the |
 [text153, 222]                             into all subject areas Our |
 [text153, 247]                            of St Thomas More Cathedral |
 [text153, 283]                                 is sought out by other |
 [text153, 356]                        also prepares students for high |
 [text153, 402]                Loyola-Press and CodeSpark Earlier this |
 [text153, 441]                        events St Thomas More Cathedral |
 [text153, 517]                    Department of Education Blue Ribbon |
 [text156, 266]                             When there were reports of |
 [text168, 314]                  September 18-21 Arlington County High |
  [text173, 28]                           you sick an Arlington Public |
  [text173, 32]                        Public Schools auditor told the |
  [text173, 51]              had reservations about resuming in-person |
  [text173, 76]                       according to the audit prompting |
  [text173, 85]                            the program for the 2022-23 |
 [text173, 186]                technology issues and teacher shortages |
 [text173, 260]                   Their recommendations are slated for |
 [text173, 266]                         Board review this December The |
 [text173, 289]                        issues do not repeat themselves |
 [text173, 315]             communicated openly throughout the 2021-22 |
 [text173, 373]                            work progresses Some in the |
 [text173, 408]                      a painful lesson said independent |
 [text173, 531]                      Virtual Virginia according to the |
 [text173, 572]                      failures and highlighted that the |
 [text173, 656]                            into their brick and mortar |
 [text175, 170]                         Open Positions APS started the |
 [text175, 234]                    in every classroom Arlington Public |
  [text178, 37]                          parcel is complete The county |
  [text178, 74]                                  More on the Return to |
 [text178, 228]                       culinary awards Sun Gazette High |
 [text178, 283]                            at Marshall and McLean high |
 [text178, 310]                       Ivy League championships In high |
 [text178, 318]                       a three-year starter at Pinewood |
  [text179, 33]                          in that role Arlington County |
  [text179, 69]                                of silence to start the |
  [text179, 81]                                     made at the Aug 18 |
  [text179, 90]                         Code of Virginia mandates that |
 [text179, 109]                         free lunch at Arlington Public |
 [text179, 118]                                   The start of the new |
  [text185, 73]                        after a recent Arlington Public |
  [text185, 85]                                  42 of middle and high |
 [text185, 412]                      latest data from Arlington Public |
 [text185, 427]                           of Arlington middle and high |
   [text189, 4]                                           First Day of |
  [text189, 22]                                you know it the 2022-23 |
  [text189, 37]                        of classes for Arlington Public |
  [text204, 13]        juvenile suspects during the recently-concluded |
  [text204, 20]                      compared to the last pre-pandemic |
  [text204, 69]                               and 2022 During the past |
 [text204, 126]             department interacts with Arlington Public |
 [text204, 128]                      with Arlington Public Schools The |
 [text204, 133]                          school system voted to remove |
 [text204, 137]                   remove School Resource Officers from |
 [text204, 220]                       to timeframes that encompass the |
 [text204, 248]                         some high profile incidents at |
 [text205, 444]                the Smithsonian Institution area public |
  [text207, 60]                           day as well Arlington County |
  [text207, 70]                        on Independence Day with summer |
  [text210, 30]                  candidates for Arlington County Board |
 [text210, 254]                          website She says she supports |
 [text210, 260]                choice and community colleges technical |
 [text210, 396]                      housing hunger climate change and |
 [text210, 545]              harmful policies resulting in overcrowded |
 [text210, 606]                         a candidate like her Arlington |
 [text210, 617]                     the Democratic endorsement for the |
 [text220, 283]                          be well like building medical |
 [text226, 200]                teenage rowers from Washington-Lee High |
 [text226, 226]                         becoming the first public high |
   [text228, 9]                         Covid Concern Is the Arlington |
 [text228, 365]                  at Constitution Hall Arlington Public |
 [text228, 376]                                for its three main high |
  [text230, 85]                         APS Changes Bell Schedules The |
  [text230, 94]                         Virginia voted to lengthen the |
 [text230, 106]                            10 minutes and to rearrange |
 [text230, 118]                             first change to the county |
 [text230, 308]                                   as deep as any other |
 [text232, 274]               site across from Washington-Liberty High |
 [text232, 291]                        portion of the Arlington Public |
 [text232, 307]                               amend its lease with the |
 [text232, 442]                                 a shortage of land for |
 [text232, 452]                             the purchase as a possible |
 [text232, 515]                                 peak times of the high |
  [text251, 40]                            No 1 Washingtonian Dems Set |
  [text251, 50]             2022 Arlington County Democratic Committee |
  [text251, 79]                          6 Democrats will select their |
  [text257, 44]                                  to the AEA from every |
  [text257, 65]                        educators and staff from public |
 [text257, 115]                         the elementary middle and high |
 [text257, 146]                 of collective bargaining The Arlington |
 [text259, 164]                         with more virtual programs and |
 [text259, 185]                              are more often going into |
 [text259, 252]                                 both to the public and |
 [text259, 367]                           community centers as well as |
 [text259, 574]                                  after kids are out of |
 [text261, 144]                        professor saying the Ivy League |
 [text261, 193]                        will house the university's new |
  [text267, 19]                    Gunston and Thomas Jefferson middle |
  [text267, 23]                    middle schools while Wakefield High |
  [text267, 62]                      behaviors happening in the public |
  [text267, 73]                              example a mother told the |
  [text267, 80]                         her daughter at Gunston Middle |
  [text267, 97]                     Shana Robertson told the Arlington |
 [text267, 129]                        issues are happening across the |
 [text267, 139]                            several videos of brawls on |
 [text267, 151]                    students this year Arlington Public |
 [text267, 157]                            confirms to ARLnow that the |
 [text267, 174]                     reported fights and incidents this |
 [text267, 198]                          re-acclimate to being back in |
 [text267, 256]           reinstall Arlington County Police Department |
 [text267, 334]                             across the country even at |
 [text268, 382]                           739 the mask-optional law in |
 [text270, 330]                         Two students at Swanson Middle |
 [text270, 386]                 from Arlington County Arlington Public |
  [text272, 63]                                land and lobbying for a |
 [text274, 171]                     today In addition Arlington Public |
 [text274, 392]                         sang in choirs throughout high |
  [text275, 45]                       gone terribly wrong here Twitter |
  [text275, 58]                         playing the how many Arlington |
 [text275, 113]                  as was Superintendent Francisco Durán |
  [text279, 21]                  in Arlington County facilities public |
 [text279, 141]                          per VDH data Arlington Public |
   [text280, 9]                             55 a.m The first Arlington |
  [text280, 24]                    current teacher in Arlington Public |
  [text280, 27]                Arlington Public Schools Gunston Middle |
  [text280, 49]                                 says is missing on the |
 [text280, 108]                                seat that opens up when |
 [text280, 181]                           a graduate of Wakefield High |
 [text280, 185]                          High School Since joining the |
 [text281, 415]                       and install speed cameras around |
  [text286, 33]                           the lead of Arlington Public |
 [text286, 249]                 expressed support for Arlington Public |
 [text286, 269]                                 out of mask wearing at |
 [text286, 563]                            as well as Arlington Public |
 [text289, 135]                   these books Twitter Arlington Public |
 [text289, 222]                Washington-Liberty is the Virginia High |
 [text290, 138]                      Arlington and as Arlington Public |
 [text290, 146]                   first day of mask-optional in-person |
   [text293, 8]                              4 10 p.m Arlington Public |
 [text293, 123]                             face coverings More from a |
 [text293, 212]                                    will wear a mask at |
 [text293, 216]                                   at school and on the |
 [text293, 551]                                to wear masks in public |
  [text296, 10]                         in four years Arlington Public |
  [text296, 28]                Superintendent Francisco Durán told the |
 [text296, 117]                                math coaches at Title 1 |
 [text296, 125]                            with more than 650 students |
 [text296, 158]                    budgeting cycles we've been through |
 [text296, 190]                                 2018 and this year the |
 [text296, 266]                          additional $ 48.8 million for |
 [text296, 365]                           million in reserves that the |
  [text298, 47]                      to Covid mitigation strategies in |
   [text299, 3]                                       Arlington Public |
  [text299, 47]                      Virtual Learning Program VLP next |
  [text299, 56]                          its mask requirement during a |
 [text299, 106]                           out of mask requirements The |
 [text299, 121]                     joined six other Northern Virginia |
 [text299, 237]                          policy comes as the Arlington |
 [text299, 267]                 in-person learning during the pandemic |
 [text299, 294]                   vision didn't match our capabilities |
 [text299, 325]                   missteps and errors in communication |
 [text299, 460]                                But six months into the |
 [text299, 492]             to student performance in brick-and-mortar |
  [text300, 86]                      closed on Monday Arlington Public |
 [text301, 313]                         make masks optional for public |
   [text302, 3]                                       Arlington Public |
  [text302, 12]                                new masking policy at a |
  [text302, 32]                                optional by March 1 The |
 [text302, 101]                       and revised policy at Thursday's |
 [text302, 116]                     community in maintaining safe open |
 [text302, 131]                    that work together Arlington Public |
 [text302, 154]                   injunction was granted The Arlington |
 [text302, 161]                        and six other Northern Virginia |
 [text302, 291]                       back its masking requirement the |
 [text302, 311]                            Program VLP it debuted this |
 [text302, 406]                    condition that complicates going to |
 [text302, 429]                             the transfer to their home |
 [text303, 110]                                 each of the other high |
 [text303, 265]                        qualified for the Virginia High |
  [text307, 47]                          also provide more funding for |
 [text307, 207]                     include housing climate change and |
 [text307, 252]                           over last year Excluding the |
  [text308, 17]                                out of masking rules at |
  [text308, 62]                       would essentially make the local |
  [text308, 77]                            executive order on masks in |
 [text308, 112]                                 from last year to keep |
 [text308, 132]                                   in time for the next |
 [text308, 147]                                   to wearing a mask on |
 [text308, 278]                                  should wear a mask in |
 [text308, 319]                              This vote also shows that |
 [text308, 370]                           set by Fairfax County Public |
 [text308, 398]                            masks should be optional in |
 [text308, 448]                  the governor's order Arlington Public |
 [text308, 459]                      during the pandemic that requires |
 [text308, 492]                        APS and other Northern Virginia |
  [text313, 14]                                  for a number of local |
  [text313, 36]                          from banning mask mandates in |
  [text313, 81]                          the ability to override local |
 [text313, 106]                 issued a temporary injunction allowing |
 [text313, 116]                    In response Arlington County Public |
 [text313, 126]                             behalf of all the involved |
 [text313, 133]                                   It reads in part The |
 [text313, 170]                         Circuit Court The order allows |
 [text313, 203]                     policies and practices in Virginia |
 [text313, 233]                    his emergency powers can't override |
 [text313, 262]                      banning mask mandates in Virginia |
 [text313, 271]                                was sued by seven state |
 [text313, 302]            Virginia Constitution that gives individual |
 [text313, 309]                      the authority to supervise public |
 [text313, 328]                           law last March that requires |
 [text313, 354]                        of Covid Without today's action |
 [text313, 381]                         state law the Arlington Public |
 [text313, 397]                  not politically motivated These seven |
 [text316, 227]          Jeopardy Arlington and its first-in-the-state |
 [text317, 106]                               have dealt with cases in |
 [text317, 272]                      incredible shortages she said Our |
 [text317, 391]                     participate readily within our own |
  [text321, 74]              inherently divisive practices in Virginia |
 [text321, 141]                                broader goal to rid the |
 [text321, 158]                          actually being taught in K-12 |
 [text321, 173]                          banned CRT in Virginia public |
 [text321, 501]                         the Governor's efforts We have |
 [text321, 519]                          create a culture of reporting |
 [text321, 533]                         by solving problems within the |
  [text325, 77]                       Chair Chris Slatt Kenmore Middle |
  [text325, 82]                   School and Carlin Springs Elementary |
 [text325, 150]              about supply-chain problems the Arlington |
 [text326, 125]                      place the Thomas Jefferson Middle |
 [text326, 148]                     worship services at Key Elementary |
 [text327, 255]                  affordable housing hunger funding our |
 [text328, 101]                              of being delivered to our |
 [text328, 118]                         or early next Arlington Public |
  [text331, 13]                           the side of Arlington Public |
  [text331, 29]                        and six other Northern Virginia |
  [text331, 50]                        first day in office prohibiting |
  [text331, 82]                               in effect at the child's |
 [text331, 132]                     are supportive of Arlington Public |
 [text331, 134]                        of Arlington Public Schools the |
 [text331, 162]                            said the Board believes the |
 [text331, 196]                    executive order which also requires |
 [text331, 228]                   whether communities broadly not just |
 [text331, 282]                   yesterday Tuesday The Fairfax County |
 [text331, 292]                           in the lawsuit alongside the |
 [text331, 323]                           that supersedes the right of |
 [text331, 343]                       a recently adopted law directing |
 [text331, 395]                       determined it would continue its |
 [text331, 421]                           they are disappointed in the |
 [text331, 482]                       Friday on preventing COVID-19 in |
 [text331, 495]               order emphasizing parents rights keeping |
   [text333, 4]                                        Dems to Discuss |
  [text333, 39]               Democratic endorsement of candidates for |
   [text335, 8]                                 3 35 p.m The Arlington |
  [text335, 22]                     executive order that doesn't allow |
  [text335, 52]                         day in office Arlington joined |
 [text335, 100]                               in effect at the child's |
 [text335, 113]                               to take effect today but |
 [text335, 168]                               and defends the right of |
 [text335, 202]                         special session The law states |
 [text335, 226]                                plays a role in keeping |
 [text335, 297]                      spokesman Frank Bellavia said the |
 [text335, 311]                             since the beginning of the |
 [text335, 322]                                 not wearing a mask our |
 [text335, 361]                           and when students arrived at |
 [text335, 370]                       very few incidents The Arlington |
 [text335, 384]                  it stands together with participating |
 [text335, 401]                       policies and supervise our local |
 [text335, 412]                                  that allow us to keep |
 [text335, 459]                             for Covid according to the |
 [text335, 470]                    press release from Arlington Public |
 [text335, 475]                             Schools is below Today the |
 [text335, 529]                             state defends the right of |
 [text335, 584]                       issue is whether locally elected |
 [text335, 609]                         over supervision of the public |
 [text335, 680]                          in effect provides that local |
 [text335, 699]             safety requirements Without today's action |
 [text335, 731]                  not politically motivated These seven |
 [text335, 806]                health and safety mitigation strategies |
  [text337, 33]                    snow day allotment Arlington Public |
   [text338, 8]                      of Arlington is advising Catholic |
  [text338, 45]                           their children wear masks to |
  [text338, 64]                           last year requiring masks in |
  [text338, 69]                                 schools In a letter to |
  [text338, 76]                         explaining what this means for |
  [text338, 94]                 in Northern Virginia Superintendent of |
 [text338, 112]                   Throughout the pandemic our Catholic |
 [text338, 150]                    enrolled in elementary or secondary |
 [text338, 178]                               in effect at the child's |
 [text338, 194]                                 passed a law that some |
 [text338, 239]                 dismissed In response Arlington Public |
 [text338, 245]                                as well as other public |
 [text338, 268]                      Last night Thursday the Arlington |
 [text338, 274]                              Board voted to retain the |
 [text338, 280]                 system's mask requirement But Catholic |
 [text338, 320]                   Prevention Diocesan direction to our |
 [text338, 369]                                mask mandate As for how |
 [text338, 377]                      walk this tight-rope Vorbach says |
 [text338, 453]                                      to wear a mask in |
 [text338, 459]                               In addition she said the |
 [text338, 482]                         remains very important and our |
 [text338, 508]                       the greatest extent possible Our |
 [text338, 529]                                  is a new variable our |
 [text338, 558]                      showing more COVID-19 cases among |
  [text340, 59]                 Health has authorized Arlington Public |
  [text340, 82]                     so students can continue attending |
 [text341, 529]           post-COVID-19 aspirations outside their high |
   [text343, 3]                                       Arlington Public |
  [text343, 39]                           their children wear masks to |
  [text343, 51]                      Fairfax County among other public |
  [text343, 73]                            law still requires masks in |
 [text343, 171]                       state lawmakers backed the local |
 [text343, 180]                    talks about parental involvement in |
 [text343, 191]                             parents want masks worn in |
 [text343, 234]                              try to force the county's |
 [text343, 244]                    his order which effectively removes |
 [text343, 336]                     in practicality requiring masks in |
 [text343, 367]                         showing more Covid cases among |
 [text343, 404]                         days following their return to |
 [text343, 437]                              to make masks optional at |
 [text344, 163]                         to all full-time and part-time |
  [text345, 19]                  a tug-of-war between Arlington Public |
  [text345, 69]                               in effect at the child's |
 [text345, 100]                              the spread of COVID-19 in |
 [text345, 116]                         masks It further suggests that |
 [text345, 139]                            mask mandate for the entire |
 [text345, 151]                                   is still in place on |
 [text345, 185]                    masks on public transportation like |
 [text345, 191]                        buses From APS Arlington Public |
 [text345, 205]                                to wear masks inside on |
 [text345, 232]                          transmission rates low in our |
 [text345, 235]                            in our schools and ensuring |
 [text345, 242]                         safe and open Arlington Public |
 [text345, 248]                  implemented our mask requirement this |
 [text345, 292]                            in Virginia per SB1303 says |
 [text345, 329]                  programs and elementary and secondary |
 [text345, 369]                  public transportation Anyone riding a |
 [text345, 382]                                mask when riding on our |
 [text345, 406]                   cases identified by Arlington Public |
 [text345, 418]                             and staff according to the |
  [text346, 16]                         back out between winter storms |
  [text346, 43]                                 rise in Covid cases in |
 [text347, 375]                                 War and went to barber |
  [text351, 82]                      administrating 8,500 tests a week |
 [text351, 100]                       eleven that students didn't have |
   [text355, 9]              Consistent with County Arlington's newest |
  [text355, 21]                          intimating that if the county |
  [text356, 14]                  of Arlington Science Focus Elementary |
 [text356, 520]                                    to spruce up an old |
  [text362, 10]                      nearly wiped out Arlington Public |
  [text362, 33]                         traditional snow days in which |
  [text362, 60]                               full five days home from |
  [text362, 95]                                 weather is new for the |
 [text362, 117]                                for most of the 2020-21 |
 [text362, 136]                                      at the end of the |
 [text362, 180]                         implemented in a smattering of |
 [text362, 196]                    Arlington and Fairfax County Public |
 [text362, 210]                     of normalcy Alexandria City Public |
 [text362, 217]                              one of the only D.C.-area |
 [text362, 257]                          snow day APS meanwhile closed |
 [text362, 276]                              planned to return kids to |
 [text362, 331]                   of neighboring Fairfax County Public |
 [text362, 461]                Superintendent Francisco Durán told the |
  [text363, 57]                         delay lead of Arlington Public |
  [text363, 97]                       bringing its guidelines for K-12 |
 [text363, 304]                  the general population including K-12 |
 [text366, 108]          communication when available Arlington Public |
 [text366, 112]                    Public Schools APS Custodians Clear |
 [text366, 117]                 School Sidewalks From Arlington Public |
 [text366, 149]                                ensure a safe return to |
 [text369, 437]                             located in the former Hume |
  [text370, 10]                              in a row Arlington Public |
  [text370, 27]                               get another snow day The |
  [text370, 67]                       road and sidewalk conditions all |
 [text370, 180]                      education classes and programs in |
 [text370, 183]                             programs in schools and on |
 [text370, 216]                        William County and other public |
  [text372, 13]                  students are pushing Arlington Public |
 [text372, 244]              sports and conversations with neighboring |
 [text372, 324]                    daily testing Fairfax County Public |
 [text372, 396]                        or practice together outside of |
 [text372, 506]                                 intend to speak at the |
 [text373, 355]                                  the first day back to |
 [text373, 364]                    holiday break with Arlington Public |
 [text373, 384]                        across Arlington and the region |
 [text373, 450]                     rising case numbers Arlington high |
 [text374, 186]                   Arlington SRO Decision The Arlington |
 [text374, 197]            reinstate school-resource officers at local |
 [text374, 232]                             Dec 30 would require every |
 [text374, 250]                        resource officer for every high |
 [text374, 253]                           every high school and middle |
 [text374, 263]                      officer for every five elementary |
 [text375, 316]                As previously reported Arlington Public |
  [text376, 57]                          and staff in Arlington Public |
 [text376, 197]                                    for up to two weeks |
 [text376, 213]                               has delayed the start of |
 [text376, 249]                               being done by D.C public |
 [text376, 307]                     students should master before high |
 [text376, 409]                         and educators are returning to |
 [text376, 520]                     for improved COVID-19 protocols in |
 [text376, 561]                             and upgrade air filters in |
 [text377, 617]                        attend Falls Church City Public |
 [text378, 120]                       about Teens protested how public |
 [text378, 222]                      again kids returned for in-person |
   [text379, 3]                                       Arlington Public |
  [text379, 57]                     Wednesday Free COVID-19 testing at |
  [text379, 93]                        and reducing COVID-19 spread in |
 [text379, 101] are available Arlington Public |
 [text379, 144]                            spikes affect our return to |
 [text379, 151]                           priority remains to keep our |
 [text379, 189]                                 is one measure to keep |
 [text379, 235]                                to APS according to the |
 [text379, 254]                         temporarily for a classroom or |
 [text379, 272]                               levels in a classroom or |
 [text379, 282]                         Covid cases rise some Maryland |
 [text379, 291]                    online education while D.C's public |
 [text379, 377]                        believe that mandating masks in |
 [text379, 429]                               a different place in the |
 [text379, 496]                        early Thursday morning that the |
 [text379, 506]                       testing to everyone returning to |
 [text379, 570]                           capacity to safely return to |
 [text380, 109]                         on feedback from the Arlington |
 [text380, 114]                      School Board the Arlington Public |
 [text383, 188]                      views Wakefield and Marshall high |
 [text383, 235]                          pattern of game officials and |
 [text386, 223]                    a third-grader at Taylor Elementary |
 [text388, 172]                         Jan 2 however Arlington Public |
 [text388, 184]                           the winter holiday break The |
 [text392, 353]             application today providing Arlington high |
 [text393, 107]                          incident In stark contrast to |
  [text396, 22]                 ART buses near Washington-Liberty High |
  [text396, 71]                        portion of the Arlington Public |
 [text396, 297]                        the facility neighbors the high |
 [text396, 303]                            DES says traffic related to |
  [text401, 17]                              front of the H-B Woodlawn |
 [text401, 117]                        group is pressing the Arlington |
 [text401, 126]                         more instructional time to the |
 [text401, 138]                                      came at the Dec 2 |
 [text401, 169]                          of instructional time But the |
 [text401, 250]                        and fire marshals ALXnow Middle |
 [text401, 279]                                on their walk home from |
 [text401, 306]                   accordance with the Arlington Public |
 [text403, 112]      major exception student-athletes Arlington Public |
 [text403, 143]         vaccinated Superintendent Francisco Durán told |
 [text403, 150]                                   members on Dec 2 The |
  [text412, 22]                                  has seen its share of |
  [text412, 78]                          that can leave everyone happy |
  [text412, 99]           their preferred Arlington neighborhood Every |
 [text412, 127]                                sides Even the names of |
 [text412, 222]                                  in one of the richest |
 [text412, 252]                                   are going to run for |
 [text412, 280]                       to the contrary Arlington Public |
 [text412, 336]                          course there are decisions on |
 [text412, 346]                               year APS opted to remove |
 [text412, 364]                    same incidents that lead Alexandria |
 [text412, 410]                              forward is someone on the |
 [text412, 547]                               maybe you should run for |
  [text416, 73]                        will be paused Arlington County |
  [text418, 17]                   solely the author's Arlington Public |
  [text418, 21]                           Public Schools APS like many |
 [text418, 100]                               the spring of 2020 after |
 [text418, 112]                   projected enrollment for the 2020-21 |
 [text418, 141]                     2021 projected enrollment for this |
 [text418, 251]                            be needed for the following |
 [text418, 296]                        process usually in December the |
 [text418, 355]                                 its Oct 28 meeting the |
 [text418, 390]                               have deficit of 603 high |
 [text418, 395]                            school seats by the 2029-30 |
 [text418, 412]                   began particularly in the elementary |
 [text418, 419]                         will that many additional high |
 [text418, 457]                         being discussed in the current |
 [text418, 470]                      and projected crowding at certain |
 [text418, 478]                            3 staff presentation to the |
 [text418, 519]                      year with changing any elementary |
 [text418, 545]                             the size of Wakefield High |
 [text418, 584]                        Raphael served on the Arlington |
 [text425, 580]                        December 5 Where Kenmore Middle |
 [text426, 351]                  strategy in George Mason University's |
 [text429, 456]                several Arlington County and Alexandria |
 [text429, 668]                                  now though he goes to |
  [text432, 23]                                when he collided with a |
  [text435, 52]                               be closed as will courts |
  [text435, 57]                 schools and libraries Arlington Public |
  [text437, 69]                           attend sporting events go to |
   [text441, 9]                of substitute teachers Arlington Public |
  [text441, 88]                         Folb representing AEA during a |
 [text441, 150]                               and fall Ahead of summer |
 [text441, 152]                             Ahead of summer school the |
 [text441, 186]                                 For the first month of |
 [text441, 263]                               Thursday Oct 28 during a |
 [text441, 326]                          that support when it's needed |
 [text441, 367]                         logistics in the city's public |
  [text442, 37]                           local races for County Board |
  [text442, 80]                                       and on Nov 4 the |
 [text442, 103]                                off Sun Gazette More on |
 [text442, 112]                       Bus drivers for Arlington Public |
 [text442, 122]                            rate among various D.C area |
  [text443, 55]                                      for a seat on the |
  [text443, 83]                                Adam Theo while for the |
 [text443, 621]                     seeped deeper into local Arlington |
 [text443, 625]       Arlington school politics says Democrat-endorsed |
 [text443, 659]                        available for comment This year |
 [text443, 661]                        comment This year school choice |
 [text443, 683]                      Virginia elections she says Local |
 [text443, 696]                            but that doesn't mean local |
 [text443, 743]                               need our full support as |
 [text445, 185]                       free lunches to Arlington public |
 [text446, 282]                  theory curriculum to Arlington Public |
 [text446, 306]                        think parents should be telling |
 [text446, 487]                       theory from poisoning our public |
 [text448, 216]           walkable neighborhoods with excellent public |
 [text448, 267]                               the County Board and the |
 [text449, 303]               information is received Arlington Public |
  [text451, 22]                       media happened at Swanson Middle |
  [text451, 45]               parts touched inappropriately during the |
  [text451, 50]                          school day The Swanson Middle |
 [text451, 175]                          of blocks from Wakefield High |
 [text451, 471]                 natural classroom for Arlington Public |
 [text454, 186]                           Committee ELAAC wrote to the |
  [text455, 13]                         get them back Arlington Public |
  [text455, 38]                                     on Oct 14 said the |
  [text455, 45]                         official count for the 2021-22 |
  [text458, 61]                    Mary Kadera candidate for Arlington |
 [text458, 132]                         accountability in terms of the |
 [text458, 148]                                   People want to see a |
 [text458, 187]                               that we talked about our |
 [text458, 320]                                  level of trust in the |
 [text458, 414]                                      so that we have a |
 [text458, 460]                           kids were getting in private |
 [text461, 265]                        Gazette Water Main Break Closes |
 [text461, 273]                          9 a.m Arlington Science Focus |
 [text461, 301]               water customers Twitter Arlington Public |
 [text469, 171]                       according to Refinitiv data With |
 [text470, 189]                       Struggles at APS Abate Arlington |
 [text470, 218]                                    at the start of the |
 [text470, 244]                               among those who left the |
 [text470, 251]                                    at the start of the |
  [text473, 93]                    County Expect More Pedestrians Near |
 [text473, 100]                       Wednesday Oct 6 Arlington Public |
 [text473, 110]                                  Walk Bike and Roll to |
 [text473, 125]                                   walk bike or roll to |
 [text473, 141]                      transportation and safe routes to |
 [text473, 398]                        possession of the Yorktown High |
  [text477, 49]             Street across from Washington-Liberty High |
 [text478, 132]                               Head of HR The Arlington |
 [text478, 157]                Superintendent of Colonial Beach Public |
 [text478, 171]                       in education to Arlington Public |
 [text478, 174]              Arlington Public Schools Arlington Public |
   [text482, 8]                             High Kid Vax Rate Virginia |
  [text489, 64]                  superintendents shows that many other |
 [text489, 257]                          losses Regrettably the Aug 26 |
 [text489, 428]                       since its disastrous launch this |
 [text489, 456]                          and even the nation's largest |
 [text492, 100]                the Arlington Historical Society's Hume |
 [text499, 187]                          Make Merit Semis Sixteen high |
 [text499, 214]             competitive program Patch Arlington Public |
 [text506, 431]                    vaccinated getting people back into |
  [text514, 28]                       libraries rec centers courts and |
  [text519, 38]                       still in effect Arlington Public |
  [text519, 46]                    afternoon and evening activities on |
  [text519, 56]               activities scheduled in Arlington Public |
  [text519, 59]                         Arlington Public Schools or on |
  [text524, 11]                       March 2020 most Arlington Public |
  [text524, 36]                             a distance but overall the |
  [text524, 60]                     according to last night Thursday's |
  [text524, 89]                        spread are implemented at local |
 [text524, 103]                Superintendent Francisco Durán told the |
 [text524, 167]               build social-emotional learning into the |
 [text524, 203]                             of the 2017-18 and 2018-19 |
 [text524, 228]                         SOL testing during the 2020-21 |
 [text524, 403]                       one Superintendent Durán and the |
  [text526, 19]                                 is a local fixture The |
 [text526, 458]                              Run though it's a secular |
 [text526, 636]                           has openings for this coming |
 [text529, 380]                             William Times Twitter N Va |
 [text529, 388]                Virtual Only Rappahannock County Public |
 [text529, 394]                           on Monday announced that the |
 [text529, 430]                             flurry of cases within the |
 [text529, 447]                              flu cases reported in the |
   [text537, 7]                      Getting EV Buses Arlington Public |
 [text537, 396]                             on television shows and in |
  [text539, 64]                      SpEd students in Arlington Public |
  [text539, 93]                                   fail in order to get |
  [text540, 77]                               Mostly Back to Usual for |
  [text540, 98]                           are required for everyone on |
 [text540, 102]                             on school buses and inside |
 [text540, 121]                                  arrival at the bus or |
 [text540, 163]                         they are sick Arlington Public |
 [text545, 524]                          they cannot perform in middle |
 [text545, 581]                            Kopenhaver said At a middle |
  [text546, 31]                officially joining the Arlington Public |
  [text546, 48]                                  kids were kept out of |
  [text546, 51]                       out of school Arlington's public |
 [text546, 112]                                   the Aug 11 Return to |
 [text546, 119]                           Hall with apprehension For a |
 [text546, 223]                         unless the governor orders the |
 [text546, 300]                       These steps would make in-person |
 [text546, 380]                       registered your child for public |
 [text546, 419]                                  you can help make the |
  [text548, 13]                 County Government and Arlington Public |
 [text548, 100]                             County Mask Mandate for Va |
 [text548, 111]                             teachers and staff in K-12 |
 [text549, 203]                         the elementary middle and high |
 [text549, 291]                     APS administrators kicking off the |
 [text549, 374]                   Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary |
 [text549, 393]                         virtual option for the 2021-22 |
 [text549, 433]                                    only to be spent at |
 Schools | should prioritize recreating pre-Covid normalcy         
 schools | Since schools reopened APE has                          
 schools | reopened APE has evolved into                           
 School  | Board watchdog group with priorities                    
 School  | Board candidates and other education                    
 school  | Some also indicated they had                            
 schools | which saw an influx in                                  
 school  | families when they returned for                         
 school  | before APS We recently surveyed                         
 schools | the group said in a                                     
 school  | environment the Smart Restart statement                 
 schools | and childcare centers As of                             
 Schools | will follow mostly the same                             
 School  | Board meeting Superintendent Dr Francisco               
 school  | year which starts this coming                           
 school  | with either a physician's note                          
 school  | on the sixth day provided                               
 school  | If a student is unable                                  
 school  | A student or a staff                                    
 school  | or work if you are                                      
 school  | almost immediately Now vaccinations and                 
 schools | safer to take advantage of                              
 School  | Board meeting brought a few                             
 school  | students is set to be                                   
 schools | As School Board member Barbara                          
 School  | Board member Barbara Kanninen noted                     
 Schools | meanwhile has recorded 234 student                      
 School  | the highest among the county's                          
 schools | That compares albeit with a                             
 Schools | meanwhile is reporting 317 student                      
 schools | Glebe Elementary Yorktown High School                   
 School  | and Cardinal Elementary have the                        
 School  | also reported 20 cases The                              
 school  | and on the weekends To                                  
 schools | though mask wearing remains optional                    
 schools | since cases levels in Arlington                         
 school  | spokesman said APS also adheres                         
 schools | We've also provided free at-home                        
 schools | Arlington Public Schools today reported                 
 Schools | today reported 261 student cases                        
 schools | a trio of North Arlington                               
 schools | have the highest level of                               
 Schools | spring break but cases are                              
 Schools | meanwhile has reported 195 student                      
 school  | has the highest seven-day case                          
 school  | after Yorktown High School and                          
 School  | and its 14 reported cases                               
 Schools | which was back in session                               
 Schools | spring break Ongoing transmission and                   
 school  | and to keep society functioning                         
 Schools | meanwhile has reported 54 positive                      
 School  | Williamsburg Middle School Yorktown High                
 School  | Yorktown High School and Jamestown                      
 School  | and Jamestown Elementary School reporting               
 School  | reporting the highest number of                         
 schools | the Pentagon and Congress now                           
 Schools | to allow parents to opt                                 
 school  | system's still-in-place mask mandate On                 
 Schools | has similarly seen a big                                
 school  | system's Covid dashboard there have                     
 school  | system's new test-to-stay program will                  
 school  | days starting Monday from 2                             
 school  | if they are identified as                               
 schools | The award is quite an                                   
 schools | to childcare to medical staffing                        
 Schools | is bringing athletics back early                        
 school  | system will adopt revised CDC                           
 school  | community Wednesday The isolation period                
 school  | Durán noted APS will still                              
 school  | Switching any class or school                           
 school  | to virtual learning even for                            
 school  | for the entire week but                                 
 schools | and activities to remain open                           
 schools | and to reduce students days                             
 school  | Arlington Parents for Education and                     
 school  | systems In his email Durán                              
 schools | childcare settings said a county                        
 school  | and Arlington County brought a                          
 Schools | meanwhile is reporting 105 positive                     
 schools | countywide over the past seven                          
 school  | with the most positive cases                            
 School  | with 19 On Saturday the                                 
 school  | sent an email to families                               
 schools | could have outbreaks that send                          
 Schools | has seen a more than                                    
 schools | rather than quarantining at home                        
 Schools | according to the school system's                        
 school  | system's Covid dashboard So far                         
 school  | settings has been shown to                              
 school  | settings where masks are less                           
 schools | that have higher rates of                               
 school  | Read More                                               
 Schools | has reported 15 positive Covid                          
 schools | Overall Covid cases have been                           
 School  | this school year more than                              
 school  | year more than three times                              
 school  | Many of the cases were                                  
 Schools | Covid dashboard reported 20 cases                       
 school  | APS spokesman Frank Bellavia told                       
 School  | have the next-highest case total                        
 school  | year so far with 10                                     
 school  | has had six cases A                                     
 school  | year 80 positive cases out                              
 school  | and when their summer internships                       
 school  | jobs into a business I                                  
 school  | high school and college together                        
 school  | and college together They both                          
 schools | they attended Tuckahoe Elementary School                
 School  | and Yorktown High School reminds                        
 School  | reminds them of how they've                             
 school  | @fundstrat who has been early                           
 school  | Wu said Last year and                                   
 school  | So where does Arlington County                          
 schools | completely closed for in-person learning                
 school  | age kids who for the                                    
 school  | knows the challenge those who                           
 schools | he said It's very simple                                
 School  | and another unnamed Arlington public                    
 school  | The W-L investigation started after                     
 school  | which allowed W-L staff to                              
 schools | but declined to name them                               
 Schools | expanded access to two days                             
 school  | system has reported 84 COVID-19                         
 school  | should go virtual requires working                      
 school  | system APS has reported 63                              
 school  | employees there have been 21                            
 school  | system's transportation department which operates       
 school  | buses have the highest number                           
 school  | system's reporting of and response                      
 School  | Board contenders and parents Read                       
 School  | Grace currently holds its services                      
 school  | A volunteer named Stephanie said                        
 school  | experience for a generation of                          
 Schools | Month Arlington Public Schools in                       
 Schools | in partnership with Arlington Arts                      
 schools | during March 2021 Yorktown March                        
 Schools | and Arlington Cultural Affairs and                      
 School  | Performing Art Teachers The students                    
 Schools | will receive 47 of the                                  
 Schools | has asked nearly 6 of                                   
 school  | after testing positive is 5                             
 school  | based on reported positive tests                        
 School  | Board meeting last night Thursday                       
 School  | Board members that APS monitors                         
 school  | The data provided by APS                                
 School  | teacher said They have obscured                         
 School  | Board member Reid Goldstein suggested                   
 School  | Board members recalled President Joe                    
 Schools | Last Saturday about 85 cars                             
 school  | staff and students rallied in                           
 School  | parking lot advocating for improvements                 
 Schools | APS staff students and parents                          
 school  | year losses could be disastrous                         
 School  | Board member with whom I                                
 school  | current students should be able                         
 school  | e.g Northern Virginia Community College                 
 school  | on a larger scale Students                              
 school  | year should be required to                              
 School  | of Education found that teachers                        
 school  | alone however will not suffice                          
 school  | year APS could partner with                             
 schools | to establish a Community Tutoring                       
 school  | students could earn some kind                           
 School  | Board can assess Delay will                             
 School  | of Public Policy                                        
 School  | online until December has forced                        
 School  | to do the same Two                                      
 school  | to cancel in-person classes The                         
 school  | in Buckingham told students and                         
 school  | would be virtual through next                           
 school  | are divided into cohorts so                             
 school  | operates on the honor system                            
 school  | will transition right back to                           
 School  | went fully virtual on Friday                            
 school  | Bill Crittenberger called an off-campus                 
 school  | on Wednesday The second case                            
 school  | on Tuesday with the 500-student                         
 school  | in Arlington's East Falls Church                        
 school  | Although some schools may be                            
 schools | may be more explicit about                              
 schools | meanwhile will remain virtual for                       
 school  | and increase their social activities                    
 schools | and businesses and affected almost                      
 school  | children and their families impacted                    
 schools | began to close Key Elementary                           
 Schools | is near my restaurant there                             
 school  | shut down Guas said I                                   
 school  | I asked myself how would                                
 school  | closures and job losses Since                           
 school  | and training is needed to                               
 schools | closed in order to keep                                 
 Schools | this fall Creating goals that                           
 school  | this would be called tattling                           
 schools | reopened on Saturday Coronavirus is                     
 School  | of Policy and Government at                             
 School  | The sample lecture will discuss                         
 schools | COVID-19 must become the catalyst                       
 School  | Board County Manager and new                            
 school  | community and the entire Arlington                      
 School  | and County Board members for                            
 School  | Board November 3 general election                       
 School  | Board candidates also advocate major                    
 School  | youth activities and email devotionals                  
 School  | class reported that a class                             
 School  | and the walk-up site along                              
 School  | administrators and educators have been                  
 school  | closures and delivering a remote                        
 schools | including Arlington Public Schools Pivoting             
 Schools | Pivoting to serve students who                          
 school  | staff Rosetta Stone a pioneer                           
 Schools | that have purchased digital reading                     
 school  | board who are vying for                                 
 school  | board candidates in an all                              
 school  | board but the deadline to                               
 School  | STM in Arlington moved swiftly                          
 school  | on Friday March 13 a                                    
 schools | for the remainder of the                                
 school  | community IT support tickets and                        
 school  | has a traditional environment in                        
 School  | However we have a progressive                           
 schools | to train their teachers in                              
 school  | and beyond Modalities in use                            
 school  | year STM opened a dedicated                             
 School  | serves students in PreKindergarten through              
 School  | since 2006                                              
 schools | running out of free meals                               
 School  | Volleyball Update With a 12-0                           
 Schools | auditor told the School Board                           
 School  | Board this summer APS created                           
 school  | last fall as well as                                    
 school  | leaders to pause the program                            
 school  | year and redirect online students                       
 School  | Board members accepted the report                       
 School  | Board review this December The                          
 School  | Board and Superintendent requested the                  
 School  | Board Chair Reid Goldstein said                         
 school  | year including insufficient planning time               
 school  | community say pursuing in-house online                  
 School  | Board candidate Vell Rives I                            
 school  | system In a statement to                                
 School  | Board must take ownership and                           
 schools | or into Virtual Virginia this                           
 school  | year 99 percent fully staffed                           
 Schools | Three to Receive Community Award                        
 school  | system has proposed a 360-space                         
 School  | Superintendent Dr Francisco Durán says                  
 School  | Football Returns The Wakefield Warriors                 
 schools | in Fairfax County In college                            
 school  | Altmaier was a three-year starter                       
 School  | in Los Altos Calif Her                                  
 School  | Days to Still Feature Pledge                            
 school  | day based on a policy                                   
 School  | Board meeting the Code of                               
 school  | systems conduct both Sun Gazette                        
 Schools | With some exceptions The start                          
 school  | year will bring a return                                
 Schools | survey revealed that fewer than                         
 school  | students talk with an adult                             
 Schools | Spring 2020 6th-12thGrade Student Survey                
 school  | students talk with an adult                             
 School  | Three Weeks Away It seems                               
 school  | year in Arlington will be                               
 Schools | is Monday Aug 29 Patch                                  
 school  | year compared to the last                               
 school  | year That's according to data                           
 school  | year juvenile arrests only made                         
 Schools | The school system voted to                              
 school  | system voted to remove School                           
 School  | Resource Officers from school buildings                 
 school  | buildings in June 2021 amid                             
 school  | year these statistics reflect all                       
 schools | since the removal of SROs                               
 schools | and libraries Glen Echo Park                            
 schools | are closed for employees on                             
 school  | starting the next day on                                
 School  | Board and the 8th Congressional                         
 school  | choice and community colleges technical                 
 schools | and vocational training programs Among                  
 school  | funding Two independent candidates will                 
 schools | gentrification loss of green space                      
 School  | Board After some commotion surrounding                  
 School  | Board seat up for grabs                                 
 schools | and community clinics according to                      
 School  | now Washington-Liberty performed so well                
 school  | in America invited to the                               
 school  | system inadvertently encouraging parents to             
 Schools | plans on having graduation ceremonies                   
 schools | back in their traditional spot                          
 School  | Board in Arlington Virginia voted                       
 school  | day by a little less                                    
 school  | start and end times in                                  
 school  | system's bell schedule in more                          
 school  | on the Occoquan River and                               
 School  | to park some fire and                                   
 Schools | vehicle fleet An item before                            
 School  | Board to move those vehicles                            
 school  | and government operations saw the                       
 school  | bus facility which the surrounding                      
 school  | and bus dispatches aren't the                           
 School  | Board Caucus Rules The 2022                             
 School  | Board caucus will be an                                 
 School  | Board endorsee during four days                         
 school  | site in the county voted                                
 school  | through higher education take the                       
 schools | and an executive assistant Some                         
 School  | Board is gearing up to                                  
 school  | field trips still restricted in                         
 schools | instead of students coming to                           
 schools | However these emergency initiatives don't               
 schools | There is nature center programming                      
 school  | and parents return from work                            
 school  | was experiencing a intellectual and                     
 School  | of Computing and faculty from                           
 schools | while Wakefield High School had                         
 School  | had multiple trash cans set                             
 school  | system Earlier this month for                           
 School  | Board her daughter at Gunston                           
 School  | was attacked by other students                          
 School  | Board on March 10 She                                   
 school  | system We also reviewed several                         
 school  | grounds or near them recorded                           
 Schools | confirms to ARLnow that the                             
 school  | system has in fact noticed                              
 school  | year This rise in concerning                            
 school  | and face increased stress and                           
 School  | Resource Officers who were removed                      
 schools | with police officers says Symone                        
 schools | where the plaintiffs their children                     
 School  | recently finished an 11-week program                    
 Schools | Twitter Yes Traffic is Getting                          
 school  | of law in Arlington Va                                  
 Schools | student Ava Yi 13 will                                  
 school  | and college and they're looking                         
 School  | Board Meeting Was Mostly Maskless                       
 School  | Board members will go mask-free                         
 School  | Board member Mary Kadera kept                           
 schools | and elsewhere As the deadly                             
 Schools | meanwhile is also reporting generally                   
 School  | Board candidate has stepped up                          
 Schools | Gunston Middle School world geography                   
 School  | world geography teacher Brandon Clark                   
 School  | Board Most of the five                                  
 School  | Board Chair Barbara Kanninen steps                      
 School  | Since joining the school system                         
 school  | system he has taken on                                  
 schools | and road construction areas as                          
 Schools | which made masks optional for                           
 Schools | suing the state over Gov                                
 schools | At the time in late                                     
 Schools | The pandemic is not over                                
 Schools | Marymount Going Mask Optional On                        
 School  | League's Class 6 state tournament                       
 Schools | held its first day of                                   
 school  | since the start of the                                  
 Schools | is effectively repealing its mask                       
 School  | Talk email sent to APS                                  
 school  | and on the school bus                                   
 school  | bus This change takes effect                            
 schools | county buildings and libraries Anecdotally              
 Schools | presented a balanced budget for                         
 School  | Board his proposed $ 746.1                              
 schools | and buildings with more than                            
 School  | Board members received his budget                       
 School  | Board member Cristina Diaz-Torres said                  
 school  | system proposed budgets with deficits                   
 schools | and former Gov Ralph Northam's                          
 School  | Board has built up over                                 
 schools | to confirmation that an Amazon                          
 Schools | says it will require masks                              
 school  | year APS reaffirmed its mask                            
 School  | Board meeting last night Thursday                       
 school  | system had attempted to buck                            
 school  | boards in a lawsuit challenging                         
 School  | Board voted unanimously 4-0 to                          
 School  | Board member Reid Goldstein was                         
 School  | Board member Cristina Diaz-Torres said                  
 School  | Board member and VLP liaison                            
 school  | year APS concluded the program                          
 schools | among other concerns Read More                          
 Schools | are not in session on                                   
 school  | students on March 1                                     
 Schools | will present a new masking                              
 school  | board meeting tonight Thursday in                       
 school  | system hasn't yet outlined how                          
 School  | Board meeting We have come                              
 schools | even during the Omicron spike                           
 Schools | has continued to require students                       
 School  | Board and six other Northern                            
 school  | boards sued Youngkin challenging his                    
 school  | board is also set to                                    
 school  | year for families who preferred                         
 school  | every day APS staff will                                
 schools | But this alternative will likely                        
 schools | in Arlington have modern working                        
 School  | League Class 6 competition by                           
 schools | and spend several million dollars                       
 schools | including Under the budget proposal                     
 school  | transfer the county government itself                   
 schools | has passed the Democrat-controlled Virginia             
 school  | boards recent tentative court victory                   
 schools | moot The legislation took shape                         
 schools | open five days a week                                   
 school  | year The amendment permits a                            
 school  | property Petersen told ARLnow We                        
 schools | I promised that as governor                             
 school  | boards who are attacking their                          
 Schools | for lifting mask requirements or                        
 schools | but said decision needs to                              
 Schools | cited a Virginia law passed                             
 schools | to take necessary federally-recommended safety          
 school  | districts that opposed the governor's                   
 school  | boards the Arlington County Circuit                     
 schools | The ruling came late Friday                             
 school  | boards decisions given to them                          
 schools | to continue their policies In                           
 Schools | issued a statement on behalf                            
 school  | boards It reads in part                                 
 School  | Boards of Alexandria City Arlington                     
 schools | to continue to protect the                              
 school  | divisions which includes masking requirements           
 school  | district policy PCKTt9yO55 Julie        
 schools | Days later he was sued                                  
 school  | boards including by those in                            
 school  | boards the authority to supervise                       
 schools | The suit also alleges that                              
 schools | to offer for in-person learning                         
 school  | boards are placed in a                                  
 Schools | press release said about bringing                       
 school  | divisions would welcome the opportunity                 
 school  | integration effort on Feb 2                             
 schools | If Senate Bill 317 becomes                              
 school  | systems are struggling to keep                          
 school  | system These bills solve some                           
 schools | On a radio show last                                    
 school  | system of such teachings including                      
 schools | in Virginia This move comes                             
 schools | via his first executive order                           
 school  | boards and administrations for a                        
 schools | and teachers to the state                               
 school  | district Read More                                      
 School  | and Carlin Springs Elementary school                    
 school  | have a sustainable access problem                       
 school  | system is getting creative in                           
 School  | auditorium at 125 S Old                                 
 School  | and later TJ which Slye                                 
 schools | to support educational opportunity for                  
 schools | for distribution to students beginning                  
 Schools | Dorsey to Lead Regional Board                           
 Schools | in the battle with the                                  
 school  | systems filed a lawsuit Monday                          
 school  | systems from requiring students wear                    
 school  | or educational program During the                       
 Schools | the School Board and superintendent                     
 School  | Board and superintendent and all                        
 school  | system's actions are lawful and                         
 School  | Boards to marshal up additional                         
 school  | systems are going to be                                 
 School  | Board is another plaintiff in                           
 school  | boards of Alexandria City Falls                         
 school  | boards to enact policy at                               
 school  | boards to follow the Centers                            
 school  | mask requirement despite the order                      
 school  | boards The governor and attorney                        
 schools | which reiterates points made in                         
 schools | open and providing a safe                               
 School  | Board Caucus Unsurprisingly perhaps into                
 school  | boards seats At its February                            
 School  | Board is suing to stop                                  
 school  | systems to require students to                          
 school  | boards from Fairfax County Alexandria                   
 school  | or educational program The order                        
 school  | districts across the state including                    
 school  | boards to enact policy at                               
 school  | boards should follow the Centers                        
 schools | open and safe for students                              
 schools | continue to follow the same                             
 school  | year If a student is                                    
 schools | are advised to speak to                                 
 school  | Monday there were very few                              
 School  | Board put out a statement                               
 school  | boards across the Commonwealth to                       
 schools | We continue to make decisions                           
 schools | open and safe for in-person                             
 school  | system's COVID-19 dashboard The full                    
 Schools | is below Today the Schools                              
 Schools | Boards of Alexandria City Arlington                     
 school  | boards to enact policy at                               
 school  | boards have the exclusive authority                     
 schools | in their respective communities or                      
 school  | boards should follow The Centers                        
 school  | boards are placed in a                                  
 school  | divisions would welcome the opportunity                 
 School  | divisions need to continue to                           
 Schools | closed Thursday for what turned                         
 schools | to follow Gov Glenn Youngkin's                          
 school  | It goes into effect Monday                              
 schools | In a letter to school                                   
 school  | leaders explaining what this means                      
 schools | in the Diocese of Arlington                             
 Schools | Joseph E Vorbach III says                               
 schools | have been directed to follow                            
 school  | or a school-based early child                           
 school  | or educational program the order                        
 schools | systems interpret as protecting their                   
 Schools | as well as other public                                 
 school  | systems including those in Alexandria                   
 School  | Board voted to retain the                               
 school  | system's mask requirement But Catholic                  
 schools | in the sprawling Diocese of                             
 schools | is to continue following local                          
 school  | administrators should walk this tight-rope              
 schools | should provide updated school-specific guidance         
 school  | In addition she said the                                
 schools | will keep up with other                                 
 schools | are continuing to employ a                              
 schools | communicate with local public health                    
 schools | will work with as we                                    
 schools | without universal masking policies although             
 Schools | to implement its test to                                
 school  | during after being a close                              
 schools | Updated Public Art Master Plan                          
 Schools | is not alone in defying                                 
 school  | But APS along with Alexandria                           
 school  | systems says that masks are                             
 schools | and on buses and thus                                   
 school  | system Governor Youngkin talks about                    
 schools | The overwhelmingly majority of Arlington                
 schools | Does parental involvement only matter                   
 school  | system to comply with his                               
 school  | mask mandates@WTOP@HopeforVirginia      
 schools | is ineffective and fails to                             
 schools | without universal masking policies But                  
 school  | from winter break and a                                 
 schools | var pd_tags = new Array                                 
 school  | employees Patch Fire Dept Recruits                      
 Schools | and newly-inaugurated Virginia Gov Glenn                
 school  | or educational program The order                        
 schools | citing incorrect mask usage and                         
 schools | instead focus on air filtration                         
 school  | year said tonight that the                              
 school  | grounds and on buses In                                 
 school  | buses From APS Arlington Public                         
 Schools | will continue to require all                            
 school  | grounds and on buses as                                 
 schools | and ensuring schools remain safe                        
 schools | remain safe and open Arlington                          
 Schools | implemented our mask requirement this                   
 school  | year prior to Governor Northam's                        
 school  | divisions need to provide such                          
 schools | to reduce the transmission of                           
 school  | bus is therefore required to                            
 school  | buses to prevent the spread                             
 Schools | 850 among students 125 among                            
 school  | system's public Covid dashboard APS                     
 Schools | returned from a bonus snow                              
 schools | With only one more snow                                 
 school  | before finding his way to                               
 Schools | will also be closed marking                             
 school  | All the community centers including                     
 School  | Board member opened her tenure                          
 school  | system's ban on athletics and                           
 School  | on an overcast December afternoon                       
 school  | bus Sauter-Price drives this bus                        
 Schools | snow days for the winter                                
 school  | is completely canceled followed by                      
 school  | for APS students and staff                              
 school  | system which due to the                                 
 school  | year The new policy will                                
 school  | year APS said when it                                   
 school  | systems across the U.S but                              
 Schools | kept some snow days to                                  
 Schools | was one of the only                                     
 schools | to start the snowy week                                 
 schools | closed Monday through Thursday due                      
 school  | on Thursday but reversed course                         
 Schools | In Nov we asked                 
 School  | Board during its meeting last                           
 Schools | which was closed all week                               
 schools | in alignment with the shortened                         
 school  | settings Hudson said In absence                         
 Schools | APS Custodians Clear School Sidewalks                   
 School  | Sidewalks From Arlington Public Schools                 
 Schools | yesterday afternoon before the announcement             
 school  | Twitter Flight Cancellations at National                
 School  | in Arlington Ridge Sun Gazette                          
 Schools | students and those that follow                          
 school  | system announced the closure shortly                    
 schools | and offices will be closed                              
 schools | and on school grounds are                               
 school  | grounds are canceled For updates                        
 school  | systems have also already announced                     
 Schools | to reverse its decision to                              
 school  | systems Back then parent Mark                           
 Schools | which also requires vaccinations or                     
 school  | As we have seen in                                      
 School  | Board meeting this Thursday during                      
 school  | after the long holiday break                            
 Schools | continuing to commit to in-person                       
 School  | is cancelled today too with                             
 school  | teacher Josh Folb told ARLnow                           
 School  | Board would be required to                              
 schools | under legislation to be considered                      
 school  | system to sign agreements with                          
 school  | and middle school and at                                
 school  | and at least one officer                                
 schools | Sun Gazette Reminder Bag Tax                            
 Schools | will be closed while trash                              
 Schools | Hey@VEA4Kids are you going                              
 School  | was set to resume today                                 
 school  | until at least Wednesday Gant's                         
 schools | Gant also drew attention to                             
 school  | she said The quality of                                 
 school  | Monday without sufficient testing supplies              
 schools | is outfitting APS staff with                            
 school  | buildings                                               
 Schools | where she and her husband                               
 school  | administrators handle complaints of sexual              
 school  | and there was optimism about                            
 Schools | will open its doors for                                 
 schools | will resume Monday as well                              
 schools | Additional details are available
 Schools | @APSVirginia December 29 2021 I                         
 school  | My priority remains to keep                             
 schools | safe and open for in-person                             
 school  | open for instruction Durán said                         
 school  | system's coronavirus dashboard Under Virginia           
 school  | after consulting with Arlington's health                
 school  | the announcement said As Covid                          
 schools | have reverted to online education                       
 school  | system is requiring every student                       
 school  | is the right way I                                      
 school  | building Teachers and some parents                      
 school  | system should either provide testing                    
 schools | or go virtual-only until Jan                            
 schools | on January 3rd The AEA                                  
 School  | Board the Arlington Public Schools                      
 Schools | system is focusing on what                              
 school  | football players were suspended from                    
 schools | tolerating such behavior Marshall parents               
 School  | and contributed to the capsule                          
 Schools | closed on Monday Dec 20                                 
 school  | system is currently set to                              
 school  | students with an opportunity to                         
 school  | officials characterizations the police report           
 School  | while a new bus facility                                
 Schools | vehicle fleet The site also                             
 school  | DES says traffic related to                             
 school  | pickup and drop-off should not                          
 school  | building in Rosslyn photo courtesy                      
 School  | Board to add more instructional                         
 school  | system's proposed 2022-23 calendar The                  
 School  | Board meeting in which board                            
 school  | system should be going further                          
 School  | Student Disciplined for Weapon On                       
 school  | As a result of our                                      
 Schools | code of conduct Twitter New                             
 Schools | is not and likely will                                  
 School  | Board members on Dec 2                                  
 school  | will only be asking parents                             
 school  | board members come and go                               
 School  | boundaries can leave parents fuming                     
 school  | budget almost certainly leaves something                
 schools | now generate extreme controversy Right                  
 school  | districts in America And now                            
 school  | board anywhere in America Arlington                     
 Schools | have virtually unlimited resources We                   
 school  | safety Just this past year                              
 school  | resource officers Fortunately for Arlington             
 school  | officials to reverse a similar                          
 school  | board who without question is                           
 school  | board Mark Kelly is a                                   
 schools | are closed today as well                                
 Schools | APS like many school divisions                          
 school  | divisions has had a substantial                         
 schools | were closed due to the                                  
 school  | year at 29,142 students Actual                          
 school  | year at 29,108 students Actual                          
 school  | year all based on projected                             
 School  | Board reallocates unspent funds from                    
 School  | Board adopted CIP direction that                        
 school  | seats by the 2029-30 school                             
 school  | year But given the significant                          
 school  | grades will that many additional                        
 school  | seats be needed when the                                
 school  | boundary process which aims to                          
 schools | A Nov 3 staff presentation                              
 School  | Board characterized the current enrollment              
 school  | boundaries Enrollment Projections Must Reflect          
 School  | APS must recognize that many                            
 School  | Board from 2008-2015 including two                      
 School  | at 200 S Carlin Springs                                 
 School  | of Integrative Studies It took                          
 schools | every semester by taking the                            
 school  | bikes a lot and spends                                  
 school  | bus while riding a motorcycle                           
 schools | and libraries Arlington Public Schools                  
 Schools | will also observe the day                               
 school  | basically do anything you used                          
 Schools | has raised its pay rates                                
 School  | Board meeting on Thursday Unlike                        
 school  | the school system had to                                
 school  | system had to dial back                                 
 school  | many students enrolled in the                           
 School  | Board meeting and went into                             
 School  | divisions in the U.S are                                
 school  | system                                                  
 School  | Board and Virginia House of                             
 school  | system will for the first                               
 School  | Bus Driver Protests Bus drivers                         
 Schools | earn the lowest hourly rate                             
 school  | systems as compiled by a                                
 School  | Board On the County Board                               
 School  | Board Mary Kadera and Major                             
 school  | politics says Democrat-endorsed School Board            
 School  | Board candidate Mary Kadera To                          
 school  | choice school curriculum and COVID-19                   
 school  | curriculum and COVID-19 safety measures                 
 school  | board races are by Virginia                             
 school  | districts aren't affected by education                  
 schools | have reopened and we're doing                           
 school  | kids Meanwhile the patio became                         
 Schools | even paying to distribute a                             
 schools | what they should teach is                               
 schools | Bigotry socialism and anti-American hate                
 schools | great public places and facilities                      
 School  | Board as well as of                                     
 Schools | Man Seen Stealing GOP Signs                             
 School  | Students told their parents two                         
 school  | day The Swanson Middle School                           
 School  | principal sent out a letter                             
 School  | Twitter Activists Decry Tree Loss                       
 School  | students The Arlington Outdoor Lab                      
 School  | Board that APS is facing                                
 Schools | has about 4 percent fewer                               
 school  | system's official count for the                         
 school  | year is 26,911 students based                           
 School  | Board and Takis Karantonis candidate                    
 School  | Board asking hard questions or                          
 School  | Board leader asking critical questions                  
 school  | system as our jewel and                                 
 School  | Board We're in an environment                           
 school  | system that really does work                            
 school  | worked better than when they                            
 School  | Updated at 9 a.m Arlington                              
 School  | is closed today due to                                  
 Schools |                                                         
 schools | and offices reopening and people                        
 school  | officials say they're hoping to                         
 school  | system the lack of a                                    
 school  | system at the start of                                  
 school  | year requiring some students taking                     
 Schools | On Wednesday Oct 6 Arlington                            
 Schools | is taking part in Walk                                  
 School  | Day an annual international celebration                 
 school  | while teaching the health environmental                 
 school  | Arlington County New DCA Checkpoints                    
 School  | football team Back in 1976                              
 School  | from 8 30 a.m to                                        
 School  | Board has appointed Dr Dashan                           
 Schools | CBPS Dr Turner brings 20                                
 Schools | Arlington Public Schools Route 29                       
 Schools | Route 29 Gets Its Own                                   
 schools | have about 420,000 children between                     
 school  | districts are providing additional in-person            
 School  | Board presentation buried the comparison                
 school  | year must be VLP's last                                 
 school  | district have adopted Read More                         
 School  | museum It is time for                                   
 school  | students from Arlington have been                       
 Schools | Restaurant Recs for Those With                          
 schools | Small businesses have suffered and                      
 schools | will also be closed Trash                               
 Schools | cancelled all afternoon and evening                     
 school  | grounds From APS All activities                         
 Schools | or on school grounds for                                
 school  | grounds for this afternoon and                          
 Schools | students will be in their                               
 school  | system says it is focused                               
 School  | Board meeting Parent groups meanwhile                   
 schools | Accelerated learning is a key                           
 School  | Board during the meeting last                           
 school  | day Administrators pointed to performance               
 school  | years came with a number                                
 school  | year was down significantly in                          
 school  | board made a choice to                                  
 school  | was founded back in 1945                                
 school  | unaffiliated with the church It                         
 school  | year You can apply online                               
 School  | System Goes Virtual Only Rappahannock                   
 Schools | on Monday announced that the                            
 schools | will switch to virtual learning                         
 schools | since the academic year began                           
 schools | was also taken into account                             
 Schools | APS working collaboratively with the                    
 schools | This prevailing ideology that a                         
 Schools | are in crisis The system                                
 school  | administrators referred to as the                       
 School  | Buses APS will operate with                             
 school  | buses and inside schools There                          
 schools | There will be no temperature                            
 school  | Families will continue to receive                       
 Schools | Armed Robbery of Phone in                               
 schools | which she said is where                                 
 school  | you can't have receptions you                           
 Schools | community During the past 18                            
 school  | Arlington's public schools were closed                  
 schools | were closed or in a                                     
 School  | Town Hall with apprehension For                         
 school  | system that seemed incapable of                         
 schools | to close To limit the                                   
 school  | safer and more sustainable as                           
 school  | there is still time APS                                 
 school  | year successful by getting vaccinated                   
 Schools | APS will implement a COVID-19                           
 Schools | Virginia will require all students                      
 schools | to wear masks indoors this                              
 school  | levels previewed this Black and                         
 school  | year These about-faces are damaging                     
 School  | Emergency Relief ARP ESSER funds                        
 school  | year This virtual academy is                            
 schools | that are either Title I                                 
# 821 rows

kwic_vaccine = kwic(arlnow_covid_corpus_tokens, 
      pattern = c("vaccine", "vaccines", "vaccination", "vaccinations"))
Keyword-in-context with 481 matches.                                                                   
   [text1, 338]                      employees must have proof of |
   [text2, 316]                       effects of the new bivalent |
     [text3, 6]                   Arlington has resumed its Covid |
    [text3, 32]                appointments for the updated Covid |
    [text3, 77]                     being offered The older Covid |
    [text3, 91]                           before shots of the new |
   [text3, 148]                          in Arlington More on the |
   [text3, 224]                   their primary series or booster |
   [text3, 236]                   County Public Health though the |
   [text3, 264]          Additional opportunities to get COVID-19 |
   [text3, 313]              Omicron variant The bivalent Moderna |
   [text3, 327]            older and the bivalent Pfizer-BioNTech |
   [text3, 342]  The Pfizer-BioNTech monovalent original COVID-19 |
   [text3, 365]                     also now offering the Novavax |
   [text3, 395]                                not to get an mRNA |
   [text3, 401]                            For a complete list of |
   [text3, 409]                     our website Please bring your |
   [text3, 439]          guardian More information about COVID-19 |
   [text3, 465]                             months it is also flu |
   [text5, 376]               symptoms themselves no matter their |
   [text5, 416]                  to school almost immediately Now |
   [text6, 125]              health department says its monkeypox |
   [text6, 132]                     is continuing with nearly 700 |
   [text6, 187]                   exposure to monkeypox receive a |
   [text6, 193]              ACPHD continues to provide monkeypox |
   [text6, 219]                       ACPHD has been offering the |
   [text6, 248]                      699 total doses of monkeypox |
   [text6, 249]                  total doses of monkeypox vaccine |
   [text6, 262]                  who have completed the Monkeypox |
   [text6, 277]                   the eligibility criteria As new |
   [text6, 298]                     outbreak evolves and based on |
   [text6, 300]                       and based on vaccine supply |
   [text6, 324]                 priority groups for the monkeypox |
   [text6, 327]               the monkeypox vaccine and allocates |
   [text9, 185]                        and reported more than 400 |
   [text11, 22]                   authorization last week The new |
   [text11, 36]                           peaking in late May The |
   [text11, 60]                  facility at 2100 Washington Blvd |
  [text11, 197]                           toddler said of the new |
  [text11, 208]                     excited to see this milestone |
  [text15, 230]                              keep up to date with |
  [text15, 350]                        Covid surges due to higher |
  [text16, 608]                           which is the benefit of |
  [text17, 539]                         purchase a new tranche of |
   [text18, 24]                         fifth wave Thanks to high |
  [text19, 280]                            despite a high rate of |
  [text19, 294]                         has received at least one |
  [text19, 363]                    more immune evasion to current |
  [text19, 549]                        clinics are still open for |
  [text20, 251]                      seeing the clear benefits of |
  [text22, 293]                         area enjoys high rates of |
  [text22, 331]   layered prevention strategies including testing |
  [text22, 408]          tests With respect to |
  [text22, 439]                          other variants To find a |
    [text24, 8]                   is now offering second COVID-19 |
   [text24, 57]                    booster of the Johnson Johnson |
   [text24, 65]                          later on March 30 county |
  [text24, 145]                          has two clinics open for |
  [text24, 256]                      booster shots Need a#COVID19 |
  [text24, 308]                           that the effects of the |
  [text24, 500]                           eligible to get a Covid |
  [text24, 527]                     coming weeks to authorize its |
  [text25, 639]                     booster doses of the COVID-19 |
  [text26, 180]                 to enact rules regarding COVID-19 |
    [text28, 7]                      you haven't received a Covid |
  [text28, 349]                   eligible for a Booster COVID-19 |
  [text28, 385]                       be sent in Spanish COVID-19 |
  [text28, 406]                     of Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 |
  [text28, 419]             received the Johnson Johnson COVID-19 |
  [text28, 520]                        this notification to get a |
  [text28, 525]                         vaccine booster To find a |
  [text31, 420]                     not up-to-date on their COVID |
  [text31, 486]                       who are up-to-date on their |
  [text35, 151]                               up to get the Covid |
  [text37, 182]                         has received at least one |
  [text39, 107]              quarantine e.g those with up-to-date |
  [text39, 496]           Wednesday following our current testing |
  [text42, 153]           fatalities Regardless the county's high |
  [text47, 383]                  elected leaders continue to urge |
  [text47, 397]                      impacts of a Covid infection |
  [text47, 422]      better protection especially against Omicron |
  [text47, 485]                            last year One year ago |
  [text47, 538]                        of hard work by Virginians |
  [text47, 575]                           be minor That's how the |
  [text50, 177]          explained by Arlington's relatively high |
  [text50, 191]                         has received at least one |
  [text50, 371]                    get tested regardless of their |
  [text51, 836]                         the Nation High levels of |
  [text52, 373]                December 17 2021 While Arlington's |
  [text53, 227]                        risk Two doses of Pfizer's |
  [text53, 398]               hospitalization and death thanks to |
  [text53, 430]                   virus and continuing to promote |
  [text53, 432]            continuing to promote vaccinations and |
   [text55, 96]                           data With high rates of |
  [text55, 259]                            we have wide access to |
  [text55, 346]               fight the COVID-19 pandemic through |
   [text56, 44]                  point since mid-February as mass |
  [text57, 187]                    and India and adopted COVID-19 |
  [text57, 229]                      required to provide proof of |
  [text57, 242]                         States but beware not all |
  [text57, 252]                           has published a list of |
  [text57, 272]                  emergency use list The following |
  [text57, 282]                   provides some exceptions to the |
  [text57, 382]                requirements for proof of COVID-19 |
  [text58, 127]                                of a steep rise in |
  [text58, 151]          shots for adults and recently-authorized |
  [text58, 173]              Moderna and Johnson Johnson COVID-19 |
  [text58, 199]                       22 2021 The relatively high |
  [text58, 327]                          have some of the highest |
  [text58, 364]                          who are not eligible for |
   [text59, 11]                             able to get the Covid |
   [text59, 43]                   use authorization of the Pfizer |
   [text59, 82]                  The county started offering free |
  [text59, 107]                    called the availability of the |
  [text59, 136]                          use some good news today |
  [text59, 144]                           year olds are here Free |
  [text59, 238]                              data More on the new |
  [text59, 260]                 will begin offering free COVID-19 |
  [text59, 336]                          of Health VDH The Pfizer |
  [text59, 392]               Health Director The Pfizer COVID-19 |
  [text59, 417]                   pediatrician may also offer the |
  [text59, 424]                   the early weeks of distribution |
  [text59, 453]                   ACPHD will be offering COVID-19 |
  [text59, 493]                    to receive their free COVID-19 |
  [text59, 504]                         be made online though the |
  [text59, 517]             labeled Schedule a pediatric COVID-19 |
  [text59, 573]                           older to get a COVID-19 |
  [text59, 585]                   COVID-19 website Also check out |
   [text60, 14]                   the Moderna and Johnson Johnson |
  [text60, 196]                    county press release about the |
   [text61, 11]                        is hosting a free COVID-19 |
   [text61, 51]                  salons to help increase COVID-19 |
   [text61, 70]             and misinformation about the COVID-19 |
   [text61, 90]                       We saw the lagging COVID-19 |
  [text61, 174]                current guidelines Only the Pfizer |
  [text64, 148]                         has received at least one |
   [text65, 81]                           Oct 1 2021 the COVID-19 |
  [text65, 228]                    applicant has had required U.S |
  [text65, 236]                  applicant has not received those |
  [text65, 242]                    the applicant must receive the |
  [text65, 251]                           or her green card These |
  [text65, 261]                   chicken pox mumps and influenza |
  [text65, 329]                 will begin requiring the COVID-19 |
  [text65, 340]             there are various acceptable COVID-19 |
  [text65, 344]                   COVID-19 vaccines The three big |
  [text65, 354]                  States are acceptable along with |
  [text65, 371]                        are also exceptions to the |
  [text65, 399]                     be excused from receiving the |
  [text65, 409]                   should note that completing the |
  [text65, 432]                         or should not receive the |
  [text65, 448]                    that individual or an approved |
  [text65, 483]                    applicants who object to other |
  [text65, 492]                  the applicant simply refuses the |
   [text66, 76]                      having received at least one |
  [text66, 155]                       for the expected rollout of |
  [text66, 195]                   thousands of people arriving at |
  [text67, 118]                        set to announce a stricter |
  [text67, 136]               Thursday will impose more stringent |
  [text67, 245]                         has received at least one |
  [text68, 128]                hardship from driving neighbors to |
  [text70, 198]                Arlington's high and slowly rising |
  [text70, 280]                    ability to evade immunity from |
  [text71, 186]                       full approval to the Pfizer |
  [text71, 213]                            it is planning to make |
  [text71, 239]                    gonna move forward making that |
  [text73, 204]            and Drug administration approved Covid |
  [text73, 289]                         about the efficacy of the |
   [text74, 48]            strongly recommended indoors no matter |
  [text75, 102]                    fully vaccinated in some cases |
  [text75, 262]                        have received at least one |
  [text76, 556]                         up to date on recommended |
   [text78, 60]                      infection rate which fell as |
  [text78, 153]                  count currently stands at 15,296 |
  [text78, 175]                      having received at least one |
  [text78, 194]                          one dose of the COVID-19 |
  [text78, 241]                   creative ways to encourage more |
  [text78, 274]           vaccinated excluding those who received |
  [text79, 160]                                to 257 In terms of |
  [text79, 164]                 of vaccinations the average daily |
  [text79, 236]                          Dept of Defense With the |
  [text79, 279]                     state including as of January |
  [text80, 208]                     if employers choose to obtain |
  [text80, 225]               the Americans with Disabilities Act |
  [text80, 232]                      The EEOC also indicated that |
  [text80, 255]                        As the EEOC stated Because |
  [text81, 131]                         attributed to the rise in |
  [text81, 163]                             to VDH In all 231,629 |
  [text81, 175]                        have received at least one |
  [text82, 411]                     her appointment for the Covid |
  [text82, 429]                             from the Rides to the |
   [text83, 97]                            drop in cases comes as |
  [text83, 110]                        As of this morning 221,552 |
  [text83, 149]                         has received at least one |
  [text83, 165]                         of those eligible for the |
  [text83, 180]                 according to Arlington County The |
  [text84, 107]                 has administered nearly 7 million |
  [text84, 293]                             at least one shot The |
  [text86, 312]                           will be very popular As |
   [text88, 30]                         made against the virus as |
   [text88, 46]                          in others a stalemate as |
   [text88, 61]              Still some experts believe continued |
  [text88, 107]                                  and a ramp up in |
  [text88, 244]                    There's also new evidence that |
  [text91, 115]                     with more severe symptoms The |
  [text91, 147]                             not know how long the |
  [text91, 175]                       COVID-19 you should get the |
  [text91, 319]                 a more evidence-based approach to |
  [text91, 332]           seems logical modifying an FDA-approved |
  [text91, 381]                the more contagious variants which |
  [text91, 424]                           this early stage of the |
  [text91, 524]                   COVID survivors have gotten the |
  [text91, 542]                                if you had COVID a |
   [text93, 32]                   after my second Pfizer COVID-19 |
   [text93, 87]                   coworkers With several weeks of |
   [text93, 98]                   to ensure everybody getting the |
  [text93, 120]                           assuage the fear of the |
  [text93, 132]                    chart below summarizes the two |
  [text93, 171]                            for Pfizer has 3x more |
  [text93, 199]               because more Arlingtonians want the |
  [text93, 228]                 the Virginia Department of Health |
  [text93, 240]                             react this way to the |
  [text93, 250]                      from the introduction of the |
   [text95, 28]                           point since Nov 15 With |
  [text95, 300]                          average of 857 new daily |
  [text95, 342]              with the transition from Arlington's |
  [text96, 121]                   contingency fund This will fund |
  [text98, 403]               Nearly 1,800 APS employees received |
  [text98, 566]        advocating for improvements to ventilation |
 [text105, 130]                       first doses of the COVID-19 |
 [text105, 241]                     finally being reached by this |
 [text105, 339]                   patience The Moderna and Pfizer |
 [text105, 379]      citizenship information from those receiving |
 [text105, 431]                   I've actually registered in the |
  [text106, 23]              hottest topics surrounding the COVID |
  [text106, 42]        reactions after administration of Pfizer's |
  [text106, 59]                            should I get the COVID |
 [text106, 116]                          the world to approve the |
 [text106, 132]                     Britain rolled out the Pfizer |
 [text106, 193]                      reaction should not take the |
 [text106, 204]                     anybody with anaphylaxis to a |
 [text106, 235]                                or any food in the |
 [text106, 241]                          What is actually in this |
 [text106, 251]                  the allergic reaction The Pfizer |
 [text106, 277]                      key ingredient in the Pfizer |
 [text106, 358]                       PEG PEG helps stabilize the |
 [text106, 366]                             not in other types of |
 [text106, 407]                  allergic reactions is that other |
 [text106, 422]                       trigger found in the Pfizer |
 [text106, 425]            the Pfizer vaccine Transparency during |
 [text106, 460]                      Use Authorization EAU of the |
 [text106, 466]                              in the U.S The COVID |
 [text106, 495]                         is enough mistrust in the |
 [text106, 503]                           a headline to avoid the |
   [text107, 6]                 Arlington could have the COVID-19 |
  [text107, 72]                           the public will get the |
 [text107, 100]                  regarding the Moderna and Pfizer |
 [text107, 115]                           said that the number of |
 [text107, 131]                         a moving target that both |
 [text107, 234]                         and then not maintain the |
 [text107, 256]                        grants to prepare for mass |
 [text107, 286]                    to Arlington Public Health The |
 [text107, 306]                     according to the VDH COVID-19 |
 [text107, 309]                VDH COVID-19 Vaccination Plan Mass |
 [text107, 336]                           to enter a period where |
 [text107, 398]              County Board work session discussing |
  [text109, 54]                          to take the new COVID-19 |
  [text109, 64]                                to come up soon as |
 [text109, 103]                                in line to get the |
 [text109, 116]                        been able to receive their |
 [text109, 134]                        required to get a COVID-19 |
 [text109, 164]                    be complicated by the COVID-19 |
 [text109, 174]               to sincerely held religious beliefs |
 [text109, 191]                   Administration FDA as the first |
 [text109, 199]                               at the start of the |
 [text109, 212]                             I suspect that as the |
 [text109, 254]                       also won't likely be enough |
 [text109, 279]               the legality of employers requiring |
 [text109, 295]                    employers that mandate the flu |
 [text109, 313]                          can legally impose a flu |
 [text109, 344]                       also apply for the COVID-19 |
 [text109, 349]                     vaccine EEOC View of Required |
 [text109, 386]                             him from taking a flu |
 [text109, 409]                     moral objection to taking the |
 [text109, 460]                 where employers have required flu |
 [text109, 467]                employers have let employees avoid |
 [text109, 477]                             that refuse to take a |
 [text109, 486]                       mask at work Eventually the |
 [text109, 510]                    even then requiring a COVID-19 |
 [text109, 534]                      fairly early in the COVID-19 |
 [text109, 548]            laws protecting employers that require |
 [text109, 564]                     those that object to COVID-19 |
 [text109, 603]                             an employee to take a |
  [text115, 16]                         are solely the author's A |
  [text115, 33]                         were a safe and effective |
  [text115, 72]                         have been able to develop |
  [text115, 99]                      climate has thrust the rapid |
 [text115, 116]                          a reason progress on the |
 [text115, 140]                      produce 300 million doses of |
 [text115, 161]                     seem promising There are nine |
 [text115, 246]                              the FDA to approve a |
 [text115, 261]                         would get vaccinated if a |
 [text115, 282]                         poll with 78 worried that |
 [text115, 331]                      his reelection by delaying a |
 [text115, 520]                  exempt Many scientists say these |
 [text115, 529]                     be more transparent about how |
 [text146, 147]                          combat the virus until a |
 [text156, 198]                         talk of rapid testing and |
  [text174, 47]                appointments for Pfizer or Moderna |
  [text174, 59]              because the currently available mRNA |
 [text174, 115]              recommendation to use these bivalent |
 [text174, 123]               has stopped administering the older |
 [text174, 133]                      to receive the newer updated |
 [text174, 170]                           not be able to schedule |
 [text174, 188]                          we have received the two |
 [text174, 268]                new free COVID-19 bivalent booster |
 [text174, 313]             now administrating the updated Pfizer |
 [text174, 347]                         dose or initial series of |
 [text174, 358]           also administrating the updated Moderna |
 [text174, 373]                longer providing the previous mRNA |
 [text174, 411]                     the previous iteration of the |
 [text174, 428]               the federal government approved the |
 [text174, 455]                   the previous Pfizer and Moderna |
 [text174, 553]                    surge in December But bivalent |
  [text176, 29]               officially eligible for a monkeypox |
  [text176, 38]                   County has widened its previous |
 [text176, 108]                  system for the JYNNEOS monkeypox |
 [text176, 147]              Virginia have received the monkeypox |
 [text176, 178]               eligibility for the monkeypox virus |
 [text176, 188]          appointment request process The expanded |
 [text176, 252]                 and prioritized for the monkeypox |
 [text176, 271]                       first dose of the monkeypox |
 [text176, 306]            also began administering the monkeypox |
 [text176, 358]              intradermal method to complete their |
  [text187, 31]                  expanded access to the monkeypox |
  [text187, 86]                      511 total doses of monkeypox |
 [text187, 112]                        is eligible to receive the |
 [text187, 117]                           vaccine to fill out the |
 [text187, 170]                 VDH's limited supply of monkeypox |
 [text187, 184]                       has started to provide more |
 [text187, 212]                       cases As ACPHD receives new |
 [text187, 228]                            be eligible to get the |
 [text187, 253]                       the criteria to receive the |
 [text187, 299]                     outbreak evolves and based on |
  [text207, 48]              shuttered Covid-19 testing sites and |
  [text208, 46]               County Public Health began COVID-19 |
  [text208, 62]                         22 said Ryan Hudson CDC's |
  [text208, 90]               far More on the recently-authorized |
  [text208, 98]                         our article last week The |
 [text208, 122]                  facility at 2100 Washington Blvd |
 [text213, 288]                    Plan which funded the national |
 [text214, 258]             libraries community centers and Covid |
 [text226, 263]               providers are offering the COVID-19 |
 [text238, 322]                  to administer COVID-19 tests and |
 [text263, 330]                         With the demand for COVID |
  [text278, 12]                      by training and an Arlington |
  [text278, 26]           Health Division with distributing Covid |
  [text278, 97]                             me was working in the |
 [text278, 198]                    with voter protection but with |
 [text278, 301]                      greet those coming for their |
 [text286, 161]                 been vaccinated or obtained valid |
 [text286, 584]                          to circulate we now have |
 [text286, 597]             Arlingtonians have some immunity from |
 [text286, 601]                   from vaccines or past infection |
 [text286, 636]             has received all recommended COVID-19 |
 [text286, 647]                           when eligible To find a |
  [text290, 45]                        are in compliance with the |
 [text293, 366]                       two and older regardless of |
 [text293, 494]                             staying up to date on |
  [text300, 40]                  Monday This also includes county |
 [text301, 218]                hospitalization and death is still |
 [text301, 277]                       the District would lift its |
 [text305, 206]                    They had strict protocols high |
 [text326, 514]                               what he says is the |
 [text326, 549]                                 he said We have a |
   [text329, 7]                           threat of job loss over |
  [text329, 81]          unvaccinated employees have received the |
 [text329, 132]                 days brings the county's employee |
 [text329, 151]               in August Arlington County mandated |
 [text329, 279]                     safety employee who refuses a |
 [text329, 311]               fire department who've received the |
 [text329, 352]                       have been shown to increase |
 [text336, 320]                         2 and older regardless of |
  [text351, 52]                  will also be shuttered Arlington |
 [text363, 684]                    resources and has run targeted |
   [text367, 6]                        A group will be protesting |
  [text367, 20]                   in Arlington due to forthcoming |
  [text367, 93]                  mass firings Stop segregating by |
 [text367, 132]               announced that proof of coronavirus |
 [text367, 156]                     Arlington Due to the upcoming |
 [text367, 197]                       of our guests regardless of |
 [text367, 215]                          22 and requires proof of |
 [text367, 333]                         has received at least one |
 [text367, 358]                        recent New York State data |
 [text368, 172]                  She celebrated the county's high |
 [text372, 328]                Public Schools which also requires |
 [text375, 338]      County government offices recreation centers |
 [text375, 372]                    staff and clients the COVID-19 |
 [text378, 206]                   county helped to administer the |
 [text384, 140]                          the dawning of the Covid |
  [text387, 86]                      travel bans reversed and new |
 [text387, 150]                      a few exceptions and various |
 [text387, 165]                         in the United States This |
 [text387, 173]                          an addition to the other |
 [text387, 184]                     the influenza and chicken pox |
 [text387, 216]               issued a new proclamation requiring |
  [text388, 12]              including COVID-19 testing sites and |
  [text388, 92]                   a booster shoot county COVID-19 |
 [text390, 114]                      an encouraging sign that the |
 [text392, 413]            community members an enhanced COVID-19 |
  [text395, 22]                          to reverse course on its |
  [text395, 31]                              elect not to get the |
  [text395, 42]                 February per the county's updated |
  [text395, 50]             with ARLnow Arlington County mandated |
  [text395, 88]                                 1 2022 to get the |
  [text395, 99]               religious exemption Those without a |
 [text395, 215]                             don't want to get the |
 [text395, 283]                          those forced to take the |
 [text395, 326]                boosters The county maintains that |
 [text395, 359]                 said mandates work linking rising |
 [text395, 474]                           as the pandemic and the |
  [text407, 77]                indoor public spaces regardless of |
 [text408, 522]           strangers despite relatively high local |
 [text410, 111]               to block the Administration's Covid |
 [text415, 154]                             ask it now given that |
   [text416, 8]        operations and services including COVID-19 |
  [text416, 62]                    also be shuttered and COVID-19 |
 [text420, 154]                     Arlington on board with COVID |
 [text420, 178]                              least one jab of the |
 [text421, 486]              residents access to COVID-19 testing |
 [text423, 149]                safe providing funding for testing |
 [text423, 283]                          such as testing site and |
  [text425, 89]           Shirlington Safety Precautions Proof of |
 [text425, 355]                      required to provide proof of |
 [text425, 375]                      required to provide proof of |
 [text425, 494]                Street Safety Precautions Proof of |
 [text425, 601]                         required to show proof of |
 [text425, 622]                         wear a mask regardless of |
 [text425, 823]              Safety Precautions Proof of COVID-19 |
 [text434, 182]                despite increasing COVID cases and |
  [text435, 67]                       day off All county COVID-19 |
 [text437, 123]              among the immunocompromised for whom |
 [text449, 245]                      for rolling out the COVID-19 |
 [text449, 285]        anticipates holding clinics and scheduling |
 [text467, 202]           supplies and preventative care COVID-19 |
  [text469, 61]                   promising signs amid the spring |
 [text478, 313]                             Oct 1 2020 before any |
   [text481, 7]                  County is starting to administer |
  [text481, 41]                        booster shot of the Pfizer |
  [text481, 63]                    appointment only at the county |
 [text481, 160]                         has received at least one |
 [text481, 187]               Health will begin offering COVID-19 |
 [text481, 192]          vaccine boosters for the Pfizer-BioNTech |
 [text481, 249] high-risk occupational and institutional settings |
 [text481, 338]                             2 doses of a COVID-19 |
 [text481, 356]                    the Moderna or Johnson Johnson |
  [text482, 43]                      a news conference Monday But |
  [text482, 52]                 spread Alexandria has the highest |
 [text487, 570]                         said a recent story about |
 [text497, 130]                       the same thing Twitter More |
 [text497, 144]                    of Health VDH has incorporated |
 [text497, 153]               in Maryland Virginians who received |
 [text497, 183]                  reflects an increase in COVID-19 |
 [text502, 379]                           week in a segment about |
 [text506, 407]                      Arlington is doing well with |
   [text514, 8]                    for Labor Day County-run Covid |
  [text525, 11]                     hard-hit as places with lower |
 [text525, 122]                       before putting trust in the |
  [text543, 11]                        A day after declaring that |
  [text543, 41]                       third dose of mRNA COVID-19 |
  [text543, 78]      on Immunization Practices recommendation The |
 [text543, 117]                      either the Moderna or Pfizer |
 [text543, 343]                         those who have Bring your |
 [text543, 361]                    your additional dose Keep your |
 [text543, 378]                          taking a picture of your |
 [text543, 391]                        time an additional dose of |
 [text543, 402]                  who received the Johnson Johnson |
 [text543, 443]                           older to get a COVID-19 |
 [text544, 243]                           FDA approval of a COVID |
 [text545, 790]                        will require proof of full |
  [text548, 19]                     APS will implement a COVID-19 |
 [text550, 394]                           tasty and cold drink As |
 vaccination  | or undergo weekly testing to                               
   vaccine    | booster shot which are designed                            
 vaccination  | effort after receiving the new                             
   vaccine    | which is expected to be                                    
   vaccines   | remains available for children younger                     
   vaccine    | are being offered for free                                 
   vaccine    | availability from an Arlington County                      
 vaccination  | Make an appointment online with                            
   Vaccine    | Administration Management System VAMS If                   
   vaccines   | and boosters are available in                              
   vaccine    | is authorized for people ages                              
   vaccine    | is authorized for people ages                              
   vaccines   | are now only authorized as                                 
   vaccine    | as a 2-dose primary series                                 
   vaccine    | For a complete list of                                     
   vaccines   | offered visit our website Please                           
 vaccination  | card with you so your                                      
   vaccines   | and boosters is available on                               
   vaccine    | season                                                     
 vaccination  | status Last year the quarantine                            
 vaccinations | and masking are no longer                                  
 vaccination  | effort is continuing with nearly                           
   vaccine    | doses administered as of this                              
 vaccination  | ACPHD continues to provide monkeypox                       
   vaccine    | to close contacts of known                                 
   vaccine    | since late June and is                                     
   vaccine    | Vaccine appointment invitations are being                  
   Vaccine    | appointment invitations are being extended                 
   Vaccine    | Interest Survey open to all                                
   vaccine    | shipments arrive ACPHD will issue                          
   vaccine    | supply Vaccine supply remains limited                      
   Vaccine    | supply remains limited nationwide ACPHD                    
   vaccine    | and allocates vaccine doses to                             
   vaccine    | doses to local health districts                            
 vaccinations | for that age group in                                      
 vaccination  | effort comes as cases have                                 
   vaccine    | shots for young children are                               
   Vaccine    | appointments can be booked online                          
   vaccine    | offerings Some of us very                                  
   Vaccines   | are still being offered for                                
 vaccinations | and socialize outside when possible                        
 vaccination  | rates Arlington's rise in cases                            
   vaccines   | he said But the ER                                         
   vaccines   | tests and therapeutics                                     
 vaccination  | rates this wave is locally                                 
 vaccination  | in Arlington 96.4 of the                                   
   vaccine    | done while 87.2 are highly                                 
   vaccines   | than BA 2 h                        
   vaccine    | and booster shots                                          
 vaccinations | and boosters However we have                               
 vaccination  | among those 5 and older                                    
 vaccination  | choosing to wear a mask                                    
   vaccines   | everyone 5 years and older                                 
   vaccine    | location near you visit                       
   vaccine    | booster shots to eligible residents                        
   vaccine    | Two days later on March                                    
   vaccine    | clinics began allowing those residents                     
   vaccines   | Arlington Mill Community Center and                        
   vaccine    | or#booster Our clinics at                                  
   vaccine    | wane over time and booster                                 
   vaccine    | much to the worry of                                       
   vaccine    | for kids six years and                                     
   vaccine    | Photo via Arlington Dept of                                
   vaccines   | and COVID-19 testing but the                               
   vaccine    | booster shot yet expect a                                  
   vaccine    | For walk-in clinic times and                               
   vaccine    | boosters are recommended for everyone                      
   vaccines   | at least five months ago                                   
   vaccine    | at least two months ago                                    
   vaccine    | booster To find a vaccine                                  
   vaccine    | location near you visit                       
 vaccinations | in school if they are                                      
 vaccinations | are exempt from quarantine if                              
   vaccine    | and played a part in                                       
 vaccination  | dose                                                       
 vaccinations | are asymptomatic and are able                              
 vaccination  | and mask requirements Only family                          
 vaccination  | rate likely has contributed to                             
 vaccination  | as a way to avoid                                          
   Vaccines   | drastically reduce your chance of                          
   Vaccines   | are free Rep Don                   
   vaccines   | had just become available so                               
 Vaccinations | are keeping people safe even                               
   vaccines   | are designed to work and                                   
 vaccination  | rate More than 93 of                                       
 vaccination  | shot while 81.5 of adults                                  
 vaccination  | status                                                     
 vaccination  | and immunity from prior infection                          
 vaccination  | rate more than 90 of                                       
   vaccine    | appear to be significantly less                            
   vaccines   | prior infection and antiviral treatments                   
 vaccinations | and vaccine booster shots Arlington                        
   vaccine    | booster shots Arlington County is                          
 vaccination  | in Arlington reports of serious                            
 vaccinations | which have been shown to                                   
 vaccination  | indoor mask use testing and                                
 vaccinations | were just getting underway and                             
 vaccination  | requirements for all international air                     
 vaccination  | before boarding a plane to                                 
   vaccines   | are accepted The CDC has                                   
   vaccines   | that are approved or authorized                            
   vaccines   | are accepted The Proclamation provides                     
   vaccine    | requirement spoiler alert no religious                     
 vaccination  | for air passengers please visit                            
 vaccinations | With 81.5 of the population                                
   vaccine    | shots for younger children Arlington                       
   vaccines   | for all fully vaccinated adults                            
 vaccination  | rate has helped to tamp                                    
 vaccination  | rates in the state 73                                      
 vaccination  | and those at higher risk                                   
   vaccine    | from Arlington County The county's                         
   vaccine    | for the age group last                                     
   vaccine    | shots to children ages 12-15                               
   vaccine    | for local 5-11 year-olds good                              
   Vaccines   | for 5-11 year olds are                                     
   vaccines   | by appointment are available for                           
   vaccine    | offering from an Arlington County                          
   vaccines   | by appointment to children ages                            
   vaccine    | has been shown to be                                       
   vaccine    | for 5-11-year-olds will be available                       
   vaccine    | In the early weeks of                                      
   vaccine    | supply may be limited As                                   
   vaccine    | by appointment only at Walter                              
   vaccine    | Appointments for ACPHD clinics can                         
   Vaccine    | Administration Management System VAMS select               
   vaccine    | appointment age 5-11 Second dose                           
   vaccine    | For more information visit the                             
   vaccine    | FAQs                                                       
   vaccines   | The county's public health division                        
   vaccine    | booster shots is below Read                                
   vaccine    | clinic this Saturday Oct 23                                
 vaccination  | rates in the community The                                 
   vaccines   | as well as provides a                                      
 vaccination  | rates in Black Latinx and                                  
   vaccine    | will be given No appointments                              
   vaccine    | dose Covid cases have been                                 
   vaccine    | will be required for most                                  
 vaccinations | If the applicant has not                                   
 vaccinations | the applicant must receive the                             
   vaccines   | to receive his or her                                      
   vaccines   | include the polio varicella chicken                        
   vaccines   | On Sept 14 USCIS announced                                 
   vaccine    | beginning on Oct 1 Importantly                             
   vaccines   | The three big vaccines available                           
   vaccines   | available in the United States                             
   vaccines   | approved for emergency use by                              
 vaccination  | requirement The Centers for Disease                        
   vaccine    | or when the doctor should                                  
   vaccine    | requirement is impossible For example                      
   vaccine    | because it is not age                                      
   vaccine    | is not routinely available in                              
 vaccinations | as well If the applicant                                   
   vaccine    | and does not receive a                                     
   vaccine    | dose the rate of serious                                   
   vaccine    | booster shots From WJLA We                                 
 vaccination  | sites wanting their booster shots                          
   vaccine    | requirement for federal workers and                        
   vaccine    | rules on federal workers and                               
   vaccine    | dose That number which excludes                            
   vaccine    | appointments to donating meals from                        
 vaccination  | rate nearly 73 of the                                      
   vaccines   | or prior infections                                        
   vaccine    | It was previously offered under                            
 vaccinations | mandatory for U.S service members                          
   vaccine    | mandatory for U.S service members                          
   vaccine    | boosters for some immunocompromised individuals            
   vaccines   | over time particularly against the                         
 vaccination  | status Clark acknowledges this is                          
   Vaccines   | still offer protection against infection                   
   vaccine    | dose at just under 70                                      
   vaccines   | and taking other basic preventative                        
 vaccinations | ramped up in the spring                                    
 Vaccinations | meanwhile have slowed but Virginia                         
   vaccine    | dose We did it Virginia                                    
   vaccine    | and two weeks ahead of                                     
 vaccinations | including having shots available at                        
 vaccinations | from the military or federal                               
 vaccinations | the average daily vaccination rate                         
 vaccination  | rate in the county has                                     
 vaccination  | rate high and the case                                     
 vaccinations | in an Excel spreadsheet That                               
 vaccination  | information from their employees they                      
 Vaccination  | Incentives The EEOC also indicated                         
 vaccination  | incentives could be an option                              
 vaccinations | require employees to answer pre-vaccination                
 vaccinations | As of this morning about                                   
   vaccine    | doses have been administered 135,073                       
   vaccine    | shot and 109,263 people have                               
 vaccination  | With no car and a                                          
   Vaccines   | team When she got a                                        
 vaccinations | in Arlington continue at a                                 
   vaccine    | doses have been administered in                            
   vaccine    | dose while 43 have been                                    
   vaccine    | ages 12 + have received                                    
 vaccination  | effort is being credited for                               
   vaccine    | doses and 63 of adults                                     
   vaccines   | are clearly working and they                               
 vaccination  | rates rise and restrictions lift                           
 vaccinations | quicken Nationally cases are up                            
 vaccinations | are countered by increasing prevalence                     
 vaccinations | will ultimately prevail muting the                         
 vaccinations | He says there will be                                      
 vaccinations | may help clear up lingering                                
   vaccine    | offers superior and more predictable                       
   vaccines   | provide protection but we do                               
   vaccine    | The next question is if                                    
   vaccine    | protocol and distribution While an                         
   vaccine    | schedule can be precarious First                           
   vaccines   | have effectiveness against based on                        
   vaccine    | rollout Moreover the studies approved                      
   vaccine    | but this large number underscores                          
   vaccine    | is still recommended Dr George                             
   vaccine    | shot However it was the                                    
 vaccinations | under way it is important                                  
   vaccine    | is patently aware of the                                   
   vaccine    | doing more harm than good                                  
   vaccines   | currently administered in Arlington Both                   
   vaccine    | than Pfizer 100 micrograms vs                              
   vaccine    | than anywhere in the U.S                                   
   Vaccine    | Dashboard So why does your                                 
   vaccine    | The immediate response is from                             
   vaccine    | materials into your arm This                               
 vaccinations | happening at a steady clip                                 
   vaccine    | doses have been administered over                          
   vaccine    | pre-registration system to the new                         
   vaccine    | distribution and testing eviction prevention               
   vaccine    | doses this past holiday weekend                            
 vaccinations | for staff before they return                               
   vaccine    | The Arlington County Board got                             
   vaccine    | Arlington Public Health Director Dr                        
   vaccines   | have 95 efficacy rate but                                  
   vaccines   | We're not collecting that in                               
   vaccine    | system and there was no                                    
   vaccine    | the past few days is                                       
   vaccine    | in the UK This has                                         
   vaccine    | if I have allergies My                                     
   vaccine    | developed by Germany's BioNTech and                        
   vaccine    | starting with the elderly and                              
   vaccine    | which was quickly clarified to                             
   vaccine    | medicine or food Many in                                   
   vaccine    | What is actually in this                                   
   vaccine    | and what could explain the                                 
   vaccine    | is based on new technology                                 
   vaccine    | is messenger RNA mRNA which                                
   vaccine    | and is not in other                                        
   vaccines   | Patients with severe allergic reaction                     
   vaccine    | options will become available that                         
   vaccine    | Transparency during vaccine rollout is                     
   vaccine    | rollout is paramount to gain                               
   vaccine    | in the U.S The COVID                                       
   vaccine    | has a particularly big magnifying                          
   vaccine    | that adding a headline to                                  
   vaccine    | if you have a history                                      
   vaccine    | as early as the end                                        
   vaccine    | Arlington's Public Health Director Dr                      
   vaccines   | that are undergoing Food and                               
   vaccine    | doses that will arrive in                                  
   vaccines   | require recipients to get booster                          
   vaccine    | at the appropriate temperature On                          
   vaccine    | distribution The funds would pay                           
   vaccine    | will eventually be available at                            
 Vaccination  | Plan Mass vaccine distribution will                        
   vaccine    | distribution will not necessarily mean                     
 vaccination  | will be available doesn't mean                             
 vaccination  | plans Photo by CDC on                                      
   vaccine    | This issue is likely to                                    
   vaccines   | for the COVID-19 virus start                               
   vaccine    | when those at higher risk                                  
   vaccines   | first Religious Disability and Moral                       
   vaccine    | will depend on many factors                                
   vaccine    | or perhaps run contrary to                                 
   Vaccines   | authorized under the emergency authority                   
   vaccines   | will be at the start                                       
 vaccination  | process may be more difficult                              
   vaccines   | receive final approval by the                              
   vaccines   | for everyone that wants one                                
   vaccines   | could be bolstered by Congress                             
   vaccine    | The U.S Occupational Safety and                            
   vaccine    | requirement on their workforce but                         
   vaccine    | EEOC View of Required Vaccinations                         
 Vaccinations | The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's              
   vaccine    | the employer must provide a                                
   vaccine    | would not likely be enough                                 
   vaccines   | some employers have let employees                          
 vaccination  | but require those employees that                           
   vaccine    | to wear a mask at                                          
   vaccines   | probably will be approved under                            
   vaccine    | as a condition for returning                               
 vaccination  | process but there are likely                               
   vaccines   | for employees due to the                                   
   vaccines   | there are also likely numerous                             
   vaccine    | unless there is no other                                   
   vaccine    | that nobody wants to take                                  
   vaccine    | against COVID why wouldn't people                          
   vaccine    | candidates in mere months after                            
   vaccine    | progress into the political ring                           
   vaccine    | has been so fast The                                       
   vaccines   | by January 2021 with an                                    
   vaccines   | in phase 3 trials the                                      
   vaccine    | without ensuring safety and efficacy                       
   vaccine    | were approved by the FDA                                   
   vaccine    | approval is driven by politics                             
   vaccine    | until after the election On                                
   vaccine    | makers need to be more                                     
   vaccine    | trials are run and reporting                               
   vaccine    | is ready As experts warn                                   
   vaccines   | Studies show that Arlingtonians are                        
   vaccines   | per the county's website This                              
   vaccines   | are no longer authorized for                               
   vaccines   | the county has stopped administering                       
   vaccines   | However Arlington has yet to                               
   vaccines   | from the state We are                                      
   vaccine    | appointments until that happens We                         
   vaccine    | boosters Dietz said In the                                 
 vaccinations | manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech Moderna The                
   vaccine    | as a single booster dose                                   
   vaccines   | Select Giant Food pharmacies are                           
   vaccine    | for those 18 years and                                     
   vaccines   | to those 12 years or                                       
   vaccines   | as boosters they are still                                 
   vaccine    | for children and recommended that                          
   vaccines   | to that age range by                                       
   vaccine    | boosters could cut this surge                              
   vaccine    | in Arlington Arlington County has                          
   vaccine    | eligibility criteria to include people                     
   vaccine    | Arlington County has recorded a                            
   vaccine    | so far according to VDH                                    
   vaccine    | and launched a new appointment                             
   vaccine    | eligibility aligns with current Centers                    
   vaccine    | ACPHD also launched a more                                 
   vaccine    | People who meet the eligibility                            
   vaccine    | using the intradermal in between                           
 vaccination  | series Monkeypox is a contagious                           
   vaccine    | to those groups at increased                               
   vaccine    | have been administered by the                              
   vaccine    | to fill out the vaccine                                    
   vaccine    | interest form The form is                                  
   vaccine    | JYNNEOS It appears that since                              
   vaccine    | supply to individual localities This                       
   vaccine    | shipments we will issue new                                
   vaccine    | in Virginia an individual must                             
   vaccine    | also include Within the last                               
   vaccine    | supply This comes as the                                   
   vaccine    | clinics are taking a break                                 
 vaccinations | for children as young as                                   
   Vaccine    | Administration Management System VAMS became               
   vaccine    | offering from our article last                             
   vaccine    | shots for young children are                               
   Vaccine    | appointments can be booked online                          
   vaccine    | strategy direct economic impact payments                   
   vaccine    | and testing sites will be                                  
   vaccine    | booster to children aged 5                                 
   vaccines   | and offering all of us                                     
   vaccines   | at least momentarily on the                                
   vaccine    | helper by heart After assisting                            
   vaccines   | for most of 2021 accomplished                              
   vaccine    | clinics Collins tells ARLnow I                             
   vaccines   | becoming available in December 2020                        
   vaccines   | You're always reading the other                            
   vaccine    | exemptions the county said this                            
   vaccines   | tests and treatments that work                             
   vaccines   | or past infection Vaccination remains                      
 Vaccination  | remains the leading public health                          
   vaccines   | including any booster dose s                               
   vaccine    | location near you visit                       
   vaccine    | policy county spokesman Ryan Hudson                        
 vaccination  | status to mask up since                                    
   vaccines   | and wearing masks can help                                 
   vaccine    | clinics and COVID-19 testing sites                         
 vaccination  | and staying up with boosters                               
   vaccine    | mandate for businesses and dial                            
 vaccination  | rates among the nearly 100                                 
   vaccine    | to modern malaises such as                                 
   vaccine    | for that loving-kindness We need                           
 vaccination  | status may have motivated some                             
   vaccine    | according to Arlington Public Health                       
 vaccination  | rate to 94.5 up from                                       
   vaccines   | for all permanent county employees                         
   vaccine    | at this time is doing                                      
   vaccine    | for upholding the longstanding reputation                  
 vaccination  | rates County Board members appeared                        
 vaccination  | status are required to wear                                
   vaccine    | clinics and Curative testing sites                         
 vaccination  | clinics for child care providers                           
   vaccine    | mandates in D.C later this                                 
   vaccine    | mandates in D.C Defeat the                                 
 vaccination  | status Stop calling Americans unpatriotic                  
 vaccinations | will be required to enter                                  
   Vaccine    | Mandate put in place by                                    
 vaccination  | status are welcome The new                                 
 vaccination  | or negative covid test to                                  
   vaccine    | done a likely contributor to                               
   vaccine    | effectiveness 94 vs hospitalization
 vaccination  | rates as a sign that                                       
 vaccinations | or negative tests has not                                  
 vaccination  | clinics and as of Tuesday                                  
 vaccination  | clinics at Walter Reed and                                 
   vaccine    | to tens of thousands of                                    
 vaccination  | era but reality and new                                    
 vaccination  | requirements for foreign nationals We've                   
 vaccinations | are acceptable apart from the                              
 vaccination  | requirement is an addition to                              
   vaccines   | that were previously required like                         
   vaccines   | We expect this requirement to                              
 vaccination  | for travel to the United                                   
   vaccine    | clinics are set to be                                      
   vaccine    | clinics will be closed Dec                                 
   vaccines   | are working and perhaps Omicron                            
 vaccination  | policy that will require a                                 
   vaccine    | mandate Those who elect not                                
   vaccine    | risk losing their jobs come                                
   vaccine    | policy shared with ARLnow Arlington                        
   vaccines   | for all government employees back                          
   vaccine    | or get a medical or                                        
   vaccine    | or an exemption on Feb                                     
   vaccine    | Montague tells ARLnow adding that                          
   vaccine    | suffer side effects Objections to                          
   vaccines   | are safe and the best                                      
 vaccination  | rates among those older than                               
   vaccines   | evolve and because they're worried                         
 vaccination  | status Twitter Santa Returning to                          
 vaccination  | rates Are we really going                                  
 vaccination  | measures Republicans plan to shut                          
   vaccines   | are widely available but the                               
 vaccinations | and testing will be closed                                 
 vaccinations | and testing at county facilities                           
 vaccinations | Data last week show that                                   
   vaccine    | Countywide just under 79 percent                           
 vaccinations | and food throughout the pandemic                           
   vaccine    | support and COVID response County                          
   vaccine    | clinic support received $ 9                                
 vaccinations | or a negative test are                                     
 vaccination  | or a negative PCR test                                     
 vaccination  | or a negative Masks are                                    
 vaccination  | or a negative COVID test                                   
 vaccination  | or a negative PCR test                                     
 vaccination  | status Fully vaccinated dancers over                       
 vaccination  | or a negative COVID test                                   
   vaccines   | not yet being publicly available                           
   vaccine    | clinics and testing kiosks will                            
   vaccine    | effectiveness is limited Plus there's                      
   vaccine    | to students ages 5-11 once                                 
 vaccinations | by appointment hopefully by mid-November                   
   vaccines   | food stamps resources and children's                       
 vaccination  | ramp-up this summer apparel sales                          
   vaccine    | was available Statewide the seven-day                      
   vaccine    | booster shots today as the                                 
   vaccine    | to qualified individuals as defined                        
 vaccination  | sites at the Arlington Mill                                
   vaccine    | shot according to VDH The                                  
   vaccine    | boosters for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine                   
   vaccine    | to certain people by appointment                           
   Vaccine    | has proven to be the                                       
   vaccine    | At this time booster doses                                 
   vaccines   | Read More                                                  
 vaccinations | are not evenly spread Alexandria                           
 vaccination  | rate for children in the                                   
   vaccine    | mandates for public employees struck                       
 Vaccinations | Added to State Stats Today                                 
 vaccination  | data from jurisdictions in Maryland                        
 vaccinations | in Maryland that were not                                  
   vaccine    | first dose rates of 0.33                                   
   vaccine    | mandates But Beyer's communications director               
 vaccination  | rates but barely so We                                     
 vaccination  | clinics and testing will be                                
 vaccination  | rates but the delta variant                                
   vaccine    | and its ability to protect                                 
   vaccine    | booster shots were not currently                           
   vaccines   | Moderna and Pfizer to certain                              
   vaccine    | booster shots are only available                           
   vaccine    | with the last dose administered                            
 vaccination  | card with you so your                                      
 vaccination  | card in case you need                                      
 vaccination  | card as a backup copy                                      
   vaccine    | is not approved for people                                 
   vaccine    | or people who are fully                                    
   vaccine    | especially those who are immunocompromised                 
   vaccine    | Press Release Arlington Hotels Still                       
 vaccination  | either physically or digitally or                          
 vaccination  | mandate for employees This joint                           
 vaccination  | rates trend upward in Virginia                             
# 481 rows

kwic_restaurant = kwic(arlnow_covid_corpus_tokens, 
      pattern = c("restaurant", "restaurants"))
Keyword-in-context with 211 matches.                                                                     
   [text8, 266]                    action to allow expanded outdoor |
   [text8, 476]                      or expanded outdoor seating at |
   [text8, 495]                    provisions have been critical to |
  [text33, 356]          hotel and accommodations personal services |
  [text45, 167]                       initially looked at opening a |
  [text45, 222]                               best places to open a |
  [text45, 246]                              chef and co-owner of a |
  [text74, 362]                          allowed I don't think many |
  [text77, 122] reported facilities operating without authorization |
  [text77, 189]              1,200 submissions about 370 referenced |
  [text77, 398]                     volunteers than this one Behind |
  [text82, 178]                            minimum wage jobs in the |
  [text82, 189]                            work from home option As |
  [text85, 347]                    lift restrictions on places like |
  [text85, 404]                           10 p.m alcohol curfew for |
 [text102, 148]                        year The pandemic forced the |
 [text103, 207]                           special meal from a local |
  [text104, 17]                     hangout Freddie's Beach Bar and |
 [text104, 260]                          2020 The brothers keep the |
 [text104, 304]                      purchased 1,753 meals from the |
 [text104, 329]                               out to a dozen nearby |
 [text104, 341]                   and activity into the independent |
   [text110, 8]                                 work or eating at a |
  [text110, 58]                              had recently gone to a |
 [text118, 219]                         between March 16-31 and the |
 [text118, 250]                        unsustainable On April 1 the |
 [text118, 306]                       Elementary Schools is near my |
 [text118, 394]                            Since March 17 six other |
 [text122, 292]                    director said Monday that indoor |
 [text122, 383]                         week pointing the finger at |
 [text122, 417]            uptick particularly associated with bars |
 [text122, 535]                      their distance inside bars and |
 [text122, 572]                      the situation worsens bars and |
 [text122, 596]                                to keep our bars and |
  [text134, 48]                       Pines of Florence among other |
 [text134, 524]                              of his life working in |
  [text149, 52]                       during these trying times the |
 [text152, 361]                     covers everything from lists of |
 [text159, 524]                             with how to support our |
 [text159, 549]                       marked with signs outside the |
 [text161, 144]         COVID-19 healthcare professionals and local |
 [text161, 155]                         to purchase food from local |
 [text161, 195]               except to complete essential business |
 [text161, 210]                                   a result a lot of |
 [text161, 248]                        action to help support local |
 [text161, 249]                   to help support local restaurants |
 [text161, 299]                    Ordering catering from our local |
 [text161, 338]                       decided to purchase food from |
 [text161, 404]                     them provide stability to local |
 [text162, 474]                                 also owns a pair of |
   [text164, 9]                          in Clarendon was among the |
  [text164, 37]                Gov Ralph Northam officially ordered |
 [text164, 102]                  until further notice the acclaimed |
 [text164, 148]                          support and love wrote the |
  [text167, 45]                                  to be the case The |
  [text167, 90]                                on the inside of the |
 [text177, 334]                   Crystal City Gentlemen's Club and |
 [text179, 219]               area's legendary neighborhood bar and |
  [text180, 23]                             later this year The new |
 [text180, 275]                    opening while local chicken wing |
 [text183, 261]                           have become somewhat of a |
  [text188, 48]         among retail-level consumer businesses like |
 [text188, 146]                                in and carry out BBQ |
 [text188, 166]                           to fit most concepts This |
 [text188, 339]                            for 10 years High profit |
 [text188, 350]                        of Arlington VA This popular |
 [text188, 433]                    most concepts While owning other |
   [text191, 9]                     to the pre-pandemic process for |
  [text191, 26]                             least a couple of local |
  [text191, 51]                            tents as part of helping |
 [text191, 322]                            up with the exception of |
 [text191, 468]                                has left a couple of |
 [text191, 493]                         Medium Rare the local steak |
 [text191, 512]                     the previous pandemic years the |
 [text191, 573]                         behind the directive that a |
 [text191, 648]                            worries that a number of |
  [text192, 91]                             back awhile ago but the |
 [text192, 107]                        Garcia owner operator of the |
 [text192, 159]                                in 2005 as a sibling |
 [text192, 180]                                the menus of the two |
 [text192, 197]                         cats find forever homes The |
 [text192, 237]                           than two years before the |
 [text192, 326]                                 at the front of the |
 [text192, 460]                              Sphinx Also new at the |
 [text193, 329]                           and Marc enjoy trying new |
 [text196, 315]          catering service HUNGRY the Ballston-based |
  [text199, 20]                       July 31 The 25-year-old Greek |
  [text199, 54]                                of the 23rd Street S |
 [text199, 151]                         couple's ability to run the |
 [text199, 286]                              some time now both the |
 [text199, 315]                            a compromise to keep the |
  [text209, 74]                  the website of the Baltimore-based |
  [text209, 81]                              has reached out to the |
 [text209, 130]                    Maryland Last month on Instagram |
 [text209, 142]                         for the replenishing of the |
 [text209, 170]                         chance to save thousands of |
 [text209, 256]         mall's more highly-trafficked corridors The |
 [text209, 342]                            in Arlington A number of |
 [text216, 357]                 temporary outdoor seating areas for |
   [text222, 5]                                A new casual Mexican |
 [text222, 173]                      also being revamped though the |
 [text222, 252]                        months In September a cereal |
  [text241, 47]                        City retail shops salons and |
  [text241, 76]               Business Improvement District and the |
 [text241, 243]                         to 10-15 discounts at local |
   [text246, 4]                                        A new Afghan |
 [text246, 163]                        works pre-pandemic to open a |
 [text246, 186]                        Mall in 1999 with subsequent |
 [text246, 301]                                   see a host of new |
   [text252, 5]                               A number of Arlington |
  [text252, 40]                 awards celebrating the D.C region's |
  [text252, 83]                               are handed out by the |
  [text252, 89]    Association Metropolitan Washington the region's |
  [text252, 97]                  association It's intended to honor |
 [text252, 159]                             a decade ago when local |
 [text252, 191]                            a spotlight on how local |
 [text252, 265]                being held over Four Arlington-based |
 [text252, 287]                  Splendid Holidays at Home category |
 [text252, 519]                       neighborhood is up for casual |
 [text252, 528]                       Queen Mother's located in the |
 [text254, 249]                    apartment buildings and some hip |
 [text255, 433]                   take out alcoholic beverages from |
 [text287, 194]                              into a retail shop and |
 [text295, 237]                             a number of other local |
 [text295, 292]                              is a list of Arlington |
 [text303, 199]                          A grant program to support |
 [text309, 275]                                 It was a very small |
 [text310, 393]            Uber associations including the National |
  [text311, 66]                       Black business owners at Dama |
 [text323, 392]                               not an accessory to a |
  [text326, 50]                            art gallery wine bar and |
 [text332, 178]                     Market Jerry's Subs and Summers |
 [text333, 136]                               fresh air Here are 11 |
 [text341, 448]                  discounts and promotions with area |
 [text348, 536]                       pandemic on retail stores and |
   [text349, 3]                                  Eighteen Arlington |
  [text349, 11]            in this winter's Metropolitan Washington |
  [text349, 64]             local establishments are offering their |
  [text349, 78]                    to dine-in options The Arlington |
  [text354, 74]         impacted many sectors including hospitality |
 [text367, 142]            enter many District businesses including |
 [text367, 223]                             covid test to enter all |
   [text369, 2]                                                 New |
  [text369, 29]                                 plans to open a new |
  [text369, 40]                  in South Arlington Luangrath whose |
 [text383, 334]                                   a Five Guys and a |
  [text389, 32]                 owner tells ARLnow The alcohol-free |
  [text389, 60]                      and Mansour's health While the |
 [text389, 250]                                in order to open the |
 [text389, 313]                  for being careful Purple Ethiopian |
  [text390, 59]                          for the holidays dining at |
 [text401, 224]                            a fire at Crystal City's |
 [text411, 158]                          make your life special the |
  [text428, 47]                            that works with bars and |
 [text428, 290]                            as part of the Arlington |
   [text430, 6]                       Updated 11 16 Long-time local |
  [text430, 66]         occupied by the recently-closed Portabellos |
 [text430, 249]                                was a big reason the |
 [text430, 283]                               for a restart Being a |
 [text430, 308]                                is to open even more |
 [text430, 389]                after his near-death experience This |
 [text436, 204]                                  As a rule of thumb |
  [text437, 63]                               You can eat inside at |
 [text444, 577]                                 try to do events at |
 [text445, 328]                           2015 that there'd be this |
 [text445, 416]                              the bus stop While the |
  [text466, 81]                       been difficult for the entire |
 [text466, 104]                       customer base for fast casual |
 [text466, 111]                    business districts like Zoup The |
   [text475, 4]                               Fundraiser for Former |
  [text485, 58]                          dinner there is a possible |
  [text485, 71]                  Langston Blvd formerly Lee Highway |
  [text485, 94]                         landlord locked him and the |
 [text485, 103]                         were also dispatched to the |
 [text485, 177]                       the pastry shop and Ethiopian |
 [text499, 215]              program Patch Arlington Public Schools |
 [text499, 257]                        relax for five minutes These |
  [text501, 13]                               to make it easier for |
  [text501, 41]                        approved a temporary way for |
  [text501, 56]                       an outdoor dining permit Many |
 [text501, 108]                       In December the Board granted |
 [text501, 139]                        spring the County Board gave |
 [text501, 503]                               time it will take for |
 [text501, 542]                           summer of 2021 winds down |
 [text501, 639]                 the provisions permanent will allow |
   [text502, 9]                       of Summers The former Summers |
 [text514, 268]   Virginia Transportation Commission InsideNova New |
 [text514, 286]                          have new neighbors A halal |
 [text514, 325]                the buffet-style Kabob Palace Family |
  [text517, 75]                40-seat sit-down oysters and seafood |
   [text522, 4]                            A long-time neighborhood |
  [text522, 29]                             on Saturday Sept 25 The |
  [text522, 68]                           posted on its website the |
 [text522, 170]                                 as a little 54 seat |
 [text522, 204]                           that so many embraced our |
 [text522, 219]                                     as we had For a |
 [text522, 301]                              member to help out the |
 [text522, 381]                             taken it's toll and the |
 [text522, 506]                                  to try to sell the |
  [text527, 88]                  expect themed giveaways prizes and |
 [text527, 203]                      a 10 discount at participating |
 [text545, 535]                      most perform away from transit |
   [text550, 4]                                       Opening a new |
  [text550, 10]                            isn't easy but opening a |
 [text550, 128]             different Spanish European and American |
 [text550, 172]                           decided to open a Mexican |
 [text550, 203]            differentiates itself from other Mexican |
 [text550, 211]                          food and the services this |
 [text550, 407]                     feel more comfortable dining at |
 [text550, 424]                      of customers and employees The |
 [text550, 469]                               in the success of the |
 restaurant  | seating areas past February 2023                 
 restaurants | Many people have enjoyed outdoor                 
 restaurant  | owners for business operations during            
 restaurants | and food service and retail                      
 restaurant  | there and in D.C but                             
 restaurant  | Another thing that Maher is                      
 restaurant  | There's a lot on the                             
 restaurant  | theater business operations are built            
 restaurants | allegedly exceeding 50 capacity and              
 restaurants | exceeding 50 capacity Far and                    
 restaurants | were other violations about 330                  
 restaurant  | and cleaning industry with no                    
 restaurants | started reopening her husband picked             
 restaurants | but also on how comfortable                      
 restaurants | to midnight and by mid-May                       
 restaurant  | to close from March until                        
 restaurant  | to share with your household                     
 Restaurant  | afloat The LGBTQ-friendly bar at                 
 restaurant  | open every holiday to ensure                     
 restaurant  | which were donated to Virginia                   
 restaurants | an act that breathed life                        
 restaurants | that make up the core                            
 restaurant  | are two of the most                              
 restaurant  | and 48 had recently gone                         
 restaurant  | cut its 2o person staff                          
 restaurant  | fully closed Despite not serving                 
 restaurant  | there were about 300 kids                        
 restaurants | including Silver Diner Rasa Grill                
 restaurants | are sources of spread but                        
 restaurants | and family gatherings From InsideNova            
 restaurants | and family gatherings may require                
 restaurants | particularly in the trendy Clarendon             
 restaurants | may need to be shut                              
 restaurants | opened Garvey is quoted as                       
 restaurants | is currently at home in                          
 restaurants | and he hopes after the                           
 restaurant  | said Pupatella's new S Walter                    
 restaurants | providing carryout delivery options to           
 restaurants | which are hurting so deeply                      
 restaurants | Those are safer and easier                       
 restaurants | They have been using donations                   
 restaurants | and give it to local                             
 Restaurants | have been restricted to take-out                 
 restaurants | have struggled to maintain their                 
 restaurants | Restaurants all across the world                 
 Restaurants | all across the world are                         
 restaurants | and delivering it to the                         
 restaurants | that needed to make sales                        
 restaurants | and healthcare experts then click                
 restaurants | in Crystal City He noted                         
 restaurants | that pivoted to curbside carryout                
 restaurants | to stop dine-in service in                       
 restaurant  | said via Instagram on Sunday                     
 restaurant  | which first opened in 2012                       
 restaurant  | is planning to reopen on                         
 restaurant  | We also hired a new                              
 Restaurant  | claimed he lost nearly $                         
 restaurant  | has relocated to a new                           
 restaurant  | that's moving into the former                    
 restaurant  | Soul Wingz and Latin American                    
 restaurant  | industry trend Locally Arlington-based Lebanese  
 restaurants | and personal services One way                    
 restaurant  | for sale in Arlington VA                         
 restaurant  | is ABSENTEE OWNED and profiting                  
 restaurant  | and bar in the heart                             
 restaurant  | has been in business for                         
 restaurants | the current owner does not                       
 restaurants | to apply for outdoor tents                       
 restaurants | unhappy For the last two                         
 restaurants | set up temporary outdoor seating                 
 restaurants | that received a building permit                  
 restaurants | that talked with ARLnow confused                 
 restaurant  | with locations in Maryland D.C                   
 restaurant  | did have an outdoor tent                         
 restaurant  | a tent had to come                               
 restaurants | are not going to go                              
 restaurant  | industry was hit particularly hard               
 restaurant  | tells ARLnow So when we                          
 restaurant  | of Lost Dog Cafe which                           
 restaurants | differ both have the same                        
 restaurants | support the locally-based non-profit Lost        
 restaurant  | reopened But a number of                         
 restaurant  | to add more booths Garcia                        
 restaurant  | are craft cocktails something that               
 restaurants | like Brass Rabbit and Guajillo                   
 restaurant  | management software company MarginEdge and       
 restaurant  | at 556 22nd Street S                             
 restaurant  | row The property owner told                      
 restaurant  | The property owners acknowledged operational     
 restaurant  | owners and the landlord told                     
 restaurant  | open including one just over                     
 restaurant  | ARLnow has reached out to                        
 restaurant  | to confirm and ask why                           
 restaurant  | founder and co-owner Nick Shauman                
 Restaurant  | Revitalization Fund and asked customers          
 restaurants | from closing their doors for                     
 restaurant  | chain was founded by Andrew                      
 restaurants | have opened at Ballston Quarter                  
 restaurants | permanent Cristol noted that she                 
 restaurant  | is looking to start serving                      
 restaurant  | is known for its guacamole                       
 restaurant  | several other retailers began operations         
 restaurants | The grants are to provide                        
 Restaurant  | Association Metropolitan Washington Each business
 restaurants | like Saigon Saigon This is                       
 restaurant  | is looking to open in                            
 restaurant  | in Ballston but Covid paused                     
 restaurants | also mostly in malls Over                        
 restaurants | opening up in the coming                         
 restaurants | were served good news yesterday                  
 restaurants | over the last year Stellina                      
 Restaurant  | Association Metropolitan Washington the region's 
 restaurant  | industry trade association It's intended         
 restaurants | for its work over the                            
 restaurants | were routinely given few accolades               
 restaurants | adapted to pandemic conditions For               
 restaurants | are finalists this year for                      
 Restaurants | have a way of making                             
 restaurant  | of the year Queen Mother's                       
 restaurant  | incubator Cafe by La Cocina                      
 restaurants | a bookstore and a barre                          
 restaurants | and bars or have them                            
 restaurant  | The Ballston location opened at                  
 restaurants | shut down due to the                             
 restaurants | and pubs that are celebrating                    
 restaurants | and small businesses in the                      
 restaurant  | at the time Bolton says                          
 Restaurant  | Association and PhRMA and nonprofits             
 Restaurant  | on Columbia Pike to discuss                      
 restaurant  | in a century Like most                           
 restaurant  | and next to the Macy's                           
 Restaurant  | But the revolution will only                     
 restaurants | cranking up the heat on                          
 restaurants | for attendees and live-streamed pre-festival     
 restaurants | Office property values also decreased            
 restaurants | are participating in this winter's               
 Restaurant  | Week from Jan 17 to                              
 restaurant  | week menus for take-out and                      
 restaurants | listed as participants are below                 
 restaurants | and construction On a positive                   
 restaurants | starting in mid-January That prompted            
 restaurants | bars gyms and indoor meeting                     
 Restaurant  | Coming to Arlington Ridge Chef                   
 restaurant  | at a grocery-anchored retail center              
 restaurants | include Thip Khao in Columbia                    
 restaurant  | and bar called B Live                            
 restaurant  | will highlight Arabic culture owner              
 restaurant  | received a county permit in                      
 restaurant  | within the next six weeks                        
 Restaurant  | Lounge was the site of                           
 restaurants | and generally living their lives                 
 restaurant  | row on 23rd Street earlier                       
 restaurant  | on the corner the farm                           
 restaurants | in Clarendon and Crystal City                    
 Restaurant  | Initiative ARI which was founded                 
 restaurant  | Pines of Florence and its                        
 restaurant  | in a one-story shopping strip                    
 restaurant  | shuttered in June 2020 the                       
 restaurant  | owner is in my genes                             
 restaurants | in the coming years The                          
 restaurant  | is going to be meaningful                        
 restaurants | can afford to devote roughly                     
 restaurants | attend sporting events go to                     
 restaurants | bars and parks Hensley said                      
 restaurant  | with neighborhood appeal Kachadoorian said       
 restaurant  | has indicated the bus stop's                     
 restaurant  | industry but many office workers                 
 restaurants | in business districts like Zoup                  
 restaurant  | tried to give back to                            
 Restaurant  | Employee My name is Dante                        
 restaurant  | closure to be aware of                           
 restaurant  | was set to close tomorrow                        
 restaurant  | out today Police were also                       
 restaurant  | earlier today for a report                       
 restaurant  | is open with normal operations                   
 Restaurant  | Recs for Those With Kids                         
 restaurants | are going out of their                           
 restaurants | to establish or expand outdoor                   
 restaurants | to circumvent the normally lengthy               
 restaurants | debuted outdoor seating over the                 
 restaurant  | and bar owners the ability                       
 restaurants | a way to request temporary                       
 restaurants | to adapt to new rules                            
 restaurants | will need to start making                        
 restaurants | to invest in their spaces                        
 restaurant  | in Courthouse was torn down                      
 Restaurants | Coming to Crystal City The                       
 restaurant  | franchisee has signed a lease                    
 Restaurant  | had been Washington Business Journal             
 restaurant  | with a separate entrance DCist                   
 restaurant  | serving the Cherrydale and Maywood               
 restaurant  | located within a small one-story                 
 restaurant  | cited pandemic-related business challenges and   
 restaurant  | on the corner of North                           
 restaurant  | and that we were able                            
 restaurant  | to survive and thrive right                      
 restaurant  | owner The pandemic wiped out                     
 restaurant  | can no longer keep going                         
 restaurant  | and would share the proceeds                     
 restaurant  | deals throughout Beginning on Sept               
 restaurants | and the full Rosslyn Jazz                        
 restaurants | and other walkable amenities Embracing           
 restaurant  | isn't easy but opening a                         
 restaurant  | in the middle of a                               
 restaurants | Circumstances around the onset of                
 restaurant  | offering authentic Mexican cuisine We            
 restaurants | With the food and the                            
 restaurant  | has become what the customer                     
 restaurants | Los Chamacos continues to take                   
 restaurant  | complies with social distancing and              
 restaurant  | from the very beginning Next                     
# 211 rows

Finally, I wanted to make a word cloud as a basic way to visualize what words are appearing a lot. I tried following an online tutorial but that one wasn’t working so I did another (but kept the code commented out in case I can figure it out later). I thought this ended up being really cool!

# From

docs <- Corpus(VectorSource(arlnow_covid$text_field))

# Convert the text to lower case
docs <- tm_map(docs, content_transformer(tolower))
# Remove numbers
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeNumbers)
# Remove english common stopwords
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
# Remove punctuations
docs <- tm_map(docs, removePunctuation)
# Eliminate extra white spaces
docs <- tm_map(docs, stripWhitespace)
# Remove words
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeWords, c("arlington", "county", "virginia", "’s", "—", '“', '”'))
# Text stemming
# docs <- tm_map(docs, stemDocument)

dtm <- TermDocumentMatrix(docs)
m <- as.matrix(dtm)
v <- sort(rowSums(m),decreasing=TRUE)
d <- data.frame(word = names(v),freq=v)

wordcloud(words = d$word, freq = d$freq, min.freq = 1,
          max.words=100, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35, 
          colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))

# From
# This was not working, I was getting the error "Error in UseMethod("TermDocumentMatrix", x) : no applicable method for 'TermDocumentMatrix' applied to an object of class "c('corpus', 'character')"", and I could not quite figure out how to resolve it
# arlnow_covid_text = arlnow_covid$text_field
# arlnow_covid_corpus_text = corpus(arlnow_covid_text)
# dtm <- TermDocumentMatrix(arlnow_covid_corpus_text)
# matrix <- as.matrix(dtm) 
# words <- sort(rowSums(matrix),decreasing=TRUE) 
# df <- data.frame(word = names(words),freq=words)
# wordcloud(words = df$word, freq = df$freq, min.freq = 1, max.words=100, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35)

Overall, I have my data (but can easily get more if needed) and some research ideas that I am really looking forward to exploring more as we learn more methods in class! The webscraping was difficult and time consuming and I was running into some errors with the word cloud, and I think I may need some time with figuring out corpus/token/etc, but I was happy to get my data and start to look at it and analyze a little bit of it.